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How to: Alternatively install mods !


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That's some pretty complicated stuff to manage a simple directory tree...

A better way to do all that is to simply copy the KSP program folder in order to create a new "install" and then put all your mods into the new install.

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All mod files should be in their own folder in GameData there is no need for any of this. Install a mod, put it the GameData folder. Uninstall mod, delete it form the folder. Its one folder, I don't understand the problem, you should not be overwriting anything?

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  Moon Goddess said:
Safely install mods!?

Just copy the mod into the gamedata folder,


Please take this down all you're going to do is confuse people who are new to the game.

I couldn't agree more...

To say the OP is over-complicating a simple process would be a gross understatement..... Not to mention that most mod management software, including the ksp modadmin, can mess up some mods...those using model calls or need a certain folder structure to operate.

The information in the OP in inaccurate, not the proper method, nor is it 'safe', and its very confusing to newish players...it should seriously be locked before new players start bugging mod makers about 'bugs' that have nothing to do with the mod in question.....

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While I appreciate SolarLiner's efforts, I do concur that the procedures described are needlessly complicated.

I suspect that this piece primarily came about due to certain mods "patching" game files, such as adding new PartModules to existing CFGs. In which case, I would recommend ModuleManager, which works nicely in the self-contained folder structure practically all mods use (the latest version now correctly reapplies patches even after asset reload via the in-game Debug menu).

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What I would ask is that you explain WHY someone might be interested in doing it this way. Someone who is unfamiliar with how to install mods is unlikely to find this any more or less daunting, at least at face value, so it's clearly designed to appeal to someone who already has the knowledge to at least correct basic mistakes caused by mods (if nothing else, how to reinstall). Because it's 'safer'? Safer than what? I find messing with my environment variables and installing 3rd-party programs is far less safe than a few drag and drop operations.

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Oh I completely understand WHY this method exists. There are many games out there without good mod support, you have to made changes to the actual files shipped by the devs. And when you do that you'll want to back them up and replace the originals when you uninstall the mod. Great system for that.

For games who don't have mod support

KSP is not one of those games. There is NEVER any reason to modify the files that SQUAD gives us, just drop your mod in it's own little folder and delete when your down. This stuff may work in KSP but it's entirely unneeded.

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I love JSGME. It's great to be able to quickly pull it up, swap out the mods I have installed and go right back to KSP without having to mess with moving files and directories around. It's especially useful with so many mods being in constant states of development. All I have to do is press a couple of buttons to install a new version, and if it's not working correctly, it's just a couple more clicks to uninstall and reinstall the old working version.

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This was intended to apply to B9 but a reasonably intelligent person can derive instructions more generically from it


If you want "safe" as in ease of reverting, copy your KSP directory, you can have lots! http://i.imgur.com/zHnUYTo.png

If you're really worried you'll have to revert a mod update, rightclick->send to->compressed (zipped) folder, or if you have 7zip, rightclick->7-zip->add to *

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Well, I understand the GameData way, but I still find way easier to get the mods in the JSGME MODS folder then (de)activate the wanted mods. That way I can play with only some mods and make a new restart with an other set of mods, quickly test mods without messing with the game itself. That way I can also put the crafts and saves that comes with the mod (I think B9, KW and others by this). So I understand the point that, in fact, is not safer than a direct mod install, but it only has advantages doing this.

So yeah, changed the title for that, realized I was maybe a bit too excited in sharing my way of doing stuff.

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