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[0.23.5] Orbital Construction Re-Redux v1.1.1 no longer being maintained


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Ok i just added a bunch of mods and now even the small warehouse is to heavy for anything to hold. does anyone know how to reduce the weight of these things or any mods that would aether increase the weight or weaken parts?

Look first at any other mod that produces, stores, or uses RocketParts. Extraplanetary Launchpads defines the RocketParts resource with a higher density than OCR. If the small SpareParts module weighs 10 tons, then you're using EL's density.

In my game, I deleted OCR's plugin because I liked EL better. I kept the tanks because packing 10 tons of payload into the size of a small fuel tank makes FAR very happy. So for me, it's one of the few exploits I'm willing to use.

If the density is the only problem, then the small warehouse should start with 2000 rocket parts and weigh 7 tons. If you have something else I don't have that causes it to start with its full capacity of 60,000 rocket parts, then the fully loaded warehouse comes out at 152 tons.

If you want the parts to weigh what they would in pure OCR, then you can either remove any competing definitions of RocketParts or edit the capacity of the modules down to suit the density you're using.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I can confirm that despite moving to a higher orbit and using mechjeb to plan an intercept, the target appears to be moving faster than my ship by about 100m/s. After killing my relative velocity, the target still is moving either towards or away from me 100m/s faster than me at that orbit altitude.

I too am having this exact same problem - makes docking a constructed craft with a spacedock enabled space station very challenging! What's particularly frustrating is that the nav ball doesn't agree with what the ship is doing i.e. if the navball says i'm stationary with respect to my target, I'm still moving away at 100 m/s

I've found that using time warp negates this effect, and that when you get within about 2km of your target the problem seems to disappear. Not an ideal solution but at least a work around...

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I tried downloading this today and Chrome said it was a malicious file. Whats going on?

I've noticed the same thing. Anyone care to elaborate?

UPDATE: I uncompressed on a FreeBSD box and checked the file "OrbitalConstruction.dll".

I ran the only possible malicious file of the plugin against 38 different antivirus/antimalware agents and they all came back clean. http://r.virscan.org/report/cd66be313cf52e750c6925da302be778

I did not check the .bat file, but that might be why Google Chrome is giving a false positive.

Edited by Yuka
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Stop using this. Use the updated Extraplanetary Launchpads. Orbital Construction is made for an earlier version of KSP that is no longer supported and mods in general are largely version dependent. Just stop.

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