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A fated pair, we're quite a bother,

Though one is longer than the other.

While both quite full in all regards,

Our contents differ, claim thy guards.

As time goes by, the longer grows,

Changing with the winter's snows.

All the while, the shorter slows,

'till all our pieces cast their blows.

What are we?

It's rather late, so I hope I've not made it too obvious.

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Nope, sorry. :)

It doesn't really fit anything other than the first couplet.

A fated pair, we're quite a bother,

Though one is longer than the other.

While both quite full in all regards,

Our contents differ, claim thy guards.

As time goes by, the longer grows,

Changing with the winters' snows.

All the while, the shorter slows,

'till all our pieces cast their blows.

What are we?

Edited by vexx32
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I'd say that's quite a stretch, and it'd be unfair to be so pedantic in creating a riddle, in my opinion. Nope. :)

EDIT: Also, I just realised I misplaced an apostrophe in the riddle. I'll go back and fix that in my earlier post on this page.

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