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Rampant Speculation: Data Capacities and Limits?

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In a discussion on this forum, the idea of maximising the amount of science you get came up. After the discussion, I started to wonder about what could be coming to really limit this practice. In the end I started to think about the command module, crew modules, and probe cores. What if these in the future were to have a specific data capacity. So you have a choice of storing the data, but you can only have so much and the rest, if you want it you have to send it.

In some cases this would be good, like being able to transfer the data from a Science Jr. to the command pod so you can run another experiment, or ditch the module for the return trip. But the limit would work against the player some because if they fill up on crew reports and eva's...they would be forced to transmit other data back home losing points in the process.

Of course better command modules and probe cores could have greater data capacity. But then your trading capacity with added mass. There would also be the idea of a hard drive module so you could store more...like the size of a battery pack. But it would depend.

So the question is, do you think this is a path the developers are heading towards? may be other thoughts?

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i think that data would be no loss, as its just what gets sent home. the resin that we would return is that we want to actually see the samples, so no. also, this should be in the suggestions forum.

Edited by toric5
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i think that data would be boo loss, as its just what gets sent home. the resin that we would return is that we want to actually see the samples, so no. also, this should be in the suggestions forum.

It is not a suggestion, as the title states, it is rampant speculation about what the developers may do. And not suggesting something I would like to see. So...it is in the right place.

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