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Suspiciously Large Interplanetary Transport Vehicle Manufacturers


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I suppose your here for a good reason....

Not just industrial espionage.

This will be the thread where i post all of my aircraft and update on the devlopment of the airframes

Sit down and pay attention, there will be a test at the end.

(all aircraft use C7 parts and Tiberions C7 auxiliary parts)


'Arkbird' series

The first aerial vehicle produced by SLITVM for the purpouse of in atmosphere exploration.

Capable of low orbit with minimal payload.

Provides exceptional capabilities for its size and unit cost.


Maximum Speed at 10,000m: 580m/s 1279mph

Maximum flight time at 100% Throttle (10,000m): Aproximately 7 minutes

Service ceeling: 30,000ft

Powerplant: 1x C7 Aerospace AX-301.


Arkbird Mk1 Mod 0: Standard production aircraft.



Arkbird Mk1 Mod 1: VSTOL (Currently in flight testing phase)

No Images are availible at this time


Arkbird Mk1 Mod 2: Equipped with 2x C7 Aerospace AX-301 Engines



Arkbird Mk2

Three engine advanced Arkbird design.



Arkbird Mk3

Hyper advanced bleeding edge design based on the Arkbird airframe. More or less a totaly new aircraft.



'KS-71' series

Based on blueprints originally belived to be mythical found on the mun.

If you need photographs in the blink of an eye, this is the airframe for you.


Designed for pure maximum speed and reconisance.

A very unstable aircraft under 15,000m with attrocious handiling.

Performance skyrockets above 20,000m becoming one of the most stable SLITVM Airframes.

Maximum speed (30,000m) 4457m/s

Endurance at Full throttle (30,000m): Classified

Cruising speed (30,000m): Indefinite

Service ceeling: 35,000m

Powerplant: 2x Afterburning C7 Aerospace AX-301


KS-71. Standard production model.



KS-71-4. Proposed 4 engine KS-71, Currently in development phase

No Images are availible at this time

KM-21. Modified Ks-71 carrying the D-21 Hypersonic reconisance drone.



'Object 421'

Proposed Hyper-Long range airframe with loitering capabilities.



Side view


Endurance at full thottle: 28 minutes.

Crusing altitude 25,000m

Maximum speed: 822m/s

Flight characteristics worse than expected, Endurance and glide abilities are much better than expected.

Projected Development:

Balance wings to improve stability.

Consider reducing overall power to increace endurance and stability.

'Object 392' (Kaspian Sea Monster)

Prototype large Ground effect vheicle

No further information is availible at this time.

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Yeah, im trying to get away from that but please remember, ive only been playing KSP for a week or two.

I know, but I got that feeling the same way. When I joined there were barely as many mods as there are today.

So my stock rockets starting to become the same design. Until I got more parts.

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Cant say ive seen it before.

Implying im stealing peoples ideas now ?? O_O

And the Object names are only palceholders to be honest.

No no, its just that 42I (mainly F2I) is short for Forty Two Industries, and object 4 2 1 looks like:


Just a coincedence, I\'m sure.

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Update on 'Object 392'

Object 392 will be a large ground effect vheicle in the style of the Lun-class ekranoplan (AKA Caspian Sea monster)

At this early stage i can confirm this will be about the height of the launch tower and easily the most powerful and complex machine ive ever attempted.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Update on 'Object 392'

Object 392 will be a large ground effect vheicle in the style of the Lun-class ekranoplan (AKA Caspian Sea monster)

At this early stage i can confirm this will be about the height of the launch tower and easily the most powerful and complex machine ive ever attempted.

Can\'t wait to see it. Will it have the missiles?

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