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My mun rocket in comparison to my duna Rocket

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my question is how can I make my mun rocket a bit smaller in comparison to the duna rocket

when i want to make a 3 kerbal module plus lander and rover Im already must use huge engines clustering to get lift of while second stage may be enough to make geostationary orbit how can I make my mun rocket more efficient like the duna rocket????

I dont wanna use kw rocketry mod for my mun rocket cause i wanna design a rocket that is more stable for an iva mission with friends without using the big tank.

my duna rocket first stage boosters


my mun rocket first stage asparagus


then comes in the 2nd stage duna has clusters and mun has 1 engine

mun 2nd stage


duna 2nd stage


mun spacecraft


duna spacecraft


duna aerobreaking


duna skycrane


duna landing


mun landing with rover driving


mun leaving stage failed to dock


Feel free to show some of your crafts to give ideas how to make my mun rocket more efficient I would like not to use mods for my mun rocket and it needs to carry a rover a command module return vessel and a 2 staged lander

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its more about the launch of my mun spacecraft i dont know how to get the payload to the mun without using kw rocketry mod

http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541849273348031574/ECC64142010BF47D74F081FBA9E342B3EFBC13DA/ these are the engines i use for 1st stage

Edited by deadelitezealot
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To get your payload to the mun use two different attempts. Frist, just get a payload into space. Then use your existing rocket style, minus the habitation module, to gather the payload and deliver it. The key to efficiency is to realize what you consider efficiency. Are you considering faster more efficient? Less fuel used? Less parts used? What are your goals here. As to better builds? You can get a lander to the moon with a suprisingly simple design if you time your launch and use nodes. You are using mods, though, and all I know is stock, so I can't really help with the rest.

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less fuel used and no use of kw rocketry only fairings may be used to get the payload there

Also everything needs to be realized in iva style with no use of map im gonna do a no hud no map iva mission with friends

I dont use mechjeb or anything btw only kw rocketry mod i have I landed on the mun with stock small mun lander with rover and return vessel but I dont know how to bring a big payload to the mun and return without using kw rocketry asparagus is working good but dont know much else how to lift it in space everything else can stay the same its all stock the rest

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Oh yeah, you are 100% capable of getting to every planet and moon without KW rocketry. If you want some inspiration, this is my N-5 Moon Rocket:


While it was made to go to the Mun, it has an 110 ton payload to LKO so its pretty much capable of going anywhere in the solar system, and its 100% stock. No Asparagus staging either :)

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thank you for the inspiration i was finally able to make a mun rocket with a huge payload rovers and everything with stock only now i can finally begin my iva mission with friends already landed on the mun for a test run and its more fuel efficient than the one i used kw rocketry parts with i while show some pics later on

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thank you for the inspiration i was finally able to make a mun rocket with a huge payload rovers and everything with stock only now i can finally begin my iva mission with friends already landed on the mun for a test run and its more fuel efficient than the one i used kw rocketry parts with i while show some pics later on

Glad I could help :) Post pictures please!

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While a couple of parachutes could be spoken for when I aim for Duna, I can get my first ever Mun-And-Return-Ship (I coined myself the term 'MARS' for moon and return ships, I think the irony's in there somewhere) to Duna, Eve, Kerbol and any of their involved moons.

This monstrosity of a step forward in rocketry design is called, quite simply 'The Arrow'.



1) The outer 36 SRB's flare up and accelerate that (m)ass up to 400-500 m/s before we hit 20Km.

2) They're jettisonned, and roughly 5 seconds pass as I wait for them to pass my ship so nothing breaks.

3) The external 12 engines light alongside the inline, burning through asparagus staging for maximum efficiency. This takes me out of Kerbin's orbit and usually 25% of the way to where I need to go.

4) Finally the last large engine burns out and we're down to lander fuels. The lander its self has gotten back from the surface of Minimus on it's RCS system alone, so not much more than the smallest engine I could find was really suitable. Regardless, we're running an LV-909 at that last stage, mostly so the lander's legs can reach the floor.


Okay enough selling my ship to y'all, the thing has a reaction wheel in each one of it's 6 outer liquid fuel tankers since it can't hold it's self together otherwise...

Generally, my current problem is simply a Duna landing. I haven't decelerate past 200m/s before it 'lands'. A genius idea struck me after many days of revisiting old ships; add another parachute.

Since then I've not made a Duna launch with it, but when I do let's hope.

I would have gotten a standing shot with the lander but it was on Eve and there was no way in hell I was gonna get that thing on it's feet.

The fact is, when you're aiming for Duna it's like aiming for a heavy as hell moon with a bit of a bonus, 'cause the place has little to no atmosphere. It's got 20% at sea level in comparison to Kerbin's and that's not enough without some extra force.

Either way, you need to stop your ship almost completely with your thrusters, or slap a couple more parachutes on for Duna.

So when I aim for the Mun, do I take all that with me? Hell, all that was to get me there and back in the first place. That was it's original purpose and the only difference between then and now is that I put a thermometer on the side (+1 parachute). If I wanted to carry a rover on it I could, I simply suck quite royally at building rovers.

My advice? build the rover, and then build the bug ship you're gonna use to lug it underneath, and fix a decoupler and an aerodynamic nose cone on top to give it a bit less drag. Go with that. As for Minimus? I'm not kidding when I say 6 RCS units got my lander out of orbit and back home safe. I would always aim for Minimus for your first heavy landing or return trip because your ship weighs less in low gravity (GXM=W) so you can shoot that thing up at the speed of a bullet.

Out of interest, does anyone know if someone's put a refueling station on Minimus? It seems like a genuine idea except it's easier to put a stable orbit around Kerbin at 42,000Km and dock up mid space, but I figure you could haul a lot of RCS tanks up and slap a lot of RCS thrusters on your ships and get into Minimus orbit, pull out of minimus orbit with it and then start burning liquid fuel.

~Keep Kickin'.

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