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How to keep my plane from flipping out on the runway (space plane vet confused)

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Good morning guys long time no speak.

First i must say i am not new to space planes i have built many of them over this year. I understand the concept of flexing parts and non symmetrical problems.

Ever since the latest patch my planes have been veering off the runway and crashing. (Usually when i am using the swept wings)

I have tried using struts (didn't work)

I have tried changing the gear angle (didn't work)

I have tried stripping the plane down to nothing but a cockpit engine and landing gear no wings no ladder no solar panels nothing (didn't work)

I have tried changing the center of lift vs mass (didn't work :) )

I have tried changing the wing angel (you guessed it didn't work)

To be honest i am at a loss of words on this one... i am sure i am just missing something obvious that for some odd reason i cant seem to see. Maybe i am over thinking?

Here are some pictures... (I know the parts are not the most optimal i am playing carrier mode and i am trying to build an sto with sub standard parts for the challenge :)




each change results in a violent flip out and crash

Thank you very much in advance it really is appreciated!

Edited by Queue
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My only guess would be that you're landing gear are very closer together giving you basically no roll stability which will cause veering. I've built similar planes in v0.22 that work perfectly.

I just tried your suggestion and the plane still flips out. This is really becoming a riddle. I appreciate the feed back! :)

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You center of lift is too far behind your center of mass.

What is occurring on the runway is this:

As your plane picks up speed, it tries to lift off the ground, but the back wheels try to lift first, putting all the stability onto the single front wheel resulting in a crash.

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You center of lift is too far behind your center of mass.

What is occurring on the runway is this:

As your plane picks up speed, it tries to lift off the ground, but the back wheels try to lift first, putting all the stability onto the single front wheel resulting in a crash.

Thank you that seemed to help,

Its odd on many of my other planes my center of lift was behind the mass in a similar fashion but this problem never happened. I usually keep the center of lift farther behind so when fuel burns away i do not have a plane that suddenly flips over.

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I think moar struts applies here.

Without a rigid plane the landing gear point in all kinds of crazy directions.

Also, your center of drag (which isn't a displayed option in the SPH) maybe too far in front of your center of mass.

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