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Ditto - loading version 1.2.7 from Spaceport. Games works fine with all my favourite mods added until I put RT in and then it locks at the exact same point kami-sama mentions. I've waited 10 minutes while the usual loading hints scroll by, and the "Loading... /RemoteTech2/Parts/Gigadish1/RTGigaDish1/part" just stays there the whole time. I have a fair number of mods installed, any known incompatibilities between RT and other mods since .23 came out?

Have you tried loading RT without those other mods? Reason I ask is because everything seems to work at least as well as 0.22 over here.

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I'm having a number of problems with the latest version of RT2 from page 142. Firstly, it seems that SAS is doing nothing at all. Turning it on and off doesn't seem to have any effect. Also, there is now pause menu when I hit Esc. It's just not there. Thirdly, there is no data showing up like speed. The last problem I ran into before I gave up for today was the orbital view was really messed up and didn't allow me to get back to the default view. Below is a imgur link to a couple screenshots I took to show the problems. Both are taken while the game is "paused" and you can see that there is no menu.


I'm not quite sure what logs, if any, to post, and I've never really posted logs before so let me know what would be helpful in fixing this.

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I got the copy I use at <http://epsilonzero.nl/downloads/RemoteTech2_2013.> though I couldn't tell you HOW I found that link.

Considering that C# is a full powered programming language, and not just a silly little scripting language, you should probably think twice, and perhaps three times about downloading builds if you don't know exactly who compiled them. They could (although probably do not) contain malicious software packaged with the intended mod.

I'll wait for the real deal to be released, or at least a version with a verifiable origin.

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Considering that C# is a full powered programming language, and not just a silly little scripting language, you should probably think twice

Well aware of that, and you shouldn't not worry about something just because it's "a silly little scripting language." If it doesn't run in a sandbox that you trust, assume it can do anything you would do.

I said that I didn't know where I found the link, not that I didn't know who compiled it. Of course, since I can't "show my work" so to speak, you've got no reason to trust what I have to say about it.

I think that's Cilph's link. It looks familiar.

I can't find the source of the link, but I'm pretty sure you're right.

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Is there a tutorial that explains exactly how & the proper way to use communication satellites in KSP?

I have 3 satellites in geostationary orbit. Each satellite has two dish antennas. Sat 1 is directly over KSC. Other two are (basically) 120 degrees apart. Sat 1 dishes are pointing to KSC & Sat 2. Sat 2 is pointing to Sat 1 & 3. Sat 3 is pointing to Sat 2. They are all communicating to each other.

Is this setup appropriate?

they also have an omnidirectional antennae each

if i want to send a probe or series of satellites (say) to the Mun, how does it link to the geostationary satellites if the geostationary satellites are pointing to each other?

i tried to send a probe out of influence of Kerbin, but lost contact (relatively soon) even though it was "pointing" to "active"

what am i doing wrong?



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i tried to send a probe out of influence of Kerbin, but lost contact (relatively soon) even though it was "pointing" to "active"

So you had contact while in Kerbin's SoI and for a little bit after you left, but not for long afterwards? Sounds like you used dishes with too short of a range. Which dishes did you use?

Also note that your description only has one free satellite dish, and you want a free dish on at least two of the satellite dishes, otherwise you'll lose contact every time the one satellite with a free dish goes behind the planet.

I do my early satellite networks this way:

Three satellites, 120 degrees apart, at an altitude of about 776.6 Km, each with two (for interplanetary) or three (for kerbin/Mun/Minmus operations) dishes and a Communotron 16. At that altitude, the satellites can communicate with each other and ground control via the communotrons. The three dish satellites get targeted at "active craft", the Mun, and Minmus. The two dish satellites get targeted at "active craft" and the destination planet of the current mission.

Later on, I replace the Communotron 16 with a 32 and raise the altitude, resulting in an arrangement that's less susceptible to loss of communication if a satellite drifts out of position, and switch to four dishes, two long range with the same targets as the two dish above, and two short range dishes targeted at the Mun and Minmus.

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So you had contact while in Kerbin's SoI and for a little bit after you left, but not for long afterwards? Sounds like you used dishes with too short of a range. Which dishes did you use?

I used Comms_DTS-M1 for the dishes & Communotron 16 for the omni's. My orbit for all 3 is 2868.75 km (or dang close to that)

sadly i only have 2 DTS on each satellite. With KAS can add more.

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I haven't tested recent versions of this, but I know a little while back (0.22) that if a dish was targeting the active vessel and the active vessel went out of line of site, the dish wouldn't connect to anything. I assumed that the dish would continue pointing in the direction of the active vessel and establish communication with satellite dishes around the body, but this didn't happen. My solution has been to have two "mission dishes" on each Kerbin satellite, one pointed at the active vessel, one pointed at whatever celestial body that vessel's mission is going to take place at. Having "active vessel" continue to target the active vessel but connect to other dishes in the cone even if it can't connect to the targeted vessel would be nice, and possibly a bit OP for game balance purposes, as it would eliminate the need for multi-dish satellites around Kerbin in addition to not forcing me to go through my kerbin satellite constellations changing the planetary target as needed.

Yeah i know that will elminate the need for multi-dish satellites with each of the dishes serves for one planet. But still i want to keep the communication network clean and tidy... with too many connection lines the map view will be clogged a lot, while if i hide them i might not be able to get all information i need.

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Is there a tutorial that explains exactly how & the proper way to use communication satellites in KSP?

I have 3 satellites in geostationary orbit. Each satellite has two dish antennas. Sat 1 is directly over KSC. Other two are (basically) 120 degrees apart. Sat 1 dishes are pointing to KSC & Sat 2. Sat 2 is pointing to Sat 1 & 3. Sat 3 is pointing to Sat 2. They are all communicating to each other.

Is this setup appropriate?

they also have an omnidirectional antennae each

That will give you a relay from anything that is within the omnidirectional antennas' range. Depending on which omni antenna you chose, it might be enough to cover all of low Kerbin orbit. It's not going to help you communicate to the Mun.
if i want to send a probe or series of satellites (say) to the Mun, how does it link to the geostationary satellites if the geostationary satellites are pointing to each other?
Short answer: it doesn't. Longer answer: your geostationary relays need more antennas - enough to talk to each other and KSC, PLUS antennas to talk to relays at other planets, PLUS antennas to talk to whichever probe you're actively piloting.
i tried to send a probe out of influence of Kerbin, but lost contact (relatively soon) even though it was "pointing" to "active"

what am i doing wrong?

Your relays should have an antenna dedicated to "Active Vessel", in addition to whatever antennas they need to talk to each other and KSC. The probe's antenna needs to be targeted on a relay (or a planet with a relay). Pointing to "Active Vessel" means "point to the probe you're piloting", so pointing an antenna ON the probe you're flying TO the probe you're flying does nothing.
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Is there a tutorial that explains exactly how & the proper way to use communication satellites in KSP?

I have 3 satellites in geostationary orbit. Each satellite has two dish antennas. Sat 1 is directly over KSC. Other two are (basically) 120 degrees apart. Sat 1 dishes are pointing to KSC & Sat 2. Sat 2 is pointing to Sat 1 & 3. Sat 3 is pointing to Sat 2. They are all communicating to each other.

Is this setup appropriate?

they also have an omnidirectional antennae each

if i want to send a probe or series of satellites (say) to the Mun, how does it link to the geostationary satellites if the geostationary satellites are pointing to each other?

i tried to send a probe out of influence of Kerbin, but lost contact (relatively soon) even though it was "pointing" to "active"

what am i doing wrong?



Like DeMatt said, the dishes pointing to "Active Vessel" are those that provides communication service for other vessels, meaning, this dish will serve for any vessel *later* controlled by player.

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Omni's can't even talk to Kerbin with Comm16's. Not at geostationary. With 3 satellites set equal distance they can't even cover each other. Those omni's aren't doing much. There's gaping holes in coverage.

Rule 1: Handshakes. Everyone that needs to shake hands needs to have a hand to shake with. If you need to shakes hands with 5 people at the same time, you'd better have 5 hands and your arms can't be shorter than anyone else.

Rule 2: There is no rule 2. You're doing it all wrong if you're still here looking for rule 2.

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Kurios Security Alert!

Anything can destroy your computer!!!


I can find you examples of PDFs that can allow someone to take control of your computer... but I suppose thats slightly rarer...

Though, any script is potentially dangerous, no matter if its lua, python, ruby, bash, shell, javascript, clojure, or something I havent thought of.

ie, something "harmless" like lua can have a os.execute("rm *") in it.

and yes, os is a part of the standard lua library. This means that 99.9% of lua interpeters are running it.

C# gets more dangerous ( and less dangerous, depending on your mindset / OS configuration / runtime configuration / sandboxing / other factors )

Thankyou, and return to your normal, remoteTech related activities :P

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I got the copy I use at <http://epsilonzero.nl/downloads/RemoteTech2_2013.> though I couldn't tell you HOW I found that link.

That seems to have done the trick, it installed and didn't hang at the Gigadish like before, And I seem to have the "always on" antenna in career mode. I did get a "potentially annoying malware" warning during the download but both McAfee and Malwarebytes scans showed it to be safe so I think the warning is spurious. It happened for several other adds with .dlls so I think the antivirus software is generating false positives for almost anything executable I download.

Much appreciated! I didn't want to lose RT, it adds a level of challenge that I enjoy.

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Am I missing something? Where are the processors at? As far as I can tell the latest version of the mod comes only with the antennae. Also, none of them have information about whether directional / omnidirectional, how much power they use, whether they can be used to transmit research data, or even their range. And what do I do with Antennas.cfg, MechJeb.cfg, Squad_Antennas.cfg, and Squad_Probes.cfg?

Edited by tntristan12
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Am I missing something? Where are the processors at? As far as I can tell the latest version of the game comes only with the antennae. Also, none of them have information about whether directional / omnidirectional, how much power they use, whether they can be used to transmit research data, or even their range.
The signal processors are built into the various command-pods and probe-cores. The detailed antenna information is available by right-clicking on their selection box in the VAB/SPH.
And what do I do with Antennas.cfg, MechJeb.cfg, Squad_Antennas.cfg, and Squad_Probes.cfg?
...You've mis-installed the RemoteTech files.

Inside your KSP install, you have a "GameData" folder. It starts out with one folder, labeled "Squad", inside it. The RemoteTech zip archive you downloaded should contain one folder, also labeled "GameData", which in turn contains two items - the folder "RemoteTech2" and the file "ModuleManager_1_5.dll". Guess what? "GameData" in your KSP install = "GameData" in the RemoteTech archive. Move the "RemoteTech2" folder and the "ModuleManager_1_5.dll" file from one "GameData" folder to the other "GameData" folder.

Don't mess with the deeper folder/file structure. Those things were set up by the mod writer.

Edited by DeMatt
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The signal processors are built into the various command-pods and probe-cores.

So how do I distinguish between a probe core that I want to be passive, one I want to be communications arrays, and one I want to be a command array?

The detailed antenna information is available by right-clicking on their selection box in the VAB/SPH.

It says "No More Info" in the lower right hand corner.

...You've mis-installed the RemoteTech files.

I was afraid of that... :(

Inside your KSP install, you have a "GameData" folder. It starts out with one folder, labeled "Squad", inside it. The RemoteTech zip archive you downloaded should contain one folder, also labeled "GameData", which in turn contains two items - the folder "RemoteTech2" and the file "ModuleManager_1_5.dll". Guess what? "GameData" in your KSP install = "GameData" in the RemoteTech archive.

I know that much. I have the RemoteTech2 folder inside my GameData folder, just like in the .zip archive, so that's clearly not the problem.

Move the "RemoteTech2" folder and the "ModuleManager_1_5.dll" file from one "GameData" folder to the other "GameData" folder.

I don't have Module Manager. Are you telling me that that's required?

Don't mess with the deeper folder/file structure. Those things were set up by the mod writer.

I never do.

EDIT: It is possible that I am using the wrong version. Is there a version more recent than the experimental release he posted, I think about 20 pages ago?

Okay, turns out ModuleManager was required. Thanks!

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So how do I distinguish between a probe core that I want to be passive, one I want to be communications arrays, and one I want to be a command array?
You don't, because you don't need to. "Probes cannot command other probes, they can only relay commands from KSC and large manned stations", that's all you need to know.
I don't have Module Manager. Are you telling me that that's required?
Yes. Be advised that the version-1.2.6 download from Spaceport is out of date, and will not work with KSP v0.23. If you want a v0.23-compatible RemoteTech, look back a few pages for the experimental 1.2.7 build.
I never do.
Then why were you asking about the .cfg's?
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