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KMP v0.1.5.1 [0.23] [alpha] [inactive]


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@inigma: I'll probably keep my 4 servers on my machine (3 if orbit gets merged, 2 after 0.1.6) - They aren't all that popular :P

The server list would be good to transfer though, I've changed the backend scraper to a C# program so it's more reliable and can handle many more servers (currently it's checking 24).

Now that I'm unshaped, I can also play on public servers :)

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Thank you for the awesome mod. Truly. Just have a single question, since im not sadistic enough to kill poor bill kerman trying this out by trial and splat, Can two people on the server occupy the same vessel, either from multiple command pods, or using a stock crew pod, or for instance sitting in a chair from B9's part pack? or even the command chair.

I suppose what im asking is:

If i make a big carrier with spaces inside to move around in and such, can my friend enter it and remain on board someplace while we warp off to someplace for adventure? Intuitition tells me that as long as its not in warp and we're sync'd i could say eva a kerbal inside and he could do the same and work it out that way, but accelleration to go off someplaace during eva in an inside environment would equal a very lonely kerbal lost in space. I tried finding an answer before asking this so i apologize in advance if you get this a lot :(.

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@Loex: If you try to fly the same vessel, you will go into spectate mode. So your friend can (for example) dock with you, you can take him to another planet, then you can both undock and do your thing ;)

The piloting player in warp won't send updates while actually in warp (aka, spectators won't follow into warp), but when the piloting player does come out of warp, the spectator will sync to their time.

I *think* trying to board an active vessel will make the kerbal disappear, as the piloting player never sees the EVA kerbal actually broad the craft. Docking should work fine though (provided you don't get hit with the undocking bug).

Don't be afraid to experiment in KSP/KMP - Rescue missions are good practice, My worst one was a landing on Moho without any means of return, I saved jeb in the end though ;)

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@Loex: If you try to fly the same vessel, you will go into spectate mode. So your friend can (for example) dock with you, you can take him to another planet, then you can both undock and do your thing ;)

The piloting player in warp won't send updates while actually in warp (aka, spectators won't follow into warp), but when the piloting player does come out of warp, the spectator will sync to their time.

I *think* trying to board an active vessel will make the kerbal disappear, as the piloting player never sees the EVA kerbal actually broad the craft. Docking should work fine though (provided you don't get hit with the undocking bug).

Don't be afraid to experiment in KSP/KMP - Rescue missions are good practice, My worst one was a landing on Moho without any means of return, I saved jeb in the end though ;)

Awesome, Our server is up and running and we're just about to start testing the limitations of how we can set up transportation.

I know what ya mean about jeb, my poor jeb is in an escape trajectory out of kerbol solar system, so rescue isnt possible anymore short of installing KSPI and warping out to it ( which carries with it the issue of hitting a speck or dust with a BB from a few million miles away...lol

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@KvickFlygarn87: Apparently already works with the update (according to reddit), but I'm going to attempt to update the development version. As it won't be "official" (because it's not gimp's) I'll call it :P

EDIT: Scrap that ^.

Got in touch with gimp, I'm basing off development and pulling some of the good bits from my orbital branch (Docking fix, Coloured orbits, killVessel working correctly aka: no duplicates, maybe instant light/brakes/gears) and changing the things I need to get it working. It shall be called, but it has *major* improvements over release.

It is available on KMPUpdater-arm.exe and my build server, but it's not finished yet - I have an issue with trying to select things in the tracking station, and the issue carries over to the single player KMP save.

If someone is good at understanding persistent.sfs and knows what's going on - you can help us out by jumping on IRC (Hit the build server link and use the IRC client thing there), but I'll continue on and figure it out sooner or later :).

EDIT 2: *shrugs*. Everything seems to work now, I'll put up an arm server but I'll take down the orbit one, I'm taking a different approach with that version now.

EDIT 3: Pre-release linked on reddit

EDIT 4: Prerelease revoked as it's all in dev. KMPUpdater-development.exe or my build server (link in sig) are your friends. Release should be incoming shortly.

Edited by godarklight
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hmm i wonder if this can be used for single player as a means to take control of multiple ships at once as shown in the original proof of concept video...

just saying as it would really help with docking and mass planning

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Will the new version of KMP support asteroids? I tried installing the newest dev version with KMPUpdate-development.exe and nuking my db and then updating the clients, but still no asteroids.

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@fridgeofcanada: That currently gets written off a KSP bug but I think there may be some way to prevent it from happening. If anyone knows how to reproduce it exactly, 100% of the time or explain the fix the persistent.sfs file it might be worth jumping on IRC. You can't edit the persistent.sfs file with KMP, but we might be able to detect and fix it before sending it to the server.

I remember something about how decouplers could come into play, but I don't think that was a 100% reliable fix. I've also seen that the broken docking port can actually switch vessels depending on how you docked, and it's only when both are unable to undock that the real problem occurs.

Hello godarklight,

do you still want help reproducing this? I can reproduce it any time. I just tried it with the dev version of today. However, I used my old savegame. I put the station into orbit, then I put a shuttle into orbit, docked. Quit KSP, quit KMP, start KMP, start KSP. Switch to station, undock possible.

I can put the Server and my KMP-hostfiles in a ZIP and can send it to you if you want.



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@Rob2222: Dang, I thought I got that one - The current fix is the same one from my older orbit branch and I didn't see the problem there (but I haven't docked a ton of things together either).

I've been doing other things for the last few days, but the last important bug is the "Unable to select anything but the research facility" in the space center screen - Which happens occasionally but it's not completely clear what the cause is ;).

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@Rob2222: Dang, I thought I got that one - The current fix is the same one from my older orbit branch and I didn't see the problem there (but I haven't docked a ton of things together either).

Is it a problem when I use my old "serverworld" from Feb 2014? I freshly started the space station and the shuttle new, today. So just my playerstats are from the old "serverworld".

I would put server, the 2 vehicles and my client-pluginconfig into a zip file and could upload it for you to reproduce it. Just start the server and launch the shuttle, dock, quit both, restart both, done.

Would this be helpful for you?



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What is the server requirements to be able to run KMP correctly ? I have a linux server and I would like to host a KMP server for 3 to 4 player.

Does it require a lot of ressource ?

Not really, just give it a shot, if it works, that's great. If it doesn't, well, it doesn't!

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Sorry for the delay :-/

@burnoutforzai: In your KSP folder, the file we would need is under KSP_Data/output_log.txt (on windows).

@Rob2222: KMP updates the database automatically - Even ancient databases from the first release in october, so it should be all good. Someone who is really good at reading the persistent.sfs file would probably need to explain what's going on to finally get that bug, but I haven't seen it for a while now :-/

@supermqrco: In theory a potato could run it, given the right amount of moisture :P. In all seriousness though, the release has a few strage database queries that can make it lag out for a bit, but the development version should be fine. When I was testing orbit (branch obselete, but it's close enough to current dev version minus the orbital positioning), We had 5 people playing and the server stayed snappy - no chat lag. Also, what KvickFlygarn87 said applies to a few areas of KMP (especially mods), Don't be afraid to experiment :P

If you're already using 0.23.5, keep on the dev version. The space center bug is the last major issue left I think...

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@Rob2222: KMP updates the database automatically - Even ancient databases from the first release in october, so it should be all good. Someone who is really good at reading the persistent.sfs file would probably need to explain what's going on to finally get that bug, but I haven't seen it for a while now :-/

OK, I created a savegame before server restart (good, "undock"able) and a savegame after restart (bad, not "undock"able anymore) and diffed them.

First, the docking port that has the "undock" menu on it changed from one ship side to the other ship side. I was able to see this in the savefiles, also.

There are 2 dockingports with differences.

In the good case they have:

state = docked (dockee)

state = docked (docker)

undock - active = false (on 1st)

undock - active = true (on 2nd)

undocksamevessel - active = false

undocksamevessel - active = false

Now, after reload this changed ... (I did not even try to undock as I created the savegame)

The bad case:

state = docked (same vessel)

state = docked (dockee)

undock - active = false

undock - active = false

undocksamevessel - active = true

undocksamevessel - active = false

So it seems the right way to undock is to trigger the event "undock".

However, after restarting the server I am only able to trigger the event "undocksamevessel".

And the state of both ports changed.

See the diff: http://www.diffchecker.com/keszgf5o

Does KMP build these files / the ship setup?

Full SFS set is available, if wanted.

Maybe this helps.

BR Robert

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@Rob2222: I think you've found it :)

I've made a custom build specifically to hunt down this issue quite a while ago. The problem I ran into was that everytime I wanted to tackle the bug, I couldn't recreate it...

There's some type of random element to this, if we can reproduce it 100% it will get much easier to tackle correctly.

This build dumps the vessels as they are transferred - You can connect to any dev server, and it's based on the latest, which is 7c77950.


EDIT: Actual instructions:

Replace KerbalMultiPlayer.dll on the client - You can connect to any dev server but I provided KMPServer.exe for some reason :P.

There will be two folders in your KSP folder, "SendVessels" and "ReceiveVessels" which contain the VESSEL {} blocks.

I think the next step is figuring out if they get sent broken, or if they load incorrectly on the receive side.

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@Rob2222: I think you've found it :)

OK, I made some tests with the tools. I used the same world file as before (shuttle is already parked next the station).

1) - docked and quicksave. quicksave is ok

2) - quit the client - sendvessel is ok

3) - this time I did not restart the server (as it seems it is enough to restart the client to reproduce the bug)

4) - started the client and connected - receivedvessel is ok (it is binary identical to the send one)

5) - quicksave. quicksave is not OK. here we have the swapped dockingports.

6) - client send the same vessel in background to the server - it's in sendvessel once again - bad version with swapped ports.

So for me it seems the problem is anywhere between receiving the data and put the data into the game engine.

Here is the diff: (Just CTRL-F for "docked")


On the left side you see the first sent version which is fully identical to the first received version.

On the right side you see the second sent version.

This is a funny thing... you can't reproduce it while I was never able to undock from my station after restarting the client. :D



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I'm experiencing a bug where in the tracking station I cannot do anything with ships that I've "recovered" I try to, but then they stay there and are untouchable and bug up my client. So for now i'm trying to just restart the server so...how do I wipe the server somewhat easily? I can't seem to find where everything is saved..

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I made my own server with 2 friends and we got alot of bugs in career mode;

- We can't recover or resume any flights if it does; the rocket still appear on map or our kerbal goes

- We get stuck in the R&D 9 times on 10.

- We can't enter building 4 times on 10.

How we can recover our vessels in multiplayer ?

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