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Landed Mun Rover via Skyframe concept


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So after I landed my Mun base station I figured if I am going to send Kerbals there they will probably need a better way of getting around. After doing a little research I decided on a rover that could hold 1 Kerbel (lighter on transport mass) and land on the surface with some precision (near as I could to the Mun base station). I decided to use a landing frame, similar to a skycrane minus any kind of winch. I have not installed any mods, I find using the stock game forces me to be more creative.

Anyway, it got there and landed within 1.6km of the Mun base. I could have gotten closer but the center of mass was not making it easy to control so I did not want to risk a crash. I will revise my design for future tries.

The landing frame and the rover were launched separately and rendezvoused at a space station orbiting Kerbal. This is why I really am hooked on this game, because if you want to do something you have to spend time to figure it out and tweak and tune the concept to work. It takes a lot of time to get to end state goal so when you do you feel a sense of accomplishment.



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