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Probe Science config files (any version KSP)


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Here's some configuration files to allow probe cores to do science. They require ModuleManager 1.5 or later.

(will also work with ModuleManager 1.3 + MMSarbianExtensions for now)

Unzip and copy the file enclosed to your GameData folder inside your KSP install folder:


The download includes the following files:

  • science_for_probes.cfg - Let's probe cores take basic measurements. Requires the probe science definition file below.
  • probe_science_definitions.cfg - Basically it's the Crew Reports definitions but changed to automated probe flavoring.
  • temperature_patch.cfg - General purpose thermometer patch for probes and manned missions. (previously, if you tried to take temperature readings in certain places you would get a "temperature scan can't be done right now")

Also required: ModuleManager

So... What Does This DO???

Stock probes can't do much science!!!. Sure you can (and should) attach every sensor you've researched on them but they should be able to do science!!! on their own. So these files will let them take basic readings anywhere in space or on the ground. The research value is not as much as you would get if you actually had a live Kerbal there so this by no means obviates the need for 'boots on the ground.'

It also allows the probes to take and analyze dirt samples. The science value for this one is the same as for Kerbals taking dirt samples. The main reason for this is that it uses the stock science definitions for samples, whereas the probe reports have their own science definitions, which allowed me to assign reduced science values. (base value is reduced by 1/5th and the cap is reduced by 1/4. The cap is probably fine as is but possibly the base value could be cut further, maybe even to 1/2 or 1/4 of its current value. That would have the effect of greatly reduced value per report but with a final total that approaches manned missions. If you find probe science to be too easy then edit the probe_science_definitions.cfg file and then lower baseValue. A value of 1 or 2 might do it. And let me know here if you thought it was too easy)

And finally, as mentioned above, the thermometer patch. Currently you can only take temperature readings in a few places. The thermometer patch will let you take readings anywhere.

Licensing information: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US

Edited by Starwaster
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Excellent! The thermometer thing was really confusing.

Yeah, I think it was just the situationMask that was limiting it but I also added in a few flavor texts. I'm not sure all of those are working right because I'm not sure (with respect to the sun) what constitutes 'inSpaceLow' and 'inSpaceHigh' so the flavor text might not always make sense :(

BTW, getting ModuleManager to work with the temperature was a tiny bit trickier than usual because it has no name keys so it needed Sarbian's extensions to see it and then deleting its RESULTS{} node and replacing it with mine.

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@Starwaster: I downloaded the configuration files and looked them over. The science_for_probes.cfg confuses me. It appears to write two copies of MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment } into all of the probes, but does not write a MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer }. Is one of the two duplicate sections really supposed to be a ModuleScienceContainer?


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@Starwaster: I downloaded the configuration files and looked them over. The science_for_probes.cfg confuses me. It appears to write two copies of MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment } into all of the probes, but does not write a MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer }. Is one of the two duplicate sections really supposed to be a ModuleScienceContainer?


I have only one thing to say to that.


Edit: Actually..... I panicked for the wrong reasons. There IS a problem but it's not the module I'm using, the problem is the experimentID. It should at minimum be set to surfaceSample which limits where you can perform that particular set of research.

Even better would be a new set of messages appropriate to mechanical probes. I'll fix that.

Edited by Starwaster
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Uploaded new definition files and probe science files. Probes get their own sample collection now which they analyze and transmit the results back to Kerbin. I don't think they can collect samples in quite the same way as Kerbals; the container module is for Kerbals on EVA...

That is to say, the container module is for Kerbals to store samples while on EVA... the EVA aspect can be turned off but I'm not sure what effect that has on the probes if I were to try to attach the container to them. (A Kerbal should be able to store samples on the probe but can the probe store samples on itself?)

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Ok, I was under the impression that a lowly set of configuration files did not require licensing.

That's apparently not the case so, license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US

I think it says 'do whatever the heck you want with it as long as you share it with other people'

Oh and if it somehow changes your life and you find yourself in front of a lot of people accepting an award because of it you gotta say that you owe it all to Starwaster. Or something.

Oh also, while I'm at it, this should work ok the new ModuleManager 1.5 as is. If you use that one instead of MM 1.3 you don't need the MM Extensions.

Edited by Starwaster
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Yeah, I think it was just the situationMask that was limiting it but I also added in a few flavor texts. I'm not sure all of those are working right because I'm not sure (with respect to the sun) what constitutes 'inSpaceLow' and 'inSpaceHigh' so the flavor text might not always make sense :(

BTW, getting ModuleManager to work with the temperature was a tiny bit trickier than usual because it has no name keys so it needed Sarbian's extensions to see it and then deleting its RESULTS{} node and replacing it with mine.

As far as I know, SunInSpaceLow is any point below 1,000,000km altitude. Note that this is way below Moho's orbit, but within Ablate's orbit with the planet factory mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, so, does this work with probes from mods? And the MMSarbianExt.dll is outdated, will it still work? I get this when I have it installed…..


Then my debug menu spams up.

If you have ModuleManager 1.5.x you don't need MM 1.3 OR MMSarbianExt.dll because MM 1.5 has all that built into it already.

Basically Sarbian rolled MM 1.3 + his Extensions into the new ModuleManager. If you dig deeper into the MM 1.5 thread there's even more recent versions but I'd stick with 1.5 for now... I think anything more recent than 1.5 is still beta for now. (though I've been using 1.5.5 without any problems and eventually it'll get rolled over into official release I expect)

So bottom line is, remove all versions of ModuleManager older than 1.5 (which belongs in GameData folder) and remove MMExtensions

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Starwaster this is great! I like a more realistic approach to my tech tree and sent probes to the moons and other planets before I'd sent my manned missions, this mod helped play this out without having to load and mess with a custom tree. The definitions you've included are great too, I like the results you get back from scans and samples!

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Am I missing something? How do these things do science?

You should have two buttons on the ground, one to take a sample, the other to make a report. If you don't have those, you might want to check to make sure you have both of the definition files as well as Module Manager installed (it'll be named ModuleManager_1_5.dll) linked in the first post.

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Any updates since we now have Minmus biomes? :)

Not yet, I got absorbed in another project that I'm working on for KSP. I'll take a look at it when I get back from my holiday trip.

I just cannot make the the thing work. I have all 3 files right in my Gamedata folder, I reinstalled the modual manager, And I still just get a basic probe. It there ANYTHING else I have to do?

What version of ModuleManager do you have right now and what else have you got installed?

Also please put your your output_log.txt up somewhere and provide a link somewhere.

(and no, there's not a whole lot this requires. MM 1.5 or MM 1.3 + SarbExtensions)

and of course the science configs in gameData or its subfolders

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