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KSP weekly?


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Refresh the KSP main forum page where the weekly link pops up.

Watch an anime episode.

Refresh the KSP main forum page where the weekly link pops up.


Watch an anime episode.

Refresh the KSP main forum page where the weekly link pops up.


This is me.

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I don't really mind delays... they happen.

I'd just like to be told that there is one... and possibly an estimate for how long it is.

When there is no announcement... then... there is this tension of waiting and not knowing if it'll come out at any moment... like now. or now.


or now.


How about now?

(above is intended to be somewhat humorous and not at all demanding)

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The weekly always arrives at Wednesday where I live. :P

I guess their still debating about the 0.23 features (or taking a break which they deserve).

Anyhow, I'll be looking forward to it like every week.

I need to know what they are doing for .23


right now

My timezone it's 8 minutes to midnight.

This reminds me of when 0.22 was announced... people counting down...

0.22 Can't satisfy us for even a week, we apparently require the excitement of knowing there is stuff [in the works] that we can't touch [yet].

*stares to the left with one eye at SpaceSphere and to the right with the other eye at Spyritdragon*

*stares with penetrating eyes at your back*

(starting to feel uncomfortable yet? )

And I'm going to abuse the attention to tell you all there is movement in the mapping scene. 0.22-ready mapping plugins are being developed (and released) as we type.

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Haha yes I still get a lot of enjoyment out of dev blogs. So that's why it interests me.

*stares at all the staring people*

Actually, I'd love to see more full-fledged dev blogs. Like Harvester did when he introduced Kerbins 'biomes' (do we have a better name for those yet?).

KSP Weekly is a very usefull tool to 'satisfy' the inform-the-crowd need. It's great they keep us so well informed! But I'd love to have a 'decent meal' once in a while, besides all the info-snacks.

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Actually, I'd love to see more full-fledged dev blogs. Like Harvester did when he introduced Kerbins 'biomes' (do we have a better name for those yet?).

KSP Weekly is a very usefull tool to 'satisfy' the inform-the-crowd need. It's great they keep us so well informed! But I'd love to have a 'decent meal' once in a while, besides all the info-snacks.

You don't like biomes? Seems a perfectly fitting word. Maybe not for the different altitude regions but for the regions of ground... biome seems to fits just fine to me.

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