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Fifty and Eighty could also refer to a decibel measure. Or both decibel and frequency. That's a very loud, low noise.

I have an idea, let me check the riddle again.

I think it's an atomic bomb.

The bomb itself, or the noise it makes? (Theboom) The boom is the closer one, but unfortunately dies at the last verse. After all, if we are describing what makes the noise, it could be tracked... right? But you are the first to figure out the meaning of "fifty and eighty."

List of hints:

1. Specific

2. Phenomenon

3. Drone

4. Worldwide

5. Akin to a voice

New 6th hint: My reason for editing the last few posts

- - - Updated - - -

As is often the case, adding verses only makes it even more perplexing.


I think Majorjim already guessed that. I can't remember, I'll have to hunt around a bit.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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A few random guesses:

A death knell.

A sonic boom.

The whistle of a falling bomb.

An air raid siren.

The Krakatoa Eruption sound.

Oh man. I absolutely feel terrible having to mark those all off. (Now try reading in the voice of Pat Sajak. It get's really scary)

Anyone want a massive hint? I feel awful just sitting back and watching.

List of hints:

1. Specific

2. Phenomenon

3. Drone

4. Worldwide

5. Akin to a voice

6. My reason for editing the last few posts

New 7th hint: It was given the name of a town

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Oh man. I absolutely feel terrible having to mark those all off. (Now try reading in the voice of Pat Sajak. It get's really scary)

Anyone want a massive hint? I feel awful just sitting back and watching.

Nah, bask in that feeling. :D It's a well-voiced riddle.

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I get the feeling that it is the Soviet directed-energy weapon, which uses sound waves.

Not much in the way of progress, but narrowing things down is always a good thing. (although the point before kind of contradicts that)

Running without legs

Screaming without voice

Slicing without knives

All without choice

Howls without ring

Rumbles without quake

For to hear one sing

Is to die in its' wake

Noise without source

Sounding so coarse

I know it “hurtsâ€Â, matey

Between fifty and eighty

Cannot ever be tracked

But you are distract

One of five mysteries

Throughout all's histories

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Da heck???

So it's worldwide, but it's named after one particular place.

Is it this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum

Awwwww yiss

You got it head on! And thank god to, this feels like that one time I gave the 53 Bicycles riddle to someone. Here's an explanation:

Running without legs - Run - Proliferate at higher than sedate speeds. Sound moves really, really fast.

Screaming without voice - Screaming is what some people describe this noise to be, for reasons we will get into later.

Slicing without knives - This is quite a literal statement. Sound is a series of compression waves, and can move through you with ease. It slices through like knife in butter.

All without choice - Noise does not have a will of its' own. It does what it does.

Howls without ring - No single documentation of The Taos/Bristol Hum has shown any "afterimages". In other words, it doesn't echo, or ring. It sounds like a howl to some.

Rumbles without quake - In some parts of the world, reports of a low rumble have been heard along side this hum.

For to hear one sing - There is more than one hum. It depends on the person you ask. People hear different things.

Is to die in its' wake - The Taos/Bristol Hum is not forever. People (albiet very few) have said it comes and goes. The hum has linked to many suicides, even after it is gone.

Noise without source - We have not been able to find a source of this hum. It seems to just come from nowhere.

Sounding so coarse - What we have recorded of it is loose, and very different from what some report.

I know it “hurtsâ€Â, matey - A little play on "Hertz", but also true for hurting some, or causing those to hurt others.

Between fifty and eighty - Most reported sounds of the hum appear to point to a noise ranging from 50 to 80 hertz.

Cannot ever be tracked - We've not given up on tracking this, but nothing has been found so far.

But you are distract - This noise has caused many, if not all people who can hear it to fall away from their current tasks.

One of five mysteries - The Taos/Bristol Hum is ranked as one of the 5 most mysterious sounds ever reported and recorded.

Throughout all's histories - This has been going on for a while! Everyone can hear it, but for most, it's just ambient sounds in the background that don't seem important.


Specific - I'm pretty sure this explains itself.

Phenomenon - This is also pretty solid.

Drone - It is a constant sound.

Worldwide - It can be heard everywhere.

Akin to a voice - Not too literal, but humming is something a voice does sometimes.

My reason for editing the last few posts - Subtle, subtle hint.

It was given the name of a town - Known as The "Taos" Hum, or The "Bristol" Hum.

Man, you've done it! Next up, we have B787_300, who has been waiting patiently for the last few days.

Here's a video of a recording someone made, in case you are curious:

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Yeah, I'd never heard of it either, I just looked up "hum" on Wikipedia wondering if there were some specific hums it was talking about.

It's pretty much impossible to know what other people know though. Presumably you thought of it as reasonably well known.

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Heh, it sounds like the sort of thing that'd end up as a local legend, or something. :P

The noise sounds pretty calming, actually... not sure why people find it unsettling. It sounds like air moving through hollow spaces deep beneath the earth...

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The next riddle is as follows

Sleeping atop a ledge,

Not lost, and yet forlorn,

Gathering badges of time,

Till my soul is weighed,

As I catch another's eye.

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost;

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine,

Pain and misery, all entwined.

What am I?

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