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Connecting xbox controllers

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I heard it is possible to use an xbox controller with any game on steam. i have ksp on steam and was wondering how i could play it with an xbox controller. if it changes anything, its a wireless controller. Any help appreciated. :)

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It's possible to use a 360 controller with anything technically, however unless the game has specific controller support (which KSP does not have) you will have to use a third party program to convert the controller input to keyboard commands.

Also you probably misread about the xbox controller being compatible with everything as as far as I'm aware that has never been said. The steam controller however is supposed to be.

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But I haven't quite gotten the mappings correct in the game yet.

I cant, i don't know what to use for throttle or rudder, I end up just going back to keyboard

(seeing as it's hard to fly rockets with up/down on my sim joystick to do up down, and for left/right it's to roll, and twisting does yaw, it just feels so,


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I heard it is possible to use an xbox controller with any game on steam. i have ksp on steam and was wondering how i could play it with an xbox controller. if it changes anything, its a wireless controller. Any help appreciated. :)

I play with a wired 360 controller and find it quite useful when docking or when flying spaceplanes. Left stick controls throttle (fore-aft) and yaw (left-right), right stick controls pitch and roll, the D-pad and shoulder buttons control RCS translation, etc.

There's a problem with using the wireless version, though; the 360 controllers don't use standard Bluetooth radios, so you need an adaptor USB dongle to get them to talk with a PC. I know there's a version of the controller sold with the dongle; I don't know if the dongle is for sale separately, or what one would cost.

-- Steve

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