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First time I've seen this

E. F. Kranz

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If you go into the settings.cfg you can increase the number of orbits that the game will predict.

Also (my personal favorite) you can change the orbit type to 0 making it so it shows you your predicted orbit around the destination planet. Instead of those weird half of each orbits that it does by default.

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Well, I've finally seen my first "red orbit line thing"

Although not how you expected it.

See, I was planning a manned mission to Jool's moon, laythe, and back. HOWEVER, mechjeb screwed up and ended up sending me out of the solar system.. Well.. Look at this.


I decided to let this go on, because it turned out I forgot to EVA my kerbal out of the capsule and into the seat, I decided to pass it off as an experimental mission to escape the solar system.


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About the Conic patch 0, which is awesome btw, I just wanted to add my tip, which might seem obvious to some but took me a very long time to realize. Use tab to focus on your target body before you are in its SOI and backspace to reset. And yeah it works for other conic patch but it is a must here.

Edited by merlinux
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How do you get it to show multiple different lines? After exiting SOIs my lines simply disappear... And I have seen people able to see what their intercept with a planet looks like and zoom in on it. How can I do that? Do I need a mod?

I'm assuming you mean maneuver nodes. If you click on the blue line that shows where you are orbiting, it will bring up a few icons. If you click and drag around on the icons, it will predict what will happen. For example, pro grading at your periapsis will raise your apoapsis. If you clicked at the periapsis and dragged the prograde icon a yellow line will appear, this is your predicted orbit after you do the burn, it will also show a meter on the right of your navball, showing how much delta V it'll take to do so. I explained it REALLY poorly, so you should look up some videos on it.

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About the Conic patch 0, which is awesome btw, I just wanted to add my tip, which might seem obvious to some but took me a very long time to realize. Use <tab> to focus on your target body before you are in its SOI and <backspace> to reset. And yeah it works for other conic patch but it is a must here.

Why be limited by setting the conics in the config?


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It goes: blue, yellow, purple, green, red, blue, yellow, purple, green, red, blue ect
Same! I wonder if there's more colours!

There might be answer for you.

It's difficult to set maneuver nodes if there is multiple APs/PEs at same point. For some reason game gives priority to show distant future information first, hiding what will happen on next fly by... :rolleyes:

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