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Simple slider for "Revert Flight"

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im playing Kerbal for a while now even though this is my first post.

Im really missing an option to prevent myself from cheating just because im used to it.


Always, when something goes wrong on launch, I hit the Revert button to go back and fix the issue. But when I want to play realistically, I dont want to do that but it happens ever so often just because i got soooo used to it.

My suggestion:

I'd like to have a slider in my options menu, that removes the "Revert to..." option once my rocket/plane has reached a certain heigt.

The slider could start at 0m, in order to allow me to completely disable the Revert feature and end at infinity, to have it always turned on as it is right now.

I do not like the idea of having the on/off feature because with a slider, i can set myself a difficulty level. I could basically say (example): Ok, I put the slider to 10000m, to have a buffer zone for finding mistakes on my rocket.

Additionally, Id love to be allowed to disable the quicksave. I personally dont find it that important because i never use it anyway, so i dont have the "klick automatically" issue. But i guess other people might have that. In my opinion, a on/off would be enough here.

In the end I really hope that this is a simple feature and many people think the way I do.

Crash save!:wink:

Mad Vince

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I can help you with the quicksave, just remove the key binding in the settings screen or settings.cfg :)

You can also effectively disable the autosave by changing AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 300 to something a lot higher, like 36000 :D

Yay the hotkey thing is actually a great idea. As i wrote, i havent really thought about saving because thats not a problem I have, i just wanted to complete the idea.

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