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[WIP] Mass Relay - Warping all over the place


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The rings are made of a super heavy stable element kerbaltonium. When pumped full of electricity and exposed to a rotating magnetic field it warps space in a way that connects it to the mass relay of your choice. This lets ships travel large distances almost instantaneously.

Also threading the needle


Edited by frizzank
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that is the coolest thing I have see a mod do so far. Well except for multiplayer.

I do think that we should use the larger sized mass relay, the first one I made looks too small and puny to accelerate a ship across the solar system.

Edited by frizzank
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a Jump Gate is a very cool idea.

But a Hyperdrive is not real needed.

for this there is yet Kerbal Space Intergalactic.

guess a better FTL Drive is hard to make.

But It lacks a good Jumpgate indeed.

Perhaps you should connect the Power need too to the shipmass.

(what the Name MAss Relay does intend too (somehow), due it does mainly nullify the mass to allow FTL jumps the Shipmass is I gues simportant for this process).

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The other mod requires you to build an entire FTL ship with fuel tanks and FTL engines. Where in this one all the heavy lifting is done on the mass relay station, allowing for quick transportation of smaller and less complicated craft.

Put 2 mass relays in orbit somewhere, power it up. Then send a ship close to it with a detector and the relay transports just the ship from one relay to another. Like a bus stop, for Kerbas, but in space, and really fast.

Edited by frizzank
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Alright, I'm gonna be the one to ask. :) Do you know when we might be able to expect an alpha release? Even if every relay is the Omega 4 Relay (please get this reference Mass Effect fans!), I'd still totally love to toy around with this and practice setting up relays.

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Pretty soon.

All the system are working fine. I need to add some bug-free tests for some obvious conflicts, work on the GUI for a more user-friendly experience, and then I'll make a release if Frizzank is ok with the design of the parts.

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I still need to create a few more necessary parts. The massive battery that helps you power the thing, radial and a larger inline one. Also a probe sized version of the detector are on the to-do list.

I would like for it to work some what consistently and not be overly frustrating to test on before we release. Otherwise you would be getting crashes and explosions 1 out of 5 times you turned it on, which no one wants. I will say its already fun to play with even with the bugs. I cant wait to see the colossal gate creations people are going to make with it.

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Hmm would be funny to add a buggy and a bugless Portal.

I mean (pointing to the tectree)

That you first can build a instable one that has problems.

And later (with more science need (mutch more) a better one.

You know, a kind of evolution.

Bye the way, it looks more like the Wormholemashine in Contact (what is cool) than the Mass Relais.

Edited by Xentoe
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Frizzank, that's probably the coolest looking ksp part I've ever seen!

As far as power sources go, the Near Future Propulsion Pack has some really nice large battery banks, capacitors (which are lighter but recharge slowly), and reactors. I can understand the desire to not have this mod rely on others, but that one probably could do the trick.

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One thought for the part itself:

An adapter of some kind, to allow it to look less...weird...when connected in the middle of a ship.

Nice addon overall, I hope for a stable release.

The mass relay is meant to go on a station or other large structure. This part does not travel through the wormhole. The detector, the part that goes on your ship, has nice neat little parts to make ship building more elegant.

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You two are gods in my eyes, i have been hoping for something like this for ages. I was even reaching the point of impatience that i was ready to try and learn c+ just to make it myself, glad i don't have to now :) I like how the relay looks, it really does remind me of the machine used in contact, had completely forgotten about that idea for a portal/relay generator. In my mind something like the gates from babylon 5 or stargate was the only way to go. Heck this gave me the idea for maybe going a step further just for fun... The wormhole technology from farscape, although that would be a bit overpowered considering you could get anywere with only the generator on your ship :)

Anyway i hope this isn't to far from a releasable alpha to try out, i can feel the itching in my fingers to make a relay network.

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The mass relay is meant to go on a station or other large structure. This part does not travel through the wormhole. The detector, the part that goes on your ship, has nice neat little parts to make ship building more elegant.

I meant for addidng it to the middle of a module or ship docked to a station.

at the moment it just looks..."weird" when connected by the top to a part above it.

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Can I ask how the teleportation works, coding wise? I want to develop a plugin similar to this and I would love some basis to work off of. I've also never written a plugin that has done anything besides make a button appear on the screen, so a bit of hand holding would be appreciated. :)

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Pretty simple in principle, not so simple in code. You take the Orbit of your vessel and you modify it, alongside with the body of reference. Code wise, it translate into putting the simulation on rails, manipulate the orbit, and crossing fingers

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Pretty simple in principle, not so simple in code. You take the Orbit of your vessel and you modify it, alongside with the body of reference. Code wise, it translate into putting the simulation on rails, manipulate the orbit, and crossing fingers

So in principal it is meant to work as though it were an automated hyperedit of your ships placement in space. A pretty nice idea.

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