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Colonization: Chapter Three - Tylen Sea (AAR) [pic heavy]


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Completed Chapters:

Ch1: Farside Crater, Ch2: Lalock Valley, Ch3: Tylen Sea (this one!), Ch4: Munbase Alpha, Ch5: Jool Explorer

Ongoing Chapters: Chapter Six: Atomic Science

Here is episode three of my AAR series Colonization (Thankfully nothing to do with colonoscopies). Note that this happens during Chapter Two while Jedwig is en-route to Duna.


"... and... what if the door jams? What... uh... if you can't get to the controls?"

Bill sighed and put an arm awkwardly around Seanbur's shoulder as they walked. The guy was just a total bag of nerves right now. OK, his first launch. Still...

"Look, Seanbur. Nothing is going to go wrong. You'll do your geology and I'll fly the capsule. We'll be fine. Come on, you know your job and I know mine. No trouble, right? Right?"

Finally Seanbur gave a nervous nod as they neared the end of the accessway and the capsules open doors called to them. With a gulp Seanbur climbed the ladder on the side (not yet rated for space) that led up to the upper capsule.

The new vessel, a duplicate of Munar Two that Jeb and Bob recently took to the Mun, used the newer, more streamlined capsules, stacked one atop the other. It was said it reduced drag to enable both to fit on a vessel that was almost identical to Munar One with it's single capsule. As long it launched safely, and Seanbur worried about that too.

Sliding into the seat he heard Bill get in behind him, both of them assisted by flight technicians in white coats.

"You OK up there Seanbur?" Bill called on the suit mic.

"Er, yes. I'll be fine." 'I hope' he added silently.

"Flight to Minmus One," Gene's familiar voice filtered in through Seanbur's suit, "We check good on our end, you're go for preflight."

The next few minutes were tense as Bill went through his checks and Seanbur through the few he had on the scientific instruments. He'd hoped to have a seizmic instrument to add to the equipment but the techies were having difficulty getting one to work in vacuum without exploding. Rather embarrassing actually.

With a whir and a click he saw the umbilicles retract and the walkway pull away, the last tech waving happily from the open end. If that guy was so overjoyed about all this why couldn't HE be sitting in here instead of Seanbur?

"Come on, get a grip." he muttered to himself and settled in to wait.

It wasn't a very long wait.

"Flight, we're good to go here." Bill said after preflights were finished. "I read a good plot on initial burn to orbit. Thanks for the plot Caldin."

"You're welcome Bill." Caldin's voice came through, rare on a flight, though Bill and Caldin were pretty good friends. That always helped someone to open up.

"B... Bill? I'm reading some oddities in the fifth stage fuel lines. Sh... should we abort?" Seanbur said hopefully.

"Hey, don't worry pal. We're well within specs." Bill replied chearfully. "Hey Gene, what do you read on Fifth stage tanks?"

There was a slight pause while Mission Control checked the figures.

"Reads pressure variance from the launch clamp feeds. Well within tolerance. Should stabalize after launch."

Seanbur sighed, his hope for a reprieve gone. Why had he let Bill talk him into this? He had been quite happy analysing science station readings OTHER PEOPLE had brought home from space.

"We're at T minus two minues Minmus One. Standby."

Well, Gene had confirmed it. He wasn't getting out of this. Straightening the uncomfortable space suit helmet Seanbur re-checked his restrain straps again.

Glancing up he watched nervously as the countdown clock proceeded. Soon down to thirty seconds.

"We read elevated heart rate and blood pressure on your suit teltales Minmus Science. Are you OK?"

It took a moment to register Gene's comment. He wasn't used to being called 'Minmus Science'. Guess he'd have to get used to it on this flight!

"I'm good." He didn't want to be the reason the flight was cancelled, not matter what he felt.

"T minus five... four... three... two... ignition!"

01-Night Launch.jpg

With a roar Seanbur felt his seat slam into his back and his eyes opened in panic. Gritting his teeth as the g-forces built rapidly he struggled to remain calm.

"You've cleared the launch clamps Minmus One. You've got a good burn, and good flight." Caldin said, adding that last for luck Seanbur guessed, or for Bill.

Bill barely acknowledged Telemetry. He was rather busy flying the ship. This was only his third orbital flight after all.

Gouts of flame lashed down from the solid boosters as Minmus One clawed at the sky. It was a huge stack of the larger SRBs KSC had at their disposal, often used for initial stages due to their low cost and high thrust, despite low ISP. However there was talk about changing the launch configurations. After Jedwig's near miss with one of his own stages and after Deep Scan Nine had mapped the large numbers of debris from past launches in LKO, the Program was considering attempting more re-usable vessels, despite the initial csots.

"Booster separation." Bill muttered as he focused on flying "LV T30s burning good. See, told you the fifth stage would be good Seanbur."

02-Booster Separation.jpg

Seanbur didn't answer but just watched the altimeter climb to over six kilometers. This was higher than he'd ever flown before, and never straight upwards! The g's were building to the point where he felt like there was most of another Kerbal laying on top of him... That did remind of that time a while ago when...

"Starting gravity turn." Bill said, interrupting Seanbur's train of thought. "How are you doing up there Seanbur?"

"I, er... I'm OK." He managed, automatically checking his suit again, as much as he could strapped in like this. "How much longer?"

"A little while yet Seanbur. OK, fifth stage is... ARGGH!" Bill exclaimed

03-5th Stage Detonation.jpg

An explosion sounded behind them, raucous and jarring and the craft shook. After a little wobble though things stabilized. Seanbur was terrified, too terrified to even ask what had happened.

"Minmus One, what's your situation?" Gene came in, calm as ever, but sounding insistent.

"Checking Flight. I read no problems here. I think the fifth stage burned unevenly. Maybe some fuel left in when it was jettisoned and it exploded behind us."

"I TOLD YOU!" Seanbur shouted... then blushed in his suit. He hadn't meant to say that as loud as that. "I mean, I knew those readings on the tanks were a real problem."

"Well," Gene said, before Bill could respond, "all reads good here too. Looks like you're good to go. Maintain course Minmus One."

"Roger Flight." Bill said before focusing on his instruments again.

Seanbur wondered if he'd survive this flight!

Edited by Patupi
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Hang in there Seanbur. Let Bill fly the ship and just relax and enjoy the view. The launch can get a little bumpy sure, but it's all pretty peaceful once the engines stop.

Besides - you're the scientist - you've seen the data. A whole new world to explore, nice low gravity and some unique geology to study if that colouring is anything to go by. Think of it as the ultimate field trip!

- Yeah I'm enjoying this :)

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Kerbin Orbit

"Aaaand engine cut off." Bill said as silence descended.

Seanbur slowly removed his claw-like fingers from the acceleration couch arm rests. If he hadn't been wearing clunky suit gloves he'd likely dug holes in them with his fingernails!

"S.. so..*gulp* how long till we set up for the transfer orbit?" he managed weakly.

"About twenty minutes. We've got plenty of time to just chill. Phew! Flying these things does take a lot of concentration." Bill chuckled amiably "I'll be glad of the break myself. Don't know how Jeb does this so nonchalantly."

Seanbur wasn't listening. His eyes had suddenly become very large as he gawped out the window as the night side of Kerbin rotated serenely below. The patchwork of town lights stretched across continents and lit up the planet like a Kristmas tree.

04-TSNM-1 in LKO.jpg

"Wow." He said in a very small voice.

"He, yeah. Got me like that the first time too." Bill said wistfully. "The sight of Mother Kerbin still gets me sometimes."

Slowly the view cycled beneath them, then in a blaze of glory Kerbol burst into view leaving an arc of blue and green slowly spreading towards them.

"You planet gaze while I check everything out Seanbur. I'll make sure there are no problems with the burn, OK?"

"We have to leave to see the real beauty in what we left behind." Seanbur murmured as their ship glided across the landscape.


In a dimly lit corridor noises could be heard from one of the many rooms here in the bowels of KSC.

A thump... a bang...

"Wait, not yet. NOT YET!"

A thunderous roar split the air and several loud clangs. Then the door smashed open and an assembly of metal and plastic screamed out on a pillar of steam, only to hit the door on the other side and smash it's way in. Beyond several screams were uttered, though mostly seeming like people desperate to get out of the way.

A Kerbal streaked out, following the errant piece of technology, uttering 'Sorry!' repeatedly as he went. Behind him Dunkel stopped by the broken door and sighed while his assistant ran after the havoc with far younger legs than he had.

"Well, guess we know the primary tanks work." He said with a faint smile on his face.

"What in Kod was that?"

Dunkel recognized Dansey, one of the new kerbonauts KSC was hiring. Actually, wasn't this that nutty test pilot?

"That was the future of personal, orbital maneuvering systems... when we get the bugs ironed out."

"Oh cool! The new EVA pack! Can I give it a go?"

Dunkel looked oddly at the young Kerbal. He'd just heard the chaos the thing had wrought and he wanted to strap it on? Dunkel made a mental note to keep this guy away from the test equipment in future.

"Sorry, that wasn't functional. Polly just connected the tanks before I'd shut the vent system down. That wasn't the RCS ports spraying vapor. It was the tanks themselves. Like that it'd vent in a matter of seconds... as you can see." he said, waving a hand into the lab opposite where numerous pieces of smashed equipment were strewn across the floor. "No control at all as yet. Don't worry, we'll get an operational version up and running in... maybe less than a week. You can play with it then."

Dansey definitely seemed disappointed.

"Um, got anything else in there?" He said, pointing back into Dunkel's workshop.

"Do you like to climb ladders?" Dunkel asked pointedly. Dansey slowly shook his head, obviously not quite understanding why Dunkel had asked that. "Then no. Nothing else."

After Dansey had drifted off Dunkel chuckled.

"If Jeb had been here he'd have been happy with that!"

He strode back inside and pushed the button on the new 'Mobility Enhancer' and saw the framework unfold and extend with solid sounding clicks.

"Hah! That'll show him why we needed the time to get this right!" He said, watching the frame telescope out and lock into place, one piece at a time. It even came with a small light to make sure you could see the rungs to grab hold of. "And he wondered why we couldn't make a simple la..."


Dunkel didn't move, just snapped his eyes shut as pieces of Mobility Enhancer flew around the room, the small, springy bits of metal bouncing rather a lot and took a while to settle down.

"...adder." He finished dejectedly, while plucking a strip of spring from his hair "OK, maybe Jeb can wait a little longer. POLLY! GET BACK IN HERE! WE'VE GOT WORK TO DO."

Edited by Patupi
RCS Steam... ENGAGE!
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Transfer Burn

05-Minmus Intercept.jpg

"We have a plot set up Minumus One."

Bill studied the screen as the modified data from Mission Control came in. He still had half an eye watching Seanbur's vitals. The guy worried him, though he tried not to let it show. When Bill pushed Seanbur into applying for the mission specialist position for this trip he'd thought it would finally push him through his nervousness. Get him more confident... especially as this was his field after all. Exogeology, or Extrakerbestrial Geology as Seanbur prefered to call it.

"Roger Flight, looks a little long on the orbit. Trying to save time on intercept Caldin?"

"He, hey I know how you loath, long boring flights Bill." Came Telemetry's response. "Plus you have the delta V to spare on this one. Plenty of reserve."

"Huh, kind of ingrained now though, to get the maximal return for it, minimum orbit to get close. Still, you're right, this does it quicker, and it's a long way to Minmus. Heck, Jedwig's course was slightly non-hohmann, not hugely inefficient, but still wasting fuel. If they can do that on an interplanetary ship who am I to stop KSC from doing it with a ship to one of Kerbal's moons?"

"How much of our reserve?"

Bill looked up automatically, even though there was a bulkhead between him and Seanbur.

"Seanbur, don't worry, we've still got tons of fuel left. It's not a problem on this trip. This ship was designed to land on the Mun, with Minmus' much lighter gravity we have plenty of dV to spare."

He could still hear Seanbur grumbling up ahead, but he didn't respond otherwise. Hmm. There had to be something he could do to get the guy more with it.

"Seanbur, we do need some checks on the science gear in flight. Could you get things set up? I know, we'll do the actual tests after the burn, but just get things ready, OK?"

"Uh, sure Bill. I... I mean Minmus One."

With a chuckle Bill got back onto the transfer plot and started to get the ship ready.


"Ready Seanbur?" Bill said

"Um... no, but lets go. I just want it to be over."

Bill stopped what he was doing and sighed. This was getting silly!

"Seanbur, this isn't going to be like launch. It's just a transfer burn, and a low acceleration one at that. We can't crash, the engine is incredibly reliable, and you won't feel much in the way of g-forces. What's to worry about?"


Bill just closed his eyes and got ready for the burn.

"Minmus One, you're lined up and set. We read good on primary systems. Slight vibration reading in the hatch on your capsule. Should be fine for burn but suggest you check out the locking mechanism after burn complete."

"Roger flight."

"Um, should we be worried?" Seanbur said quietly.

"It's a hatch. Even if it swung open in flight as long as we're strapped in we'll be fine."

"But if the ship's pressurised, even low pressure, it'll act like a rocket! Pushing ths ship off course. We could be flung wi..."

"STOP IT SEANBUR!" Bill said sharply, the regretted it instantly. This was not the way to handle this. "Look, it's OK. If you're worried about the burn we can depressurise for that, then I'll check it out after. Check your suit and let me know when you're done so I can get started. We've three minutes to the burn."

"Um... OK Bill."

He really had to find a way to get Seanbur to calm down!


"OK, capsules are depressurized Flight." Bill said a little later. "We're lined up on the mark and ready for burn."

"Roger Minmus One. Minmus Science, are you good for the burn?" Gene said softly.

"I... I'm good. Er, Minmus Science reports ready for acceleration." he managed, holding the terror back.

There was a slight cough from behind him. Was Bill laughing at him? No, he wouldn't! Seanbur re-checked his straps as Minmus One went over the final checks.

"We're hot to trot Flight." Bill said with a real chuckle this time. "Give me a countdown. You know how I love countdowns!"

"Yes, totally enthused." Gene said blandly "OK Minmus One, just for you... Twelve... Ten... Nine..."

"Don't let us explode. Don't let us Explode." Seanbur repeated to himself quietly while the countdown carried on.

"Two... One... Ignition." and Seanbur braced, but as Bill had said it was very minor push into his seat.

Slowly Seanbur started to relax a little. Perhaps, just perhaps, he could get to like space travel... just he doubted it would be on this flight. And he'd have to be WAY surer of the safety of the ship!

06-Long Burn.jpg

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En-Route to Minmus

Bill looked through the optical enhancer (KSC refused to call it a zoom lens) on the external camera, the display monitor giving crystal clear visuals of the target.

"I still don't think it looks like a mint." he said quizzically, and was surprised when chuckles came from the forward cockpit.

"Oh, that one again?" Seanbur said, still chuckling. " 'It's green, it must be mint ice-cream', or 'Kod's mint candy that he's already licked the chocolate off'. Hmm, how about that one about the Kraken liking mint taffy to wrap it's eggs in. I think that's the best."

'Finally, he's warming up.' Bill thought to himself. 'best keep things going.'

"Hey, don't you put down the great ice-cream mystery!" he said indignantly "I was just poo-pooing the guys who thing it's a mint candy! Those guys are just nuts."

"Oh come on Bill! You work at KSC, you know at least a LITTLE science. You can't tell me you don't believe it's just ice and rock, right?"

"Ice 'cream' and rock. Big difference."

"Oh of all the... wait, you're winding me up aren't you?" Seanbur said, but he still sounded cheerful.

"Heh, had you going for a sec though didn't I?"

"Gah! Maybe I'd have been better off with Jeb as a pilot!"

For once both of them were cheerful, but unfortunately it only lasted a few hours, and the trip to Minmus would take nearly a day!


"I'm telling you it's going to be a radiation surge!" Seanbur said nervously.

"Minmus Science," Gene's voice echoed out of the helmet speakers, "We've been checking the systems and all detection systems for the last half hour. Trust me, there is no coronal mass ejection event at present. We have the telescopes at Hoober Island focusing on the sun right now. No coronal ejecta. No flares. No increase in Kerbolar wind. You are fine."

Bill carefully stayed out of it as Flight and Minmus Science argued. Seanbur had heard some odd static an hour ago, just after mid course correction, and then he'd insisted his instruments were picking up some faint readings indicative of a Kerbolar flare soon. KSC disagreed.

"Look, Flight, please check the Argo-five readouts again. If it's a cyclic pulse we could be building to a major event. Can you get any readout on the Karrington index on the sunspot layer?"

Curiously it seemed like Seanbur was actually less nervous than usual. He was obviously scared, but Bill guessed it was different when it was something he knew about. True, his main degree was in geology... but it seems he had other interests. Unfortunately Bill realized he would have to interrupt this after all. He hated butting into these kind of things, but this time it was important.

"Sorry guys, but we're nearing Minmus." Bill said carefully. "I need to get a corroboration on orbital data to plot the entry burn and you need to start getting the orbital science going Seanbur. Part of the reason we're here after all."

With a sigh Seanbur relucantly agreed and the Kerbolar radiation subject was dropped, but Bill could see Seanbur's elevated vitals. The guy was still worried. You don't suppose he could be right and the whole of KSC could be wrong could you? Nawww.

While Seanbur started studying the local medium and occasionally commented on the reaction to certain high energy particles, Bill got his course ironed out and watched Minmus grow on the forward monitors, then through the window. It was pretty, whatever it was made of, and soon they'd be landing on it. But first to get a stable orbit so they could could confirm a good landing spot.

07-Circularize at Minmus.jpg

Bill remembered the various satellites that had been sent around the far side of the Mun to map Farside Crater for Jeb's first mission there. This time they were going on blurring photos from Kerbin. He really needed better data!

Slowly they slid closer, pulling in to roughly thirty kilometers above the rocky surface. The green color was rather restfull on the eyes at least. Bill far preferred this to The Mun, whatever Jeb said.

About ten minutes later he was setting up for his burn.

"Seanbur. You about done up there?" He said when he was ready. "We're going to be under acceleration again soon and I want you ready."

"How long till the burn?" He said, almost absentmindedly.

Bill grinned. Yesterday he'd been terrified of a burn just like this, and now he seemed more annoyed at being interrupted.

"About twenty minutes. Anything you need stowed?"

There was a slight pause before he answered.

"Actually, I did want to check out the readings on my hand held equipment... and I haven't actually done a spacewalk."

Bill almost choked. This was the guy who was panicing over the launch?

"Um, well sure. We're depressurized already so feel free to step outside. But I need you back inside in ten minutes maximum."

"Sure. *sigh* Wish we had the EVA packs already." Seanbur said wistfully.

Bill shook his head. The guy still surprised him!


Seanbur gazed in wonder at finally seeing the stars with nothing inbetween them except one thin sheet of glass... OK, best not think on that! Gulping he tried to refocus on the grandeur instead. It wasn't hard to do!

Kerbin was a tiny white green and blue ball behind them, with the even smaller dot of the Mun off to the right... if 'right' meant anything out here. In the other direction the face of Minmus loomed greenly before them, swollen already to fifty times the size of The Mun seen from Kerbin, and getting larger. He read off the magnetic readings and started to worry. That reading he'd been sure was indicative of a Kerbolar event was still there. It looked remarkably similar to the predictions of Esinger Kerman, in his book 'Seeking the Unpredictable'.

Of course, no-one believed Esinger either. No-one could predict a flare event. So the common theory went anyway. That was why he hadn't mentioned Esinger's name during the 'debate' with KSC.

If it was Kerbolar magnetic fields somehow interacting with the local fields it showed that sunspot storms must focus magnetics enormously! To have any field strength at all for a near-field effect at this range? He could see why so many people didn't believe Esinger.

Taking another reading of the incident Kerbolar wind Seanbur was beginning to have doubts himself. This looked amazingly like...

"Bill! I'm coming back in, and we need to let Kerbin know. It isn't a Kerbolar event."

Bill's voice came over the line, confused, while Seanbur struggled into the cockpit and close the hatch.

"What? What d'you mean Seanbur?"

"Um, what's our current speed? Oh, scratch that. Can you transfer the orbital plot to my monitor up here? The more data the better."

Without comment Bill complied and Seanbur dug into it. After several minutes he sighed in relief.

"OK, good news. We're not going to die."

"Say what?" Bill gasped. "Seanbur... what's going on?"

"The readings I was getting, it was from a pinch field, like the Melvey fields around Kerbin. I think Minmus has a much stronger field than we realized, and it's interacting with Kerbin's, even at this range. We're getting irregular pinches in the magnetic field and it's syphoning the Kerbolar wind in in stages. That's why the readings I was getting were inconsistent."

He took a breath and closed his screen down after saving the data.

"As far as I can predict, there's a lobed field of trapped ions, and other faster particles in a ring, at roughly sixty five kilometers from Minmus. Best guess, it's not too healthy at that altitude. Luckily our entry vector is too fast. We won't be exposed long enough to hurt us, going in or out. Thank Kod!"

"Well," Gene said, surprising Seanbur. He'd forgotten about Mission Control for a moment, "I apologize for doubting you Minmus Science. But that does explain why our readings weren't picking up anything. From the ship's sensors we're reading the ion level as rising. Are you sure there is no danger from the radiation?"

Seanbur went over his data one last time and compared it to the quick simulation he'd mocked up.

"I'd give it over ninety percent chance my model matches what I'm seeing here Flight, and that gives us no real danger with our given course."

"OK, send your data and the theory and we'll check it out, but for now, I'm glad you lucked out, and glad you figured it out. At least now we know not to stay in certain orbits there."

"We need to check also if it's periodic. Right now it seems stable, but it could be a seasonal phenomena, or even a function of the phase angle of Minmus relative to Kerbol. I'll keep recording data, and on the way out we should know if there is any change. Not a lot we can do about it anyway... other than not come home."

Bill gasped yet again at that.

"Hey, don't even joke about that!"

Seanbur chuckled himself as he set up automatic monitoring. The sensors he had were hardly perfect for this, but they'd do. Hardwiring a goo container to act as a cavity resonance oscillator to detect wide frequency radio and magnetics was hardly standard operating procedure... he wondered if he'd get in trouble for 'Mis-use of Goo'?

08-Landing preparations.jpg

Edited by Patupi
Correct use of hyphen
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"And, cut off." Bill said, and once more silence filled the capsule now the engines cut off.

"It looks like we're good on radiation levels," Seanbur said, remarkably calmly, "and also the levels we detected coming into orbit were slightly lower than the data I collected earlier suggested. Perhaps it is cyclical? With anything like luck it should diminish soon and we'll have even less problems on the way back home."

"Nice to have some good news." Bill said as he re-engaged the safeties on the engines.

He always thought that was stupid frankly. Safety locking the ignition switches sounds like a good idea when designing, but what if you had to light the drives off suddenly? In an emergency situation it would delay you as you flicked the covers off before tripping the switch. That could mean the difference between life and death.

Bill blinked as he heard a semi-melodic noise on the channel. Seanbur was humming to himself! A silly grin spread across Bill's face. Looks like the guy was opening up pretty good.

"Hey Seanbur?" Bill said. "I'm doing a plot for a landing site. Switch your main monitor to auxiliary channel three to check. I want your input."

"Hmm? Sure Bill."

Bringing up the ventral nose camera he panned down and got a wide shot first. He also had to overlay the known map on there as the terminator was already spreading blackness across the landscape sliding towards them.

"I'm cross referencing with the KM2 satellite data. Can we head down to this area to the north edge of the Tylen Sea?" Seanbur said, highlighting a point about seventy degrees ahead of them. "I'd like to do some Kethane sampling along with the other tests when we get down and the planned site is right on the edge of the Kethane deposit. I'd rather be closer to the center."

"Flight concurs Minmus Science." Gene added. "We're still considering a long term Minmus base for refueling purposes, despite the added problems of orbital changes and inclination shifts. Personally I still feel the Mun is a better choice, even with the dV penalty to land and lift off relative to Minmus. But we want to keep our options open."

"Roger Flight." Bill said while activating the nav computer. "Plotting de-orbit burn."

A minute or two later he had the course laid in.

"Flight, sending data. Can you confirm burn?"

"Your numbers look good Bill." Caldin chimed in. "You didn't even misplace a decimal place this time. You're improving!"

"Oh ha ha Telemetry. You know, next time we send a Kethane satellite could we add in a mapping camera? It'd be much better if I had an up to date, detailed surface map upon arrival."

"We'll consider your suggestion Minmus One. I'm sure the committees will um and ah about it for a while before deciding on a solution."

"Hmph, too late for the next probe mission I'll bet!" Bill whispers to himself.

He could hear Seanbur closing down orbital experiments and retracting antennas and soon the ship was ready.

"OK Seanbur, strap in. This is going to be a little more bumpy than the transfer burn, but not too bad."

"Uh, OK Bill. I'm all set up here." He responded, some of his nervousness evident in his voice once more.

Final alignment on the de-orbit burn... Pressure checks on the main tanks... electrical tests on the engine systems. Everything seemed good to go.

"OK," Bill said finally, "We're nearly at burn point. Standby Seanbur... In five... four... three... two... one... ignition."

The roar of the engines came on once more and Bill heard Seanbur 'Whoof' as the g-force hit him. Yeah, almost as high as the launch burn, but it was smoother with the little 909s, even with six of them. This ship was designed and build before the recent research on Fuel Systems had alowed the fuel transfer pumps to automatically pump fuel around the ship. It was also before the new RCS system had been finished. As far as Bill knew that still hadn't been tested in the field, and he hadn't heard how the suit RCS packs were progressing. Maybe they'd be ready when he got back?

"OK, engines off, but don't unstrap Seanbur. I'll need to burn at odd intervals to correct course during landing. I'll warn you when we get the heavy burn just before landing. Looks like eight minutes till touch down."

09-Swinging over target.jpg


The wait was interminable, the odd slight burn throwing him off as Bill corrected the flight down, but soon Seanbur was occupied with other stuff... The view outside. Kerbin had been magnificent from orbit, this was... pretty. Not a scratch on Kerbin, but still something to see. Especially for the first time.

"One minute till suicide burn." Bill said and Seanbur groaned.

"Do you have to call it that?" Seanbur moaned.

"Heh, I think Jeb named it and the name stuck." Bill said offhandedly. "Don't worry, I'll be leaving us a little leeway, so that means there will be a few seconds when we get close to the ground where we'll be floating again prior to the final burn and touchdown. Just to warn you ahead of time."

"Thanks!' Seanbur said fervently. He hated surprises!

The green surface got closer and closer, hills sliding past as they shot towards the 'sea' they'd aimed for. The flat ground between the hills on Minmus wasn't really a sea as far as they could tell. It was ice, but no-one believed it had settled into it's current level when it was liquid. Amorphous ice in space tended to settle as grains or vapor on surfaces and pressure and time created the 'seas' on Minmus.

Their course was taking them down to one labelled 'Tylen' by an astronomer from a long time ago. Though the Tylen sea was fairly large and they'd only be landing on a small section of it to examine the surface.

"Deceleration in about five seconds." Bill interrupted Seanbur and he grabbed his arm rests.

10-Angling for touchdown.jpg

It was hard, as befitting a 'suicide burn', but not long, maybe ten seconds at tops. Then the craft turned, tipped, burned a small amount, then pointed straight up. A few short burns and...

"Touchdown, we're on Minmus guys!" Bill exclaimed.

Muted cheers came over the mic from Mission Control.

"Thanks Minmus One," Gene said, some emotion in his voice for a change, "glad to see you down in one piece. Now since it isn't Jeb out there do you think we can do some final checks prior to debarkation?"

Bill chuckled.

"Oh I guess so Flight. Think we can hang for a minute or two Seanbur?"

"I don't know, there's a lot of science to do out there." Seanbur said, and was startled when Bill burst out laughing.

He hadn't been joking!

11-Down safe.jpg

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Surface EVA

Seanbur looked down and gulped. It was a long way down the craft, and an awkward climb! He really wished KSC had finished the EVA packs. In this gravity it'd be a cinch to just float down with one of those.

He slowly edged down, inch at a time, being incredibly cautious in the clumsy space suit about where he put his feet, and what to grab hold of. Managing to avoid grabbing the K-scanners he headed down, past Bill's capsule, and on towards the surface.

Why had he been allocated the top slot in the ship? You'd have thought the pilot would have had the one with the best view as well as him (having more experience in EVA) then being the one with the furthest to climb coming down. But nooooo! No, him, the mission scientist had to do the worst climb down. He was beginning to understand Jeb's frustration with the lack of ladders. Of course now they were building ships with simple rungs on... just this was an old design of vessel, the sister ship of Jeb's second flight to The Mun with Bob.

"Passing *huff* the primary science equipment." Seanbur managed as he slid down the Materials lab. "Down on the... *pant* second stage tanks."

He planted his feet on the flat top and tried to relax, leaning on the science lab. After a short break he leaned over to look down. It was... well it seemed a long way down, but the gravity was very light. He made a few, experimental hops just off the tank he stood on. Then wondered.

No, he really shouldn't! But... oh, he really didn't want to clamber down the side of this thing either. Finally he made up his mind.

"I'm, stepping off now." he said, a lump in his throat.

"What did you say Seanbur?" Bill said, but Seanbur had already pushed off.

The gravity was very light, but he wasn't used to it and saw the ground coming up at a slight sideways shift. It was enough that his foot slid out from under him as he landed.

"Ooof!" He grunted as he slid over onto his face, dust coating his visor.

"Seanbur! Are you OK?" Bill said, and the sounds of clicks and thunks of the hatch opening on the ship came on the line. Conducted through his suit? Seanbur tried to focus on the oddities of sound in a vacuum while he tried to roll himself over. Anything to avoid thinking about how he might have cracked his visor!

"Uh... I'm fine." He managed as he righted himself, then awkwardly stood up. "It's just a big step is all."

Seanbur jerked as Bill landed next to him. Dang, he must have jumped from his capsule! And he didn't fall over. He could feel his nerves returning. This wasn't what he wanted to be doing. He'd much rather do the science from inside his capsule.

"OK, you're sure you're alright?" Bill said, clasping his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll start taking samples." Seanbur said, turning away to hide a nervous tick on his left eye.

The reality of standing in vacuum with only a bit of fabric, metal and glass between him and vacuum was coming home to him once more. He really wanted to be back home again.

Trying to get back to his job he managed to get the sample kit out and begin actually working. It didn't take long to scrape some of the dust from the ice below into the container and start to examine it.

"Surface Amorphous ice seems to powderize," He said, activating his voice recorder in his suit, "perhaps due to micrometeorite impacts. Partial liquefaction or sublimation in sunlight seems to be more likely now, despite the impurities in the sample. Perhaps this helps explain the lack of impact craters on the seas. Further tests needed. Visually, the samples taken indicate a predominance of small crystal like grains. Under the scope they are very pretty."

"Hey." Bill interrupted while he was checking the landing legs out. "Have you figured out if it's Rocky Road or Mint Choc Chip yet?"

With a sigh Seanbur shook his head and continued with his recording.

"... probably not edible though... mind you I'm sure Bill can try some if he really wants to."

Through Bill's chuckles he continued with his EVA report and did more samples and testing on surface material and ambient radiation.

13-Seanbur does SCIENCE.jpg


"I think I've got all the samples I can. I'm going to head back up to the ship." Seanbur said, nervously looking up the tall vessel.

"OK, I'm going to do final checks on the engines to make sure we're good to go. Oh, and please don't try to jump up there will you?"

Seanbur just nodded. His experience coming down was enough for one trip.

"Minmus Science." Gene chipped in "The rotation of Minmus is taking you into the radio shadow. We won't be able to talk until KM2 rises above the poles in about ten minutes to act as a relay."

"Roger Flight. We'll speak to you soon." Bill said while Seanbur climbed.

It was a long climb. Getting up over the landing legs, then the second stage tanks was bad enough, but then he looked up at the long distance to his capsule above... and chickened out.

"I'm going to put the samples in the return case in your capsule Bill." He said as he started up over the science bay.

"What? Oh sure. Be careful."

Like he wouldn't be!

At least from here it wasn't far to Bill's capsule and soon he was opening the hatch. However he wasn't that familiar with the layout and had to lean in to find the sample return case. Now where was the release switch?

He fumbled around and attempted to locate it, trying to...

*Thump... ROARRRR*

With a jerk Seanbur was forced down and he desperately fumbled for the switch he'd just hit while Bill screamed in his ear over the line. It was only a few seconds before he shut down the engines... but Minmus' gravity was so light he knew he was in trouble!


Glancing out the hatch confirmed it, the ground, dark as it was, diminishing beneath him.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Seanbur!" Bill shouted into his mic.

Why was he apologizing? Seanbur's hands shook as he pulled himself inside the now floating ship as it arced upwards. The controls were not unfamiliar. Bill had put him through the simulations plenty of times before... but he'd never successfully landed the craft in simulations! True, that was the whole burn down from orbit, but still...

"I'm OK," He said, finally realizing he hadn't said anything since he ignited the engines. "I'm in the control seat, g..getting set up... I've got this... I'm good!"

He knew his voice sounded terrible right now, his heartbeat thumping in his ears loudly and his hands shaking. It took a lot of effort to control himself and steady his hands, and by that time the ship was already heading down. He gave the engines a few short bursts, and slowly, carefully managed to slow his descent without plummeting back into the sky.

"T... ten meters... eight..."

"I see you." Bill said calmly "You're still straight, don't adjust your angle."

"Thanks Bill." Seanbur managed as he slowed down.

The ground was rising to meet him, and though it seemed fast it was actually somewhat of a snails pace. Small bursts of low acceleration were all it took to slow his descent. Didn't make it any less hair raising!

"... five... four... Dust in the rear view camera... two... one... I'm down. I'M DOWN!"

17-He got her back down.jpg

Breathing hard he grinned wide and shut the engines down and flipped the safety covers back down... wait, had they been down before?

"Um, should I close the safety covers on the ignition switches?" He said while he got his heart rate under control again, sweat dripping in his eyes.

"*Sigh* Yes, yes you should Seanbur... and so should I." Bill said dejectedly. "This was my fault. I got fed up with setting and resetting the damned safeties... I left them off. I didn't think it'd matter! I'm so sorry Seanbur!"

Blinking Seanbur got up from the seat, being sure to put the samples in. It'd be horrible to forget that and have to come back AGAIN!

"It's... not your fault Bill. I should have looked where I was going."

The climb down was long, but he took the time to try and relax. After the 'thrill' of accidentally launching Minmus One, the awkwardness of climbing down the craft paled into insignificance! Finally he jumped off the landing leg and settled on the ground, only to get an awkward hug from Bill.

"I'm sorry. I'll be more careful in future."

"We both will!" Seanbur said, pulling back and clasping Bill on the shoulders. "Now lets get the rest of the science done before Flight gets back in touch."

With a nod Bill got a sampling kit out himself to help.

For some reason Seanbur felt very calm right now. Maybe he should get more abject terror in his life?


15-Bill helps Seanbur loosen up.jpg

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OK, a little 'reality'. The thing with Seanbur? It did happen, and it's stupid. But so serendipitous!

When I got my crew roster set up initially I made some notes on basic characterizations based on the Kerbonaut's stats. Jedwig has low stupidity and high courage. Seanbur? He had low courage and low stupidity. I labelled him a scientist and a bit of a clutz... how right I was!

When I took Seanbur back up to drop his samples off in the lower capsule (using RCS packs 'cos you can't actually climb the outside!), I slipped and he slid down and jammed between the second stage engines! I struggled, using his RCS to get him free, alternating forward backward, up down, side to side. Somehow I must have hit '[' and switched to the lander itself... and of course hit 'Shift' to get Seanbur's pack to go up again... and didn't notice for a few seconds that the engines were going! It did shake him free, but then he had to struggle up, get in the cabin and land the thing! Unfortunately I was panicking and didn't take many pics of it. I should have taken more pics generally for this, even though it was in the dark.

Well, he got back in one piece, and landed pretty much exactly the same place. The ASAS was on after all so orientation wasn't affected. Did fit Seanbur's 'Clutz' persona to a tee though. Heh! I was tempted to put that line I did, the foreshadowing earlier, in the story. Bob shouting out after Seanbur, but eventually decided against it.

Still, exciting isn't it! :)

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Absolutely! It's great when a little in-game hiccup can add to the story like that. Jeb's little adventure with the Moho 1 mission in First Flight was also based on an in-game event. Plus Seanbur now has one awesome sea story to tell when he gets back - although probably not whilst Gene is in earshot! :)

Love the way Seanbur is developing as a character and the detail on the way to Minmus. Sounds like you've either studied this personally or you did one heck of a lot of research. Great job either way! I liked the way you worked in the in-game sample report too. :)

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Yeah KSK, the little bits and pieces of data on ice etc? Research. I did vaguely know there were many different phases of ice and wanted to be at least nearly accurate. I'm not sure how accurate, what I found was mostly about suspected interstellar formation of ice. Add to that that we know there is conflict in the game about whether Minmus should have melted or not and I tried to estimate what should be there. Plus I did want Seanbur (and the scientific community in general) not to know exactly what was going on until they got there and did SCIENCE! to the surface.

As to the magnetic stuff? I did my university degree in radio electronics so I did at least know something about that... though I have forgotten most of it. Haven't used it in a LONG time, but that plus some NASA details and a lot of made up stuff I think gives something that might be believable. In reality I doubt the long range effects of pure magnetics could get any interaction with a body at that range, but then it might not be that causing it. Seanbur could be wrong. All Seanbur knows for sure is there's a lobed (ie it's got lots of 'bulbs' rather than being smooth around the circumference) magnetic effect at Minmus that seems stronger than it should be and seems stronger towards the sun. How it was generated is a scientific mystery, but he's got a theory at least.

And Bostlabs, There is always room for 'Oopsie!' :)

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That's sort of pseudo-scientific explanation. Cavity oscillators I'm not that familiar with, but they are used to for high frequency radio work. Got the Germans real weirded out in the second world war when they were used for radar stuff. No components, just holes, ducts and spherical cavities. Back then they couldn't make sense of them :)

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Minmus Launch

After some time the static succumbed to order again and they heard Gene's voice once more.

"Flight to Minmus One. Come in Minmus One."

"Welcome back Flight, it's been over ten minutes." Bill said, looking nervously at Seanbur. "What's the holdup?"

"A software glitch in relaying signals via KM2. Don't worry, Ipdel and Lildel sorted it out. Um, we're reading a lower than predicted fuel reserve on the ship. Is there a problem Minmus One?"

Bill stared at Seanbur for a second and he saw his fellow kerbonaut gulp.

"No Flight. I did a pre-flight test on the engines while Seanbur took his samples. Hopped a little. We're good and didn't loose much dV. Engines and fuel pumps are good. All readings are nominal. Once we're done with the sampling I guess we'll be heading back."

"There's no rush Minmus One, though I understand it's night where you are. Not much in the way of a view. But if you want to hang around we're fine on the return trajectory for hours yet. I'd advise leaving launch until we're either in direct LOS or at a time when KM2 is directly overhead. The more assistance you have during the burn the better."

"Roger Flight, over and out."

Bill stepped over the Seanbur who had a very surprised look on his face. Tapping the side of his helmet Bill nodded to get his attention, then when he didn't get the message he nudged the chin mic while tapping the helmet again. This time Seanbur got it and turned his radio off, Bill doing the same. Grinning he clacked his helmet dome against Seanbur's so sound could travel directly.

"There, you'll be fine. No-one should have that on their record for their first flight."

"But... why?" Seanbur said, obviously stunned by the lie Bill had made up for him. "I mean, it was a mistake. It was my fault, no matter what you think Bill. Maybe I shouldn't be on further flights?"

"Oh don't you go getting all morose on me!" He said, grasping Seanbur's shoulders and boring his eyes straight into his friend's "Yes, it was BOTH our faults. And I sure learned something from it. I'm never going to ignore safety protocol again, no matter how silly I think it is. You?"

Seanbur shook his head.

"I... No..." He said with a small voice. "And I'll be more careful in places... No!" he shook his head "I'm going to learn everything about the ship I'm on in future! If I knew more about your capsule I'd have never accidentally tripped the ignition switches."

"You're just lucky you tripped all three pairs. If just one or two had gone off, things would have been less stable... Plus Flight might have wondered why the tanks weren't balanced."

Chuckling Seanbur nodded.

"Thanks, thanks a million Bill. I owe you one. Big time!"

"Hey, no troubles. But you'd better finish up the science and I'd better do the pre-flights I told Flight I already did! I think I can come up with a faulty data-link so they don't get data from the ship till I do. We'll be fine."

With a smile they broke helmet contact and turned their radios on. Then Seanbur got to work, occasionally looking over his shoulder at Bill. He had been totally unprepared for that! Bill took an incredible risk covering him like that. He could be thrown off the flight roster!

Focusing on science he started getting his seconds sample set and tried to ignore the terror he'd had recently. It was surprisingly easy.


"Flight, this is Minmus One. Minmus Science says he's all got all he needs. I think we're about ready to head back. Give us a few minutes then we'll embark and get setup for launch."

"Roger Minmus One. We'll be here when you're ready."

Bill watched Seanbur do a few more sample analyses then raised an eyebrow as he pulled out a familiar pole from his gear. Seanbur started speaking in a low voice while holding a button down on the small panel near one end as Bill loped over to him. Before Bill could get over there he flourished the pole, planted it in the ground and activated it. In the vacuum it happened silently, the pole snapping up and a flag popping into view, then a small stamped plaque emerging near the base.

14-Seanbur is not good with words.jpg

" 'We, er, are here today...' You know Seanbur, you might have been better entering it on the keypad?" He said, reaching down to the digital stamp and it's now permanent plaque.

"Um, yeah. Didn't think. But it's always easier to use the, er, voice input. I just forgot I always get so hung up and nervous talking into those things." He shrugged, then the pair them turned back to the ship.

Out of the corner of his eye Seanbur saw the limb of Minmus glowing.

"You know, if we had waited more we could watch the sunrise?"

Bill stood beside him and stared out at the glow.

18-Bill and Seanbur watch Kerbolrise.jpg

"Mmmm, maybe, but we'll get to see it once we launch anyway. Me? I'd rather get off this rock and head home if it's OK with you?" Seanbur smiled and nodded back.

At the landing leg Seanbur looked up at the tall, ungainly vessel. Bill chuckled.

"Well at least we have experience climbing now." He said as he joined Seanbur at the leg. "This should be a piece of cake!"


It wasn't.

At least the climb wasn't horrible, and soon both of them were back in their capsules and all experiments stored.

"We're prepped for launch Flight." Bill said a short time later, then scanned the burn data Mission Control had sent. "We're going for an orbit first, then a transfer? I thought we were going to wait till the surface was at the right angle and blast straight up, retrograde to Minmus' orbit about Kerbin?"

Gene's voice seemed a little strained when he responded. Maybe he wasn't getting enough sleep?

"It'd be another three hours till Minmus rotates enough for that Minmus One. If you want to wait we can replot for you?"

"No, we're good, and we've ample fuel left for a two part transfer. OK, ready Seanbur?"

"Oh yes! Plus the faint readings from down here indicate the radiation is reduced to less than a tenth than we saw on the way in. I think it's going to be safe. I think we'd better get a satellite here with some radiation detectors in future though, to warn incoming ships if the level is too high."

"We read that Minmus Science." Gene said seriously "I'll try to push it through at the next planning meeting. However it isn't a high priority. I've heard in the last hour that current plans are for more Munar missions rather than Minmus. It seems they've finally made up their minds where to make the refueling outpost."

"They're going to go for it?" Bill said excitedly.

"Yes, but don't expect a base tomorrow. We'll need to pick a proper site, get some test ship up there to get samples of Kethane and test refining in-situ, then begin designing the base. We'll get there, and given Jeb's interest in The Mun I'm sure he'll be heavily involved. T-minus one minute Bill."

"Roger Flight." Bill said, then changed to the internal channel. "Hear that? We may have a moonbase soon! Oh that'll be something to see. Hey, wanna go to the Mun to do some science?"

There was a long pause on the channel and Bill started to get worried for a moment, but Seanbur did speak up.

"Yes... I think I would. Heh, maybe I could even put up with Jeb there. As long as there was reasonable amenities. I'm going up there to live in a pelagdine can or something."

"I hear you." Bill said as he got things ready with final checks.

Seems this trip had been good for Seanbur after all.

"OK, Five... four... three... two... one... ignition." Bill rolled out as Seanbur strapped in.

19-Easy Launch.jpg

The familiar roar of the six little engines beneath them kicked them skyward on a plume of orange and green dust till they cleared the surface. Bill canted them over sharply pretty soon, quicker than Seanbur liked seeing the ground streak by so close beneath them, but soon they were soaring into orbit. Bill didn't leave much time after that either, working with Caldin and getting a good plot to burn home. The burn was pretty short and soon Seanbur was staring at the monitors, looking at the view the rear cameras were showing of a shrinking Minmus.

20-Stable Minmus Orbit.jpg

21-readying for departure.jpg

22-Plot for aerobraking.jpg

23-Last Look Behind.jpg

"It's been wonderful." He said quietly "Really wonderful. Thanks for forcing me to go through with this Bill. I know I'd have never got through if it wasn't for you."

"Hey, no trouble Seanbur. You sleep a while. We've got nearly a day till we get back to Kerbin orbit."

"Yeah, after to..." Seanbur paused. Flight was listening and he'd almost said 'after today's disaster' "... today's adventure, I think I could go for some zero-g rest."

"Just remember to lock your hands down. Trust me, it's no fun to be woken up by your drifting hand poking yourself somewhere awkward."

He un-dogged his helmet, hefted it off and hung it on the overhead lock-down. Laughing to himself Seanbur took a final look at Minmus before trying to get comfy and drift to sleep. Despite the uncomfortable suit he managed quite well.

Bill however wasn't too keen on the snoring. But he managed.

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For those that are interested here is my current personnel roster:

(Note the 'ranks' are pseudo military. Think of it like starfleet ranks. Heck, even the scientists have ranks! Also note the Kerbonauts don't take the ranks very seriously yet. Maybe if Gene knuckles down they will.)

(Also note I have more on the crew roster, but they haven't been assigned yet, or given personalities)

Mission Control:

Lildel - Mission Control Science (MSC)

Jildon - Electrical, Environment Consumables (EECOM)

Caldin - Telemetry (Becomes Kerbonaut on day 220)

Milton - Telemetry (After Caldin leaves)

Gene - Flight Director (Flight)

Ipdel - Guidence (GUIDO) Also computer specialist on probes


Jebediah - Ship Commander - rank Major

Bill - Ship Commander - rank Lieutenant

Bob - Ship Commander - rank Captain

Jedwig - Ship Commander - rank Captain (joined day 30)

Dansey - Ship Commander - rank Lieutenant (joined day 70)

Caldin - Mission Scientist (physics/computer systems) - rank Lieutenant (joined day 220)

Seanbur - Mission Scientist (geology/astrophysics) - rank Lieutenant (joined day 75)

Loddan - Ship Commander - rank Lieutenant (joined day 65)

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Yep, he's sort of the rookie of the original three (at least in my book) and he's less 'by the book' than Bob, and doesn't get quite the results that Jeb does... Jedwig gets results (at least so far) despite not being liked by pretty much everyone, so got ahead, so to speak. I tried to base the characters of the original three on the most common ones used on the web, and on the stats. Basically Bob is the stable, intellectual one, Jeb is the devil may care test pilot with skill and is a bit nuts, and Bill is sort of the most 'normal' of the three. He tries to keep up with his friends but often finds himself a little overwhelmed.

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Bill's Landing spot

24-Cruising Home.jpg

"Looks like we didn't get much from the Melvey belts." Seanbur said idly as Bill monitored their course as they neared Kerbin.

"I think we'd be traveling too fast to be affected much anyway." Bill replied.

"Yeah, just being thorough."

"Minmus One." Gene's voice came over the radio "You're veering slightly off vector on your approach.

"It's OK Flight. I wanted to give myself a little kick. You mind getting the chopper out to pick us up? Near Valey Peak?"

"Valey peak? Why on Kerbin do you want to go there?"

Bill chuckled while finalizing his entry.

"Let's just say I want to check out the neighborhood."

"Er," Seanbur spoke up when Bill stopped chuckling, "what's near Valey Peak... and where is that? I've never heard of it."

"Huh, that shows what you don't watch then." Bill murmured.

25-Not Nervous About Aerobrake, No!.jpg

While Seanbur continued to complain Bill waited till Flight gave grudging approval, then finished his adjustment. They were still going to aerobrake separately from the re-entry, but the path should skip him long enough to get close to his target on his post-aerobrake Periapsis.

26-Burn Baby, Burn.jpg

Seanbur was back again to gripping the seat arm rests as flames licked around the hull. He might get used to a lot of this, but aerobraking? Mmm, probably not. With a final few flickers of red they came out intact and started their final orbit while Bill fiddled with his course. What do TV shows have to do with where they were landing? Surely they weren't landing in the Glenwood bowl area?

With a thunk Bill separated the last stage. The six tanks fell behind as he gave a few bursts on the remaining engine. Seanbur could even look back at themselves on the remote camera on that stage, seeing their ship in the final configurations. It looked so bare without those boosters on the side. KSC had been adamant though. The ship wasn't rated to land with those attatched, though Jeb had insisted they didn't know what they were talking about. Seanbur remembered a heated arguement between Jeb and Wernher about it.

27-Last stage.jpg

28-View from the last stage.jpg

The ground zoomed below them faster as they neared air once more, this time for good. Looking down as their orbit dipped he knew they weren't heading for Glenwood. This looked like...

"Is that Doren? What are we doing this far east of KSC? It'll take ages for the chopper to pick us up!" Seanbur griped.

"Oh cool it, I just want to see the sights." Bill said, grinning "Never been there in person."

Doren was a big continent, but it looked like they were heading for the center, roughly... Oh... Oh no!

"Oh god you watch Easterns don't you? Tales of wild east or something? Tell me we aren't going to the badlands!"

"Can't do that, it'd be lying!" Bill said grinning.

Seanbur slapped himself in the forehead... or rather helmet. Dang that hurt!

"No, Bill, that's horrible country! Why do you think they call it the 'Badlands'? Look, a little fuel and we'll overshoot. I hear the east coast of Doren is very nice this time of year."

"Nope, we're coming down just west of Valey Peak. Oh come on, you'll love it!" He said as he made a few small bursts on the drive as they got close to re-entry. "Maybe we can see the Kalimo? Or head out the K K Corral... yeah, where doc Koliday made his stand. Yeaaaah! Mmmm, this is gonna be great!"

"Oh wonderful!" Seanbur murmured. "We get to stand around in hundred degree heat while you enjoy the sights."

30-Bill wants to see the Badlands.jpg

The flames outside roared again as they plunged back into Kerbin's atmosphere, soon vibrations making Seanbur's teeth chitter. It didn't last that long though and soon he saw the parachutes snap open in front of him as they plummeted backwards towards the surface. The chutes stabilized at partial unfurl and the slight deceleration pushed Seanbur into his seat. No going back now!

Down they dove, the dark, but mostly clear skies deepening above them. It looked like they'd be at night time when they touched down. Finally the chutes snapped open fully and Seanbur jerked as the ship lurched at the pull. He knew HE sure didn't want to over stress the ship when the chutes unfurled. He was siding with Wernher on this and was glad Bill had ditched the last stage.

31-Nearly Down.jpg

"Landing legs deployed. Nearly down." Bill said, but the eagerness in his voice was obvious. Why did he have to be an Eastern nut? Seanbur couldn't stand those old Pasta Easterns. Bill probably had pics of Klint Westwood on his wall for heaven's sake!

With a final jerk they touched down and they had the job of clambering down the side of the ship again. A little easier with a straight run down now that the boosters were gone, but still a chore. At least it wasn't hot... given it was night time perhaps obvious... but Seanbur almost expected it to be searing heat. It'd have just been his luck!

"Yay! The wild East!" Bill said, staring at the dying embers of the sun setting far to the west. "The old frontier. Fitting given we're exploring the new one."

"Maybe, but you are not getting me on a horse!"

Bill just chuckled while Seanbur decided to get his test equipment out. Heck, while he was here, why not? Did KSC even have any data for this area? He doubted it. He knew that most of his fellow researchers wouldn't want to come out here.


"OK, you play science, I'll go see if I can find a local tour guide." Bill shouted as he headed off.

"Hey!" Seanbur shouted after him. "We're supposed to wait for the chopper!"

He could tell his relationship with Bill was going to be strained.

33-Mission Result.jpg

(Not bad science, though not too much in missions to come. A lot is going towards setting up the Munbase rather than specific SCIENCE! missions. It is going to take KSC a while to process all that data anyway.)

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