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Rainbow fields on a mechanical plane,

Once it is used it is never the same.

Bending most minds in twists and in spins,

Passing the hours, floating one along on a feeble whim.

Behold, however, the secret within,

There is a way, a hidden path, with which one may win.

Extract the secrets, ones of patterns, some with form,

And soon will the clock be your fascinating norm.

And we go down the hole again.

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Rainbow fields on a mechanical plane,

Once it is used it is never the same.

Bending most minds in twists and in spins,

Passing the hours, floating one along on a feeble whim.

Behold, however, the secret within,

There is a way, a hidden path, with which one may win.

Extract the secrets, ones of patterns, some with form,

And soon will the clock be your fascinating norm.

Posted again.

(It does seem like it could be the Mariokart Rainbow Road level, doesn't it? :P)

But that's not what I was looking for. Try again.

So far I know of 1 other person (in person, not online) who has gotten it, but both him and I share a common ideal which would relate to this riddle.

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