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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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previously speaking about blizzy's toolbar support - i've created an icon i hereby place in the public domain for anyone's use if you feel like it (the two images below are the transparent one to be used, and a black background so we can see the details in the forum)


i'd do a pull request myself and create support but i'm a bit rusty on my back-end code, front-end javascript fine, back-end, meh

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I've been tweaking this config as i notice issues with it, updated code below in the quote

  skbernard said:
hey guys, figured i'd post a somewhat working clouds.cfg file for anyone using the Overhaul branch from github - this only has tweaks for Kerbin at the moment, its rough and dirty but lets you get something up and running that "works"

copy and paste (overwriting everything) to your clouds.cfg file in BoulderCo/Atmosphere

altitude = 4000
speed = 30
_Color = 0.41, 0.80, 1, 0.25
_Visibility = 0.00001
altitude = 3600
speed = 100
texture = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_DistFade = 0.5
_DistFadeVert = 2e-5
_LightScatter = 1
_MinLight = 10
altitude = 8000
speed = 100
detailSpeed = 60
offset = 0,0,0
shadow = true
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 0.5
_FalloffScale = 0.5
_DetailScale = 0.5
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 0.5
_MinLight = 10.5
_FadeDist = 1
_FadeScale = 1
_RimDist = 1
_RimDistSub = 1
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_DetailScale = 6
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 0.0012
_MinLight = 0.5
_FadeDist = 2.25
_FadeScale = 0.00375
_RimDist = 1
_RimDistSub = 0.01

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For some reason the sky on Kerbin is now showing terrain and when I zoom out the fake terrain isn't lined up with the actual terrain. Haven't changed a thing with my install, this has just happened randomly. Alt+F2 shows no errors at all.

Edit: the debug console is now showing "Texture 'BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1' has no data"

Edited by djnattyd
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I have given the overhaul pack a try. Firstly, I'm using the 64 bit version since I run a 64 bit machine. I have noticed some glitches which I'd like to sort out. I know that this pack is still being developed in order to be properly compatible with 0.24 but it appears some of us are reaping some benefits nevertheless.

One thing I've noticed is the apparent light even when it's dark. I tweaked the Atmosphere file to 0.05 as another post said. It cures the light problem but still leaves more to desire. Something that I also notice is that in map view and when out in space, the clouds are not rendered. Instead, I get just a horizontal line of clouds showing. Not sure if anyone experienced this before, I couldn't find anything related to this. Also, while in orbit around Kerbin, I somehow get shadows from the craft getting cast over half the hemisphere facing me. I've made some missions to the Mun and although I did see clouds on Kerbin rendered from the Mun's surface, as soon as I reach about 400,000m of altitude down to around 90,000 all clouds fade away and I can see the distinct shadow of the craft. They do pop back up once I get lower. Also, from the Mun, I could notice that the clouds on the dark side of Kerbin get rendered at a lighter shade, which means that they are still visible as they appear less dark than Kerbin.

Now for the atmosphere related mods that I use, here's the list:

Better Atmospheres

Texture Replacer (from BA link)

Custom Asteroids (from BA link)

Kittopia (from BA link)

Distant Object Enhancement (from BA link)

Active Texture Management

Deadly Re-Entry

I installed these and the overhaul pack about 3/4 weeks ago when I moved to 0.24. I did not carry any savegames with me and decided to start afresh so there's definitely no save-game issues going on. Anyone got any tips for me to resolve this issue? It is annoying, even though still playable but I'd like to get this sorted out. Anyone having the same issue maybe?

Here is what I'm talking about



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Vessel view no, I don't get that line... but I do get a similar effect. The clouds disappear at the altitudes I specified and I can make out the craft's shadow on the planet. They do however magically re-appear after descending lower than about 90,000m

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  skbernard said:
Its likely due to a setting in your clouds.cfg - can you post the content from that? GameData/BoulderCo/Atmospheres IIRC

Ok will do later today

Ok, this is the file:







altitude = 4000

speed = 30

scaledOverlay = Geometry



detailSpeed = 6



_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1

_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1

_DetailScale = 60




_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1

_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1

_DetailScale = 60

_DetailDist = 0.0012

_FadeScale = 2.25

_RimDist = .06





texture = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1



_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1

_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2

_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3







_Color = 0.41796875, 0.8046875, 1, .05

_Visibility = .00002






Edited by Kreu
added cloud.cfg data
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  Kreu said:
Ok will do later today

Ok, this is the file:

try replacing all the text in your file with the text in the file i've modified below (i've been tweaking things to my preference for Kerbin the past couple of days) and see if it helps at all with your render distance issues

i have a few additional stat modifications in mine that aren't present in yours which could help

altitude = 4000
speed = 30
_Color = 0.41, 0.80, 1, 0.25
_Visibility = 0.00001
altitude = 3600
speed = 100
texture = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_DistFade = 0.5
_DistFadeVert = 2e-5
_LightScatter = 1
_MinLight = 10
altitude = 8000
speed = 100
detailSpeed = 60
offset = 0,0,0
shadow = true
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 0.5
_FalloffScale = 0.5
_DetailScale = 0.5
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 0.5
_MinLight = 10.5
_FadeDist = 1
_FadeScale = 1
_RimDist = 1
_RimDistSub = 1
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_DetailScale = 6
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 0.0012
_MinLight = 0.5
_FadeDist = 2.25
_FadeScale = 0.00375
_RimDist = 1
_RimDistSub = 0.01

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You mentioned using the 64bit version due to your machine being 64bit, but you never mentioned that you are using the 64bit client of KSP. If you are using the x86 version of KSP, you should be using the x86 version of the overhaul. It does not matter what your system is or can handle, the versions are specific to the KSP executable.

If that is not the case, try reinstalling using only the overhaul and not adding in BA and see if the problem persists. Also, the Support(modded installs) forum has a sticky that details how to submit useful bug reports, I suggest you follow those guidelines so that the best help can be given to you.

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  Kreu said:
I have given the overhaul pack a try....

Now for the atmosphere related mods that I use, here's the list:

Better Atmospheres

Is Better Atmospheres compatible with the overhauls?

I had assumed not.

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  Kreu said:
No luck with this one... Just out of curiosity, are you using Better Atmospheres aswell?

no i'm not using BA, WololoW (awesome AoE reference in that name BTW, Phoenicians FTW!) had a good idea for diagnosing the problem, as long as your bits are correct, trying without BA

EDIT: I just looked in to BA and it appears that they use the old format of config files, not the format currently used in the Overhaul branch of this mod - i think that's likely your conflict right there

Edited by skbernard
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I'm seeing no mipmapping at all on detail textures. The city "centers" in this screenshot and any grass have very apparent moire issues. Is that my GPU config or maybe something in the EVE shader/textures/whatever?


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  WololoW said:

You mentioned using the 64bit version due to your machine being 64bit, but you never mentioned that you are using the 64bit client of KSP. If you are using the x86 version of KSP, you should be using the x86 version of the overhaul. It does not matter what your system is or can handle, the versions are specific to the KSP executable.

If that is not the case, try reinstalling using only the overhaul and not adding in BA and see if the problem persists. Also, the Support(modded installs) forum has a sticky that details how to submit useful bug reports, I suggest you follow those guidelines so that the best help can be given to you.

Excuse me but I'm not sure if I understood correctly. What exactly do you mean by "client"? I am using KSP x64 bit, the system runs 64 bit and I obviously got the overhaul 64 bit pack. I have been told that BA is not made to be compatible with overhaul and I don't know if anyone with my same specs has got both EVE and BA working without glitches

no i'm not using BA, WololoW (awesome AoE reference in that name BTW, Phoenicians FTW!) had a good idea for diagnosing the problem, as long as your bits are correct, trying without BA

EDIT: I just looked in to BA and it appears that they use the old format of config files, not the format currently used in the Overhaul branch of this mod - i think that's likely your conflict right there

Yeah I think I'm going to either uninstall BA and try EVE on its own or keep BA and revert to the older stable version of EVE. Will see... By the way, I've got to thank you for a pleasant effect of your cfg tweak. While it did not help with the glitch I'm having, it did however remove the stutter I was getting when I hit the cloud layers during launch. I'm running smooth launches now thanks to you :)

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  mrBlaQ said:
I'm seeing no mipmapping at all on detail textures. The city "centers" in this screenshot and any grass have very apparent moire issues. Is that my GPU config or maybe something in the EVE shader/textures/whatever?


KSP Version? EVE Version? Packs? OS? etc... Do you use ATM or Texture Replacer? Looks like overhaul, but the 2D cloud layer isn't smooth when it hits the mountains... Are you up-to-date with EVE?

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I'm using EVE and BA in Realism Overhual (RSS). I had to modify the clouds a bit because they were indicative of Jupiter like wind speeds. I think I got em looking pretty good. I also took out the city lights portion because they were in the oceans more than on land. You'd be surprised at how much of the Earth is covered by water. City lights on the ocean just kind of ruins the immersion for me, so I pulled it out. I have not been to the other planets yet so I don't know what other oddities will show up. I'll fix them when I eventually get there. I can share the clouds config if anyone wants it. Like I said, only Kerbin (Earth) has been adjusted. Just PM me if you want it.

Here is a somewhat decent screenshot with BA used with RO.


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So, prior to deciding what to do with BA and EVE, I've decided to run an experiment and try to seek what the cause is. First up, I installed a fresh version of KSP 0.24 booted it and so far so good.

Part 1: Installed EVE, ran KSP and everything seems nominal. I do get clouds in in Vehicle view on the ground and in orbit, but none are visible from the Tracking Station view*. But no glitch so far. I presume EVE removes clouds from station view?

Part 2: Uninstalled EVE and installed BA. No clouds or atmospheric effects whatsoever... I think I may have found the culprit.

Part 3: Re-install EVE and run KSP with both EVE and BA. The glitch is gone but I can see the city lights out of alignment and placed instead over the ocean... hmmm that's odd. P.S. I kept the citylight.cfg from BA as it was marked as being newer instead of overwriting with the EVE version of the file.

Part 4: Do the opposite and overwrite Citylights with EVE version. still out of alignment and no glitch visible yet...

Part 5: Add Distant Object Enhancement. Removed Real Solar System (incompatible anyway). No effect on the glitch and lights still out of alignment.

Part 6: Added Active Texture Management and it corrected the Citylights misalignment. Now off to hunt whatever is causing the glitch

Part 7: Added Deadly Re-Entry... no changes. Everything nominal

Part 8: Added Ferram Aerospace. Situation nominal

Part 9: Did the double-check test and deleted settings.cfg - situation still nominal. It is confirmed that all atmosphere related mods are not the cause. So now on to the other add-ons...

Part 10: WIP

*Thanks to skbernard who kindly explained that there is no cloud rendering in map and station view. Therefore, I am treating the absence of clouds as nominal in the given circumstances.

** all EVE installs are the x64 overhaul version

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  Kreu said:
Part 1: Installed EVE, ran KSP and everything seems nominal. I do get clouds in in Vehicle view on the ground and in orbit, but none are visible from the Tracking Station view. But no glitch so far. I presume EVE removes clouds from station view?

What version of EVE? The overhaul, the 0.23.5 version (which isnt technically supported in 0.24.2) - ín EVE:Overhaul there's a cloud rendering bug in map view and station view

  Kreu said:
Part 2: Uninstalled EVE and installed BA. No clouds or atmospheric effects whatsoever... I think I may have found the culprit.

The only way BA works with changing the atmospheres and graphics is through EVE - without EVE, BA doesnt work... also BA does not currently support EVE:Overhaul

  Kreu said:
Part 3: Re-install EVE and run KSP with both EVE and BA. The glitch is gone but I can see the city lights out of alignment and placed instead over the ocean... hmmm that's odd. P.S. I kept the citylight.cfg from BA as it was marked as being newer instead of overwriting with the EVE version of the file.

BA, i believe is configured to use RSS so the placement of lights for cities is based on a scaled up sized Kerbin, either 6.4 times larger or 10 times larger, that would make sense why BA is placing lights in the water on your normal sized Kerbin

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  JTG said:
Can someone get me a link to the newest version? These cities are AMAZING!

The cities are currently in development by Astronomer - the are not a default part of EVE or the EVE:Overhaul - they are part of a configuration pack that Astronomer will be putting out once EVE:Overhaul is released.

The current in development version of EVE is the EVE:Overhaul, which works in KSP 0.24.2 but has some bugs and a very bland, boring default cloud/atmosphere configuration file. Download the EVE:Overhaul from here for your correct operating system (x86-Release.zip or x64-Release.zip), then check a few pages back for a better replacement to the default clouds.cfg file.

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