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[0.23] Crowd-sourced Science Logs: SCIENCE NEEDS YOU!


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Yeah I think I found some missing entry options as well. I think Kerbin has landed for each of it's biome's. I am adding some Seismic data (which you can only log while landed) and noticed that while you have "FlyingLowMountains" you don't have the landed option.

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Scott's using some crowdsourced science in his newest video, by the by. :D

aaaaaaaand my life is complete. :)

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FYI: About halfway through editing the log, focusing on the things that were requested a while ago (static, breaking the 4th wall, etc). My goal is to finish by the end of this week, along with adding the missing biomes.

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Request: I seem to have misplaced my original ScienceDefs.cfg file. Can someone who still has theirs send me a link to download it? Just want to do some stats on it.

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Would have installed this a while ago if I hadn't missed it somehow.

Anyhow, installed it under Kerbal Space Program\GameData\CrowdSourcedScienceLogs\Resources to avoid overwriting the stock one, seems to work fine.

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Is there just one EVA report message or is it a bug on my end?

Known issue: The code doesn't select new logs every time you run an experiment.

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It's pretty cool to see more seismic logs than barometer scans... guess people actually use my charts. :)

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Edit: Seventy-five today and counting. Woohoo!

...I credit Scott Manley.

Edited by codepants
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Guys, you all need to stop referencing the dead kraken on bop, leave some mystery to it.

Noted. I was just trying to tie in the kraken from the KSP Official video, the one who falls in the toxic goop and starts glowing, then hides in the materials bay. It was kinda begging for a Bop reference, but I'll refrain in the future. Oh, also, somebody needs to give the list of locations a quick sweep, there's more than just EveFlyingHigh missing from it.

EDIT: I'm not saying anybody doesn't know this, but my inner grammar nazi demands I get confirmation; are the editors of this mod aware of the difference between "then" and "than" I ask this only because one of fox's edits made me think of it suddenly, not because I've seen any violations of the grammatical structure.

Edited by Tanya Sapien
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EDIT: I'm not saying anybody doesn't know this, but my inner grammar nazi demands I get confirmation; are the editors of this mod aware of the difference between "then" and "than" I ask this only because one of fox's edits made me think of it suddenly, not because I've seen any violations of the grammatical structure.

Oh... Did I mess that up somewhere? o.o

Then is temporal ("This happened, then that happened" or "if this, then that") and than is comparative ("This is more than that"). I'm an English TA, so I should hope I didn't mess that up somewhere, but it happens. xp

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Oh, also, somebody needs to give the list of locations a quick sweep, there's more than just EveFlyingHigh missing from it.

I am aware and will get to that sometime this week. Sorry for the delay.

"Then/than:" You would be surprised how many other grammatical errors we have to deal with. Thanks for checking. :)

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Referencing events that didn't actually happen such as Jeb showing up on the Mun is a little jarring, in my humble opinion.

Fixed; sorry about that. We are still filtering out those that made it in during the initial submission period. It's a process. :)

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EDIT: A few of the submissions have referenced colonization. What's the public opinion on this?

Edited by codepants
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Fixed; sorry about that. We are still filtering out those that made it in during the initial submission period. It's a process. :)

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EDIT: A few of the submissions have referenced colonization. What's the public opinion on this?

depends on how they're used.... can you cive examples?

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depends on how they're used.... can you cive examples?

Atmo analysis on Duna: The carbon dioxide in the air is thick enough that it could be harvested for plants in greenhouses. This means colonies could be a thing here!

Gravity scan on Duna: The gravity is high enough to walk normally but low enough for EVA packs to work like jetpacks. Colonizing here just got a lot more appealing.

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Completely off-topic:

It is my new personal mission to submit enough science logs referencing it that the sport 'baskerbal' enters the general Kerbal vernacular. xD

Haha, here we are, evil proofreaders pursuing our own petty projects. Actually, I want to construct baskerbal court. Right. Now. Yeah, now I see it! It's a mad combination of tennis, basketball, and maybe golf and rugby.

Two teams of kerbals; the starting team selects one kerbal and designates him a ball, or, so to say, a kerball. The goal is to put this kerball into the basket, using strategically placed kerbals as a ladder. There should be some elevations on the court to make it easier and moar interesting. Basket size is just enough for kerbal body to squeeze in, but not enough to let the helmet through. When the point is scored, the section of the court containing the basket is jettisoned to the side, opening a new area with a new basket. If you don't manage to get kerball though the enemy team, and enemy team manages to push your kerball out of the court, the game stops and the turn goes to the enemy team, who selects their own kerball and here it goes.

Edit: The team that first jettisons the last basket wins and walks away through the opening.

I say it's brilliant.

Edited by Outlander4
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Haha, here we are, evil proofreaders pursuing our own petty projects. Actually, I want to construct baskerbal court. Right. Now. Yeah, now I see it! It's a mad combination of tennis, basketball, and maybe golf and rugby.

Well, I'm not about to start approving my own entries. xD

Two teams of kerbals; the starting team selects one kerbal and designates him a ball, or, so to say, a kerball. The goal is to put this kerball into the basket, using strategically placed kerbals as a ladder. There should be some elevations on the court to make it easier and moar interesting. Basket size is just enough for kerbal body to squeeze in, but not enough to let the helmet through. When the point is scored, the section of the court containing the basket is jettisoned to the side, opening a new area with a new basket. If you don't manage to get kerball though the enemy team, and enemy team manages to push your kerball out of the court, the game stops and the turn goes to the enemy team, who selects their own kerball and here it goes.

Edit: The team that first jettisons the last basket wins and walks away through the opening.

I say it's brilliant.

Attach the baskets to decouplers and allow the use of RCS packs, and I think we have a winner. GO KERBIN KRAKENS! xD

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