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So, apparently you can no longer retarget or deploy antennae on a craft that is uncontrolled? This is a problem for me, because I have probes that are supposed to aerobrake - I have to retract all their long-range antennae, and I need to be able to redeploy it again.

If you use Smart Parts ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...ighlight=smart ) and set up your com in an action group you can set it to activate once the ship returns to a certain altitude even if it isn't in communication. I've been using these a lot for fully automatic probe landings.

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If you use Smart Parts ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...ighlight=smart ) and set up your com in an action group you can set it to activate once the ship returns to a certain altitude even if it isn't in communication. I've been using these a lot for fully automatic probe landings.

Unfortunately your link is truncated, I assume you're pointing to dtobi's Space Shuttle Engines and Smart Parts?

Edited by NoMrBond
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Anyone use AIES 1 of the commandpods AIESorbiterpod don't show as being manned worked all the way to, Duna then on landing lost com and control ? but its manned, don't see how, I lost control.

EDIT Don't see in the code how RT tells if it's manned or not.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Anyone use AIES 1 of the commandpods AIESorbiterpod don't show as being manned worked all the way to, Duna then on landing lost com and control ? but its manned, don't see how, I lost control.

Can you EVA the Kerbal (from the portrait EVA button or mouse-over hatch) and then re-enter the pod?

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On the launchpad yes

EDIT when i put a stock on launchpad i get local control put not with aies

EDIT might be that i put the probe core on all the AIES parts in the command folder. will take them out in see

EDIT ok fixed it for anyone that as my AIES cfg file need to edit the 2 command pods take the probe core off them

as, it looks if a manned pod as the probe core put on it RT does see it as manned sorry.

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Anyone use AIES 1 of the commandpods AIESorbiterpod don't show as being manned worked all the way to, Duna then on landing lost com and control ? but its manned, don't see how, I lost control.

EDIT Don't see in the code how RT tells if it's manned or not.

~line 50 VesselSatellite.cs

public bool HasLocalControl
return RTUtil.CachePerFrame(ref mLocalControl, () =>
return SignalProcessor.Vessel.parts.Any(p => p.isControlSource && (p.protoModuleCrew.Any() || !p.FindModulesImplementing<ISignalProcessor>().Any()));

Cached per frame was new in a 1.3.3 i believe. Removing it was one way to clean up the stability issues in 1.3.3, maybe this cache per frame should be disabled as well?

Edited by Peppe
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Hey guys,

Has anyone having any issues where Remote maybe crashing the game GUI?

I have tried to locate the problem but I am unsuccessful. The problem occurs when you do any configuration of the antennas (within game, pointing to specific other remote antennas) and when you exit out of "map mode" and go back to hanger, the game icons dont work (open, save, new etc). The only way to get them working is to restart the game.

Also when you go to tracking station and attempt to remove orbital debris, it doesnt work either.

I am not sure if this is a conflict with other mods and I have spent days trying to work it out..no luck ther.

Has anyone had a similar problems? Can anyone shed some light on this?

I have done complete reinstalls of the game and Remote mod and systematically installed others to find the problem, just in case anyone asks.

In appreciation for your great work


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It sort of fixed the menu selection in the hanger but when I try and recover/destroy debris in the tracking station, it still bugs out...mmm not sure. Still trying to work a solution.

I think Mecripp was indicating the debris issues is known issue of elcss, so you may need to check that mod's thread to see if there is a fix/update.

The remotetech DLL fix linked above should resolve the remotetech related GUI issues and duplicate ships.

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Sadly I have to add my voice to the list of people having issues with this (amazing) mod. I got a lot of crashes that progressively got more and more frequent and massive performance drops until now when as soon as I try and enter the tracking station the game hangs. The error log for these crashes almost always blames an access violation with Mono.dll.

I am running a very modded game on this install but I cannot see any problems once I remove the remotetech plugin. :(

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So far I'm still managing to keep my 60+ ships RT save playable, but just barely. A lot of the time I have to resort to save-editing to fix undocking.

Switching between large-part-count ships/stations should be avoided by interim switching to a lower-part-count ship.

And finally I have to regularly check for ship-duplications which I then have to de-duplicate to avoid explosions on loading those ships.

Not sure which of these are caused by RT. But the duplication almost surely is.

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It sort of fixed the menu selection in the hanger but when I try and recover/destroy debris in the tracking station, it still bugs out...mmm not sure. Still trying to work a solution.

That is a bug with ECLSS mod as you cant close that info window in map view also it as been posted on there page and still no fix.

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gentlemen, i faced a problem.

the story is following.

i have 4 kerbstatsionar sats connected to each other by DTS-M1

when i launched it i did "select target" "activate", DTS-M1 becomes revealed and all going good.

there are connections lines on map etc.

than i closed the game and restart it.

enter to tracking station and saw all conn lines.

but when i selected one of the satellites and entered it, i found DTS-M1 is closed. switched to map and found no conn lines from this sat.

but there still were conn lines between other sats. switched to next one, that has connection on map. and found that its DTS-M1 becomes closed too. switched to map view - no conn from this sat lines again. control lost.

whats going wrong?

there r enuff electricity onboard.

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gentlemen, i faced a problem.

the story is following.

i have 4 kerbstatsionar sats connected to each other by DTS-M1

when i launched it i did "select target" "activate", DTS-M1 becomes revealed and all going good.

there are connections lines on map etc.

than i closed the game and restart it.

enter to tracking station and saw all conn lines.

but when i selected one of the satellites and entered it, i found DTS-M1 is closed. switched to map and found no conn lines from this sat.

but there still were conn lines between other sats. switched to next one, that has connection on map. and found that its DTS-M1 becomes closed too. switched to map view - no conn from this sat lines again. control lost.

whats going wrong?

there r enuff electricity onboard.

I would suspect them closing on you is some other mod interaction.

To rescue them you can edit your save or make a rescue craft.

Make a probe/manned ship with a connection to the network and if using a manned pod add a omni antenna. Get within 3k of the craft and you should have control again through the 3k omni on all probe cores.

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I would suspect them closing on you is some other mod interaction.

To rescue them you can edit your save or make a rescue craft.

Make a probe/manned ship with a connection to the network and if using a manned pod add a omni antenna. Get within 3k of the craft and you should have control again through the 3k omni on all probe cores.

ya, this is the only way in my situation.

but i heard there was a method (in CFG) to configure any antenna as always open or always open after first iteration. But dunno what to change in cfg for this. Any idea?

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You could change the range some might think that's making it op maybe like.



!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}



allowManualControl = false




@allowManualControl = false




name = ModuleRTAntenna

Mode0DishRange = 50000000

Mode1DishRange = 50000000

EnergyCost = 0.82

MaxQ = 6000

DishAngle = 45.0

DeployFxModules = 0

ProgressFxModules = 1



PacketInterval = 0.3

PacketSize = 2

PacketResourceCost = 15.0





name = ModuleSPUPassive



might have to take out the MAXQ

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Just seen



allowManualControl = false




allowManualControl = false


is showing twice or is it just my file ?

EDIT except 1 as @ in front ?

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