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You don't, because you don't need to. "Probes cannot command other probes, they can only relay commands from KSC and large manned stations", that's all you need to know.

Okay, yeah I just re-read that and I think I get it now. Probe cores on their own can receive and transmit only within 3km, because of their built-in antenna. In order to transmit science or be controlled / relay signal over longer ranges, you need to add an antenna.

I'm still a little confused about how command control works. The OP says that the command unit is "currently only provided on the large probe stack by default," but that stations of 6 or more can command unmanned pods. Does that mean that you need 6 kerbals in addition to a large probe stack, or that any ship with 6 kerbals can control an unmanned mission? I guess I'm not sure what he means by "large probe stack"

Yes. Be advised that the version-1.2.6 download from Spaceport is out of date, and will not work with KSP v0.23. If you want a v0.23-compatible RemoteTech, look back a few pages for the experimental 1.2.7 build.

Yeah, I got that one.

Then why were you asking about the .cfg's?

Because I ask stupid questions sometimes.

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Okay, yeah I just re-read that and I think I get it now. Probe cores on their own can receive and transmit only within 3km, because of their built-in antenna. In order to transmit science or be controlled / relay signal over longer ranges, you need to add an antenna.

I'm still a little confused about how command control works. The OP says that the command unit is "currently only provided on the large probe stack by default," but that stations of 6 or more can command unmanned pods. Does that mean that you need 6 kerbals in addition to a large probe stack, or that any ship with 6 kerbals can control an unmanned mission? I guess I'm not sure what he means by "large probe stack"

Yeah, I got that one.

Because I ask stupid questions sometimes.

you need 6 kerbals AND the stock 2.5m unmanned command pod (which looks thin and flat).

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you need 6 kerbals AND the stock 2.5m unmanned command pod (which looks thin and flat).

Oooooh okay. Yeah, I must admit I like this new system better than the old one. Seemed weird to have to add a 1.25 meter part somewhere on anything I wanted to be unmanned.

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Hey, anyone else experiencing that mission control has a very very short range, nowhere near LOS minmus ?

EDIT; you know what, odds are I am just a tard.

I fly with a probe core (only) and I loose range at 3000m or something. With a decent antenna I loose it at 2500km.

I guess I am misunderstanding how the mods works.

Edited by RHodeidra
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The Probe Cores have an always on internal (not attachable and not to be seen) antenna which works for a range arround 3000m. For everything above this range you have to add an additional antenna onto ship your probecore is attached to.

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I fly with a probe core (only) and I loose range at 3000m or something. With a decent antenna I loose it at 2500km.

I guess I am misunderstanding how the mods works.

If you're having specific problems between 3km and orbit, try using the 500km always on antenna - it'll get you out of the atmosphere without breaking off (like the longer ranged ones tend to do).

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H'mmmm, It looks as if this and MJ are still not playing well to gether... Is this the case? If I disable the remotetech.dll, I can get my sat's to properly execute commands from MJ's system. With the .dll active, it just ignores Commands from MJ.

I am running the 'experimental' version for 0.23 and the latest full release of MJ...

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. This 'seems' to be my last obstacle for getting back on track with progress with 0.23...

Again, thanks.

and i am going back through the pages again, so if i missed the answer, sorry.....

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If you're having specific problems between 3km and orbit, try using the 500km always on antenna - it'll get you out of the atmosphere without breaking off (like the longer ranged ones tend to do).

Sometimes I wish there was a 1Mm antenna that wouldn't break off in atmo. I've had issues with the 500km version when deorbiting probes that were intended to land safely, I wind up opening the parachute far too early in order to ensure that it will open.

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I used Comms_DTS-M1 for the dishes & Communotron 16 for the omni's. My orbit for all 3 is 2868.75 km (or dang close to that)

sadly i only have 2 DTS on each satellite. With KAS can add more.

Ugh, I typed up an answer to this and didn't hit post, sorry.

The DTS-M1's have a max range of 50 Mm, which is enough to get out to Minmus and just past it, but not to the edge of the SoI. The Reflectron KR-7 has a max range of 90 Mm, which is just barely past the edge of Kerbin's SoI. For Duna/Eve, you'll need at least the KR-14. So basically, no early career unmanned missions to other planets.

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I'm back for now~ I must say, the testing team did a **** poor job. The few reports I got were terribly vague and I clearly found some bugs with it :/.

EDIT: It sounded friendlier without the auto-censor.

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Let me just say that I love this mod! It makes the game so much more fun. Since .23, I've been saddened by it not working. I see that others do have it working, so I've tried some things, including a fresh install. I haven't tried a new install with JUST remote tech, so that my be that answer, but in the mean time, I think I'll just wait for the update. Great job man. Can't wait for it =)

Mods in use: TAC Life Support, Procedural Fairings, Kethane, Kerbal Attachment System, Clouds and City Lights, Engineer Redux, Station Science

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I'm using the same mods, except for Station Science, along with several others and it's working fine for me. MJ is working fine too.

What I'd really like to see is a directional target option so I can set a dish to always point away from the planet. This would allow two major improvements. One is that it means I can tell a dish to always point away from the planet which therefore always connects to whatever comsat is more or less directly overhead. I realize omnidirectional antennas do this but I have my comsat network set up at 4875km meaning the small antenna won't reach and I haven't yet researched the longer antenna. (The reason I have the network set so high is because I'm using a mod which provides small, low-powered dishes with very narrow angles)

The other thing this option would allow is building something akin to the deep space network, ground-based dishes strategically placed around the globe allowing a 360 degree view of the Kerbolar system. If you include another modification allowing landed craft to network with mission control as if by hard-wire (perhaps make it a part which only works while stationary on the surface).

I like to avoid using the "Active Craft" target as it seems a little too cheaty, and besides, if you have something pointed in your general direction but there's a moon in the way, a relay sat can pick up the transmission and bounce it around the obstacle.

At first I was going to ask for a set of directional targets based on the orbit (pro-/retro-grade, etc.), but currently I can only think of a use for the +radial direction, as stated above. In fact, since +radial would differ depending on how eccentric your orbit was, a "point away from currently orbited body" option would be best. (Plus you would end up with range cones sweeping across the Kerbolar system, akin to a lighthouse, and that would be damned cool)

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I'm back for now~ I must say, the testing team did a **** poor job. The few reports I got were terribly vague and I clearly found some bugs with it :/.

EDIT: It sounded friendlier without the auto-censor.

(Thought I already replied but I guess I didn't hit send before going to send a PM)

Sorry I didn't have time to send in a report yesterday. :P I did do some testing on Christmas eve night (didn't want to bother you with it over Christmas) and have more detail which I just PM'd to you along with a link to a large output log file. I'll try to run another test later today, with a fresh log file though and see if indeed I can get the problem to occur reliably.

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I'm having a number of problems with the latest version of RT2 from page 142. Firstly, it seems that SAS is doing nothing at all. Turning it on and off doesn't seem to have any effect. Also, there is no pause menu when I hit Esc. It's just not there. Thirdly, there is no data showing up like speed. The last problem I ran into before I gave up for today was the orbital view was really messed up and didn't allow me to get back to the default view. Below is a imgur link to a couple screenshots I took to show the problems. Both are taken while the game is "paused" and you can see that there is no menu.


I'm not quite sure what logs, if any, to post, and I've never really posted logs before so let me know what would be helpful in fixing this.

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I'm having a number of problems with the latest version of RT2 from page 142. Firstly, it seems that SAS is doing nothing at all. Turning it on and off doesn't seem to have any effect. Also, there is no pause menu when I hit Esc. It's just not there. Thirdly, there is no data showing up like speed. The last problem I ran into before I gave up for today was the orbital view was really messed up and didn't allow me to get back to the default view. Below is a imgur link to a couple screenshots I took to show the problems. Both are taken while the game is "paused" and you can see that there is no menu.


I'm not quite sure what logs, if any, to post, and I've never really posted logs before so let me know what would be helpful in fixing this.

From the little bit I can tell from your post (screenshot) you need to get/put ModuleManager_1_5.dll in to ksp\Gamedata. Usually any time you see N/A or simlar where the connection info should be it's a good bet that you are missing module manager, or don't have it installed propperly, or have an older version.

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I'm having a number of problems with the latest version of RT2 from page 142. Firstly, it seems that SAS is doing nothing at all. Turning it on and off doesn't seem to have any effect. Also, there is no pause menu when I hit Esc. It's just not there. Thirdly, there is no data showing up like speed. The last problem I ran into before I gave up for today was the orbital view was really messed up and didn't allow me to get back to the default view. Below is a imgur link to a couple screenshots I took to show the problems. Both are taken while the game is "paused" and you can see that there is no menu.


I'm not quite sure what logs, if any, to post, and I've never really posted logs before so let me know what would be helpful in fixing this.

Post a description on the GitHub issue tracker and include KSP_Data/output_log.txt of a game session where the problem occurred.

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