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Shoelaces... :P (Not an answer, BTW)

How about starfish or pencil urchins?

Oh... Bah, who uses shoelaces anymore?

Now what the deuce is a pencil urchin? Let me look it up...

Oh okay. That's what it is. It's kinda freaky looking. Something you wouldn't want to step on.

It bares minimal similarities. ...minimal​.

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Nope. ...You don't use the hooks on Velcro? How do you put on your shoes?

Velcro works with hooks and loops.

Some sort of seed... an acorn? a conker?

(A conker is the seed of the horse chestnut tree, used in a children's game. I'm not sure if that's well known outside the UK.)

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Nope to both.

The answers are plural. And NO, plural is not one of the answers. Answers is not the answer either.

Born from the same tree,

Yet destined for different fates.

We all bear children,

Who all have their waits.

The mother of us will die,

But we will not mourn.

Instead we cheer on

For our brothers will soon be born.

A scary sight, the first few looks,

But nothing to fear, we don't use these hooks.

An obvious answer it may seem,

But out of 2 correct ones, you find it's missing.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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I'd dread the day Snowflakes were frightening to look at. Nope^^

(She's off watching LittleBigPlanet, so as a management notice, I've formulated hints for you all when ready. And oh man, these are more cryptic than the clues in Castlevania and Stafox Adventures combined. I hope you're all ready...)

I'm back! Have I killed enough brain cells yet?

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Okay, I think we all need a hint. Remember when I said Castlevania III style hints? Well I can't remember anything because I was thinking of Castlevania II: Simon's quest.

Here we go...

Hint for answer 1:

The black silhouettes from nightmares of the young,

The land in LA of which bears the name,

Held today, olden traditions live on,

Yet if the two are related is the point of the game.

Hint for answer 2:

The unparalleled sophistication I hold,

I choose a life of beauty or enfold.

My scales are aligned, my swords at ready,

I am a growing fort, slow but steady.

God I'm sure you all hate me right now... This is fun!

Cacti? A prickly plant?

That is actually a good guess! Unfortunately it doesn't fit the first line too well, but keep trying!

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Are you saying you got nightmares from roses once?

And where's Vexx? He hasn't been here in ages...

Born from the same tree,

Yet destined for different fates.

We all bear children,

Who all have their waits.

The mother of us will die,

But we will not mourn.

Instead we cheer on

For our brothers will soon be born.

A scary sight, the first few looks,

But nothing to fear, we don't use these hooks.

An obvious answer it may seem,

But out of 2 correct ones, you find it's missing.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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