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I'll take that lead :)

There's a land where there's mummies and daddies but no babies. Books but no libraries. Mirrors but no reflections. Kittens but no cats. Cattle but no cows. Lollipops but no candy and trees but no forests. It's the land of what?

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It's the land of double letters. :P

I am so confused, but whatever.



If I'm confused now I'm about to be hopelessly lost! :D YEAH!

(Unless I have another epiphany, like with the pen riddle a while back. I'm still proud of that. :))

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I am so confused, but whatever.



If I'm confused now I'm about to be hopelessly lost! :D YEAH!

(Unless I have another epiphany, like with the pen riddle a while back. I'm still proud of that. :))

All the things that *are* have double letter in the word, the things that *aren't* don't have double letters.

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I got that. :) Just never would have occurred to me.

Yeesh. Still got 35 minutes of upload time on the C-SPAN thing for AP English, then I can go to bed. :)

Vexx, do you have a riddle?


Uh-oh. Internet cut out.

PLEASE don't stop, uploader! You've been at this for half an hour! :(

NOOOO! :mad:

It stopped. Drat.

Only 10 hours till the deadline. Don't know if I should wait for school internet or try again.

Edited by Starwhip
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I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth

To the sparser reaches of highest holt.

A savage taint marks where I make berth,

My deft fingers bring all to tumult.

I am that which exists without form or mind,

An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality.

My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind;

My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty.

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways,

And I wander endlessly from one to the next,

Inscribing them anew in the span of days,

Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed.

Who am I?

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None of those. :D

I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth

To the sparser reaches of highest holt.

A savage taint marks where I make berth,

My deft fingers bring all to tumult.

I am that which exists without form or mind,

An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality.

My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind;

My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty.

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways,

And I wander endlessly from one to the next,

Inscribing them anew in the span of days,

Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed.

Who am I?

Edited by vexx32
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The Sun? That makes more sense. Mythology and whatnot.
Nope. :)
Is is some form of deadly natural gas?
Hmm, that's pretty close, really. It almost fits... but even a gas has a form, if a very flexible one. :P
You, or possibly your forum account? (Judging by the picture, location, and the word vexed)
Nope. I chose that word mainly just because I could make it rhyme. :D
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