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Career: To duna with only 2 types of engines :D


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Today i gave Jeb a 1 way ticket to duna, he couldn't wait to go!

Off he goes in only my third career mission and only second go at Duna in total! In the biggest rocket i have ever build, and without mainsails or nukes!


second stage off into planet's orbit! Made an encounter on first maneuver node!


Lander stage with 5 small parachutes, i tried for the pole but aerobraked too soon.


This has been my most daring launch so far, it went absolutely perfect. With all the point is have collected is unlocked docking ports and nukes so now i can go anywhere!


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The 24 srb and 16 lv200s burning at the same time added up to a whopping 4 fps! :D


The rescue mission has failed :( several srb's failed to undock and pulled the craft to the ground.

Bob managed to fix the buggy and go for a spin though ...



AND the same rocket made it to Eve!


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