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Kerbal Powers Board Game

The Fleet Master

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How's THIS for a base? Only 5.2 KM from Notillian Airfeild and City.

Notillian Space Center. And yes, it's real.


Launches missiles up to 80 tons. Current rocket is able to reach 100x100KM orbit.


Edited by zekes
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Is it to late to join? If it isn't, I would like to take the Peninsula Chain.

EDIT: Oops, I didn't realise Daemon had the Chain. Can I still be in the same region as someone else or would I have to join up with someone?

Edited by Deathsoul097
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@daemonCaptrix Yes I amended the rule for sea based command centers. Keep in mind that it has to stay in that hex to control it though. Can't wait to see what you came up with.

@Deathsoul097 You may, just read the rules and Ill add you in I have to update it all anyway. Welcome Deathsoul097 :)

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ok, did a few things today for my turn.

Added two Houses in Notillian, near the airport.

Then I extended to the peninsula southeast of my current territory.






And launch is still go today. Everyone's pumped up.

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My command centre has been placed:


Its location:


(The fully black hex on the map)

Man was it hard to get there. 56 tonnes, and 67 parts all on it's own. ^_^ The rocket to get it there ended up being over 200 parts in itself (Including the skycrane), half of which were struts. Difficulty being it has an offset centre of mass, it is 56 TONNES, and it broke apart on landing half the time. I think I ended up launching it about five times... Anyway, I launched it and only barely landed it where I wanted, only a last minute full on burn with the skycrane managed to get me away from this turning into a sea base. Of course, I can't have an ugly, gigantic skycrane on top of the lights in the centre of my base, so I proceeded to decouple it and crash it into the nearby ocean faster than terminal velocity (Had some extra fuel left so I thought, WTH, I'm not going to use it later.) Anyway, now to work on that gantry.

EDIT: Do I have to supply the .CRAFT file for the base?

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lol, maybe. I might chuck in some red here and there or something.

Also I find this confusing: You say that structures must reach their position legitimately, but what about when we design and build for the challenges? I see nothing saying that those or my vehicles must reach the home location legitimately? And can we have more than one structure in a single hex?

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Only the command center has to be legit and vehicles don't have to either, otherwise there is no way some of the ones people did would ever.

As for structures in one hex no, I have not yet decided if there should be a rule for that. for now we are just establishing out zones and adding players. The challenges will stipulate if they have to be legit launches or not.

That reminds me. The second challenge is to build a light aircraft arm it and a light boat and arm it. then use them to take out a practice target as a test. Show screenshots or video of the craft in action.

@Deathsoul097 no craft files of military craft used in battles should be PM to me but everything else is up to you. Though eventualy i will put this on the Academy youtube to show off the game and all your designs.

Edited by camulus777
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T-minus 35 minutes to launch, and main computer Systems at Notillian Space Center are firing up...

T-minus 17 minutes: Genegun and Ludlom Kerman are ready for launch.

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Daemon.It took untill now to notice you had a hex,to be fair you are as far away from everyone as possible...I'm making a b-line as soon as possible:D

meanwhile at TSC...


"Why did you press more than one button at a time!?"

"I thought it could handle it"

(It overheated after I tried to open google,I could do with a better computer(not the actual image I just had to turn it off for a while))

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