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Service Propulsion System - [Orbital Docking Assistant] - KASC


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The Service Propulsion System

:: An Orbital Docking Assistant Meant to Reduce Part Count ::



-What does it do?

Have you ever had the problem of attempting to dock a module for your space station and having all these obsolete RCS thrusters and tanks afterwards? Well the SPS is an orbital docking assistant made to help with just that. It allows you to dock your module and ONLY your module while removing all other unneeded parts.

-How does it do this?

The SPS is a removable module you add to the bottom of your station (or whatever) piece you are trying to dock. On it are RCS tanks and thrusters to allow you to dock and then easily detach from afterwards so your once 20 part or so module becomes a 6 part one.

-How do I use it?

Using it is a simple process. This Imgur album shows exactly how to do so.


-Is there anything else I need to know?

Yes, if you need to you can easily switch the solar panels and RCS if a diagonal layout is needed. I also have a version that uses the KW Rocketry Service Propulsion System engine if anyone prefers that (I do since it has an ISP of 400)


(if dropbox for some reason doesn't work)

Please leave feedback or any comments you have :D

Edited by Sippyfrog
re-directing of dropbox link for download tracking
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Cool thing. I just have one problem with it: The struts that are left on the module add another 6 unneeded parts.

That is easily solvable by not connecting any struts to the actual module but instead adding some detachable stuff to attach the struts to.

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Well, If I do not make a mistake, struts are only count as parts on their origin. Going from a tank A to a Tank B will count as 2 parts for Bloc A and only 1 for bloc B, even if there is still marks on this last one.

So this should not be a problem here, you just have to put the struts from the removable module (SPS) to the module to dock :)

This is really useful, something that I use to use really often, with all my orbital construction. 350 parts is laggy so there is a crual need of optimisation in Part Number :D

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