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Kerbal savegame ubuntu

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Hello everyone I explain my problem, I have Kerbal for windows, I decided to switch to ubuntu 13.10 so I installed Kerbal for linux and I brought the folder in the folder saves ksp in ubuntu, when I start ksp don't load any savegame, if restarting a new game with the same ksp tell me the name already exists, and that if I want to overwrite it, how do I successfully import the game? I need it because i don't wont lose career mode.

Sorry for my bad eng and thanks a lot

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I'm on Ubuntu, also. I have a Windows install on my laptop, so I'll see if I can replicate this. It may be a bit, though, because I have to go run some errands pretty soon.

For the time being, it should be the exact same files. The only difference is possibly if you're using the 32-bit in Windows and 64-bit in Linux; I don't know if the saves would be compatible or not. But otherwise the saves should be identical and interchangable. So if it's not working there's something wonky happening that makes no sense to me.

Just to make sure I'm understanding: You went into your Windows game directory, copied your save folder to a thumb drive (my game/folder is named Kermit), then booted into Ubuntu and went to your game location (mine is at /Home/Games/KSP) and copied the folder into the correct place, and now it won't work.

I'll test this later when I have time.

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I have two hdd in windows and in the second one runs ubuntu, using ubuntu I went into the desktop folder in windows / ksp / saves, I copied and pasted the folder saves in ubuntu ksp folder and when I start KSP don't recognize the save

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I have a suspicion this may have something to do with how Windows and Linux treat new lines in text files.

In Windows, a newline is specified with a carrige return and a line feed - \r\n

In Linux, it only uses the linefeed character - \n

You could try running the savefile through the dos2unix program http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/dos2unix1.html

I suspect you'd need to do the same with any .craft files you have too.

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I have a suspicion this may have something to do with how Windows and Linux treat new lines in text files.

In Windows, a newline is specified with a carrige return and a line feed - \r\n

In Linux, it only uses the linefeed character - \n

You could try running the savefile through the dos2unix program http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/dos2unix1.html

I suspect you'd need to do the same with any .craft files you have too.

Hmm but people are sharing .craft files all over the place, I think it would have come up if ships built when playing in win/mac/linux weren't compatible? I'm playing ksp in linux and haven't had any compatibility problems when sharing crafts with my friend who plays in windows.

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If the files were opened in wordpad at any time they can become damaged, try opening them and saving them in any Linux text editor.

The case sensitivity can be an issue if you see both Saves and saves in your folder, so make sure there's only the one saves folder.

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If you open them in vi, you can strip out the cr-lf combo by hitting : and then typing in %s/{ctrl-v}{ctrl-m}//g{return}

Then hit : again and type in wq! to save and exit.

Edit: If you open the file on a linux machine and see a bunch of ^M at the end of the file, then you have the cr-lf combo windows uses that linux doesn't.

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Hmm but people are sharing .craft files all over the place, I think it would have come up if ships built when playing in win/mac/linux weren't compatible? I'm playing ksp in linux and haven't had any compatibility problems when sharing crafts with my friend who plays in windows.

It's a good point. All things being equal I can't see the craft files being treated any different from the save files.

I've run into issues processing text files from Windows on Linux hosts before, so thought it's worth eliminating the obvious things first.

Edit: Jfox, could you upload the savefile somewhere for us to take a look at?

Edited by pxi
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Did you use any mods on Windows? :rolleyes: Maybe that's not a Windows-Linux issue after all.

The most common issue with moving scripts from Windows to Linux is slashes in paths. Maybe there are some in save file (Windows - \, Linux - /).

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Did you use any mods on Windows? :rolleyes: Maybe that's not a Windows-Linux issue after all.

The most common issue with moving scripts from Windows to Linux is slashes in paths. Maybe there are some in save file (Windows - \, Linux - /).

I had a look at the persistance files on my system, the only place I saw paths being specified was for the flags, and they were specified with the *nix-style /

Mods that write to the persistance file, that's a thought tho...

Edited by pxi
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  • 2 years later...

Just to weigh in as another suffering the same fate of my KSP windows saves being unacceptable to my xubuntu16.4 install. As far as I can tell I have the KSP running in 64bit same as my windows was and I am only transferring the specific save, not the entire folder. I have a windows laptop I play on as well so would like to be able to swap saves back and forth as the need arises and I would imagine that a few players would love to know why this is happening.

Thanks in advance to those gurus who come to our rescue on this.:D

And now I really want these emoticons for twitter, lol

so I just noticed that even though I have opted into using the latest beta release my steam kerbal only loads 1.1.0.xxxx while all my windows saves are currently 1.1.2 and my windows kerbal on my laptop, using the same settings, is running the 1.1.2.xxxx. This is definately one reason my files won't load as they are versions ahead of the one linux steam seems to be willing to load for me. So as nuts as this is I had to choose to opt out of all betas to get 1.1.2. FML why can't things just be simple, so latest stable gives 1.0.5 , beta gives 1.1.0 and opting out of all gives 1.1.2, makes perfect sense to me:huh:. And yes this fixed my save game issue, so maybe the only problem is the saves version number if you were opting into betas on your windows. I opened the persistent.sfs and right at the top is the version the save is for.

Edited by ArturDent69
updated info on problem and potential solution
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4 hours ago, ArturDent69 said:

...So as nuts as this is I had to choose to opt out of all betas to get 1.1.2...

That would be because 'beta' was only for 1.1.  If you stay on that branch you're deliberately, officially and specifically saying you do NOT want the standard release (1.1.2).  Saves are compatible between OSs, since they are only dependent on the Unity engine, but not reliably between different versions, because the different versions, by definition, act differently.  You may also care to note that this thread is almost three years old!

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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