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Question for you guys:

I'm using the latest version of RT2 in Career mode and even when I have a confirmed signal line via antenna to MC, I get an error saying there are no communication devices on the ship despite having a Communotron 16.

I tried searching for this issue but came up empty. Anybody know what I could be doing wrong?

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When I installed this mod I couldn't see any of the stock parts in the VAB. Does anyone know what the issue is? I really want to use remote tech but it's basically useless if I can't even build a ship.

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Move modulemanager15.dll to your KSP plugins folder and try again. Also make sure RemoteTech2 folder is right there in GameData. Other than that, give it a restart and see if things work. RemoteTech2 v1.2.7 should create its own RemoteTech_Settings.cfg inside the RemoteTech2 folder. You should have 5 cfg files in that folder.

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I have the same issue as Renade.

This is my first post, and today is Friday. Last Sunday, I stopped playing (launching) and began this great big long hunt for how to install RemoteTech into [v22]. Completely unsuccessful even until now. I know I did see it (the RT window in-game) a few weeks ago.

I'm using KSP v22 on OSX. I'm fine installing from complete scratch yet again. There really is now "install RT" with pics or a video anywhere on the web. Only rambling personal experiences of how positioning satellites eels to the posters.

Hope to have RT, MechJeb, Engineer, TACFuel, and Chatter as base install. But yeah, wow... nothing insofar as a comparative look-at tutorial for installing RT. I have no RemoteTech "SPU" or whatever it's called in my parts list. A few dishes, but I am feeling really, really dumb, now, days later.

How do I install RemoteTech? Do I need the RT v1.0.5 from the original download and then apply RT v2 OVER this? The link on the first post of this thread has been broken for days now. It was disabled or removed or something?

Sorry to sound so frustrated. Alot of assumptions are being made, unfortunately.

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Make one. Make a new document and put this in it:

MissionControlRange = 7.5E+07
MissionControlPosition = -0.1313315,-74.59484,75
MissionControlGuid = 5105f5a9d62841c6ad4b21154e8fc488
ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2
MissionControlBody = 1
ConsumptionMultiplier = 1
RangeMultiplier = 1
SpeedOfLight = 3E+08
MapFilter = Dish, Path
EnableSignalDelay = True
RangeModelType = Standard
NathanKell_MultipleAntennaSupport = False
ThrottleTimeWarp = True

Save it and change its name from "whatever.txt" to "RemoteTech_Settings.cfg". Do not use Word or anything fancier than your basic notepad.exe.

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I wasn't thinking through all the way but you're right. I can input any action groups on any delays already. Combined with AOTF mod I've got it all.

A small note, under AOTF AG EDIT the Communitron 88-88 has four action group options "Toggle" "Toggle Antenna" "Activate Antenna" and "Deactivate Antenna" Only one of these four actually works and that is "toggle." The others don't respond when queued.

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I have a question hopefully someone can answer because I can not find an answer. I have a Probe on the way to Duna showing green connection in the top left hand corner of the screen. I can science back and forth with the stuff on board. I can not however control the craft, as in move it around or fire the engines. What am I missing? I thought that if you had a solid connection back to ground control the ship should be fully functional.

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Just a quick note to say thank you to BigD145 for the pasted replacement RemoteTech_Settings.cfg. In particular, mine had a different "MapFilter". I changed it to read MapFilter = Dish, Path (it had been set to only Planet); rebooted the game and I am now seeing RT working. I would not have know to look into that file without your suggestion. Thank you for that.

On a side note, I apologize for having been so frustrated. I'm usuall a pretty patient Kerbonaut, but this was way more time consuming to troubleshoot than I had anticipated.

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Is there a wiki or something on this? I find rather frustrating to never know what is going wrong with my networks.

I have power, range and line of sight and things flicker on and off randomly.

I never know what to point at. I set a Keostationary Sat Network and they all communicate very nice with one another, but when I try to send probes to the Mun they loose contact with the network for some reason.

Can anyone help me with this? Point me to a wiki or something...

Btw, I set a network like Manley's if anyone wants to know how the antennae types.

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I don't even know if I have to individually target each dish or whether signals are sent automatically. "Active Vessel" means nothing to me because it says nothing about needing a receiver.

Active vessel means that the dish will attempt to target whatever vessel you are currently using at that time.

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Ever since i installed 1.2.7 my multi-crew ships are no longer Command Centers.

I have ships with 10 kerbals inside and they no longer have the Red Dot that indicates they can act as a command center...

I even tried removing all my mods but RT and check on a new sandbox game, no dice...

anyone else experiencing this?

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My cfg was a hold over from I think 1.2.4 because 1.2.6 wasn't making one and I don't know if I ever got 1.2.7 to produce one. Someone got a stock 1.2.7 cfg they can post for comparison?

I'm not really playing with my remotetech install much because of issue 164.

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Hi, I made a fresh install of KSP and all the mods I'm using, cause last install was crashing a lot, so I removed some mods, now its stable.

I installed RT2 1.2.7 aswell. Found a glitch or dunno what, but it's not only graphical, I can't press the RT 2 buttons.102jr7a.jpg

Any idea what are those purple spots, and how should I fix this?

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