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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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Holy... Just downloaded IVA shake mod thing, and also this mod, went and made a rocket, went IVA... Could NOT get out of IVA! It was the most pleasant experience i had on IVA! Also the first time ever i get into orbit completely by using IVA, awesome!

Not sure if its this mod or its already on Stock game, but if you double-click the door's lever rotating thing (Not sure how its called really), you get EVA, and yea, that :)

Quick edit just to avoid confusion: Yea, i COULD actually switch between IVA and external view, but it was so awesome i just couldn't do it

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Any idea what's going on here? Running this on a mac.

You running ActiveTextureManagement ?

EDIT You can try this and see if it helps http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-5-Release-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs%21?p=1116712&viewfull=1#post1116712

Edited by Mecripp2
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Hello all ! First, congratulations for this amazing mod, as everyone : IVA has never been so enjoyable ! I already flew in IVA several times with Kerbal Engineer but that was far less immersive than this.

I have only one request : I am in love with kOS Scriptable Autopilot and I think it would be awesome if it could be integrated in the mod as MechJeb is. If you do this I think I'm done with modding my KSP, it will be perfect. :D

Edited by Dexter9313
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Hello all ! First, congratulations for this amazing mod, as everyone : IVA has never been so enjoyable ! I already flew in IVA several times with Kerbal Engineer but that was far less immersive than this.

Although, I have a problem : I tried everything (almost I guess) to make SCANSat work with this mod and it doesn't work at all.

I grabbed RasterPropMonitor and SCANSat both from their respective first post in their threads (so official .16 and official build 5 respectively, not the DMagic patch) and put them in the GameData folder without a single edit. Also note that I installed KSI and ProbeControlRoom but I don't think they would create the problem. I can supply any complementary information you could need.

Thanks in advance for helping me out !

Finally I have one request : I am in love with kOS Scriptable Autopilot and I think it would be awesome if it could be integrated in the mod as MechJeb is. If you do this I think I'm done with modding my KSP, it will be perfect. :D

I'm guessing you did put the SCANsatRPM & MechJeb2RPM in KSP/GameData and have you looked at the ALCOR_LanderCapsule I think it as kos on 1 of the RPM's

EDIT and you will get a grey screen if you haven't scan'ed the planet or don't have a scanner up scanning.

Here is a link to ALCOR http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54925-WIP-ALCOR-Advanced-Landing-Capsule-for-Orbital-Rendezvous-by-ASET-%28UPD-19-04-2014%29

Edited by Mecripp2
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Sorry you didn't see I edited to delete the middle paragraph but basically the problem disapeared as I reinstalled it step by step. I don't know what I could possibly have done wrong the first time but anyway it works now !

The ALCOR capsule is very impressive but it asn't any kOS RPM as far as I know...

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Sorry you didn't see I edited to delete the middle paragraph but basically the problem disapeared as I reinstalled it step by step. I don't know what I could possibly have done wrong the first time but anyway it works now !

The ALCOR capsule is very impressive but it asn't any kOS RPM as far as I know...

The RPM to the right it as a kos spot and you 8 is out now much better.

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I have a minor issue Mihara, but I'm not really sure how to go about solving it. It would be useful if I could know whether or not a plugin was installed. There really doesn't seem to be a good way to do this, perhaps allow text to be defined when they aren't installed? It's hard to keep a consistency in the interface when I can't know whether or not something will be there. Since some plugins are background handlers and others are page handlers there is no catch all for dealing with it.

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I've been playing with the target display, trying to use it for docking. There seems to be an issue with the relative angles. As I understand it, from the defined variables on github, these angle are supposed to give you the relative angle between the vessel you are controlling, and your target vessel. But the values are not making sense. The delta x seems fine, it is zero when facing the target, and changes as I rotate the x axis. But delta y returns 0 degrees no matter what. Delta z I haven't quite figured out, it returns a number, but it does not seem to be linked to a particular axis. It would be really cool if is this was working and you could do all IVA docking maneuvers, but without being able to match up alignments, I'm finding it impossible to use.

Also, I have a minor request for the docking screen. If at all possible, could we have the distance to target numbers always be in meters? Currently it shifts between km, m, mm, and um depending on distance. My issue is that makes trying to scan the information quickly during a maneuver a little more difficult.

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Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but seems the latest version of this has a certain issue with MechJeb. I currently use a ModuleManager config to add MJ functionality to pods without having to actually add a part, mainly to help keep part counts down as much as possible. Unfortunately, RPM doesn't detect this and says an autopilot module is not present when trying to use the display.

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Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but seems the latest version of this has a certain issue with MechJeb. I currently use a ModuleManager config to add MJ functionality to pods without having to actually add a part, mainly to help keep part counts down as much as possible. Unfortunately, RPM doesn't detect this and says an autopilot module is not present when trying to use the display.

What version of MJ do you have? Do you have MechJebRPM installed correctly?

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What version of MJ do you have? Do you have MechJebRPM installed correctly?

Version 2.2 dev build 216. MechJebRPM is definitely installed right, it worked fine before the most recent RPM update. Maybe it only works correctly with the stable release version of 2.2?

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Bingo. Until MechJebRPM is updated, it only works with the 2.2.1 version from Spaceport. Don't hold your breath for a recompile of MJRPM until the next stable full release of MJ (that isn't a dev build).

In that case, my version was actually slightly out of date. Didn't realize there was a 2.2.1 since their thread title wasn't updated to note that. Thanks.

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How difficult would it be for me to add additional resources to the resource info screen? Started using TAC Life Support, so now I have things like Food, Water, O2, etc. to monitor.

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How difficult would it be for me to add additional resources to the resource info screen? Started using TAC Life Support, so now I have things like Food, Water, O2, etc. to monitor.

It should already be on there as RPM can display up to 17 different resources and those are pulled directly from the game i.e. whatever resources show up in the top right resources panel on the GUI will be in RPM. If you can't see them there, maybe scroll down or go to next page?

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I don't have any other pages, and the only resources listed seem to be LF, oxidizer, and monopropellant, along with battery charge at the bottom. This is what I see:


Ah I see, you are using Hyomoto's version. I am too, let me just load up KSP and get back to you (EDIT: I also see you aren't using the latest version of them. Update them while I load up KSP).

EDIT: Sorted - click Total. Then change pages with the up and down arrow. At least that's how it is in the latest KSI which is 1.2. Either way, R0cketC0der got you your answer first :P

EDIT2: no offence, but why didn't you try clicking stuff before going to the trouble of taking a screenshot, uploading it, posting here, having to wait for an answer etc..? To me, it seems common sense to try and figure it out and the word 'total' should've been a clue as to what pressing that button does.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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You have it in stage mode. It should work if you press the "0" key.

This did it, thanks.

Ah I see, you are using Hyomoto's version. I am too, let me just load up KSP and get back to you (EDIT: I also see you aren't using the latest version of them. Update them while I load up KSP).

Hmm well I think I did update, but I'm actually using the SuperHyomoto configs, which obviously have the older version number displayed, as well as some custom changes to the screens (my PFD screen actually shows overall velocity and altitude at the top, which was something I felt it was missing.) I could really care less about separating horizontal and vertical velocity TBH.

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EDIT2: no offence, but why didn't you try clicking stuff before going to the trouble of taking a screenshot, uploading it, posting here, having to wait for an answer etc..? To me, it seems common sense to try and figure it out and the word 'total' should've been a clue as to what pressing that button does.

I tried the HELPER button, but somehow didn't see the TOTAL button right next to it. Just me being a bit dense. :D

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Does SCANsat V6 play nice with RPM yet?

No, it's not a question of SCANsat supporting RPM, it's RPM that must support SCANsat. Since V6 is still in development RPM probably won't be updated to support it yet (which I think would break compatibility with older versions). I would hold off on updating if you want RPM integration.

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I made a slightly tweaked version of the SuperHyomoto docking screen. Basically just edited the overlay graphic to show the dashed line crosshairs like the real ones have.


Have you managed to get the delta angles working correctly in the RPM docking screen? (read my post above) I've now tried with regular RPM, hyomoto, and superhyomoto as in your screen shot. None of them seem to be correctly displaying the delta angles. This can be verified by running lazor docking cam alongside the RPM docking screen. The delta angles in the lazor cam monitor are correct and can be used to easily align your ship with the target. The delta angles in RPM are just.... off. You should be able to roll your ship until delta z is zero, than rotate the x and y axis until they are lined up perfectly. After experimenting around with it, it seems the main problem may be related to delta z. With rpm, it does not change when you roll as it should. When I zero'd my delta z on the lazor docking screen, the delta x and delta y magically matched with rpm. But then also, as I pointed out above, sometimes the delta y gets stuck on zero. Not sure why.

(I like your new dashed lines btw)

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