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We actuallly do have space tape!


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Space and high temp range rated tape. Who would have thought! But unfortunately it looks like it has a short life in high temperatures and stuff.


Ohh Sciencey Stuff.

It looks like it will be used on the James Webb Space Telescope as well. Apollo used it to thermally insulate the LM and the Shuttle used it as wire insulation. JPL says it would be ideal on solar sails as a plastic support. It is also used in x-ray and 3-d printing.


Nasa quality assurance here. Add more tape!

Edited by tom1499
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Reality hath matched up to fiction once more. Now all it needs to do is provide hot green aliens and a workable interstellar drive.

That must be the new-school space tape. The old-school space tape is, of course, duct tape. Who'da thunk it?

A-HA! So it works in a vacuum!

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Yeah, it's used on aircraft wiring too. Nasty flammable stuff though, I remember being shown some pretty scary videos of it failing in spectacular ways as a little trainee.

Huh. That actually explains why everything explodes violently in KSP.

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