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1000 Tonnes to Orbit

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After a thorough and ground-shattering research program, Evenlift Industries is proud to announce the release of its first craft, the LKO-1000T.

Scientists at the Kerbal Space Center constructed and launched six different prototype designs, eventually qualifying the LKO-1000T for low-reliability manned flight after its eleventh test flight and only successful entry into LKO.


Using the patented Evenlift progressive release and through-stage support structures, this heavy rocket is gradually loaded onto the launch towers to prevent oscillations and buckling of the stock struts that hold its massive girth in check.

Bob Kerman piloted the beast into orbit at a harrowing 0.5 FPS. When asked for comment he said, "It has room for all my snacks!"

Some basic specifications:

-1st Stage

--6250 tonnes

--1597 parts

--91 mainsail engines

--3 stage support structure

--45 seconds to load and initialize physics


--1004 tonnes

--800 parts

--two living quarters

--triple large docking port arrangement for docking to other Evenlift monstrosities



Do you Evenlift?

Edited by evenlift-industries
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