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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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Hi, I just wanted to register and say thanks for the mod, it's been pretty fun so far playing from IVA alone! It's very elegantly made!

I also wanted to share some of the pages I messed with, basically scribbling on the ones you've already made (I hope that's okay...)


I edited the font and navball overlay to include a throttle gauge. (the gauge is by using the BAR formatting tag with the '1/4' character, after replacing that glyph with a 16x16 pixel glyph, then using half-width to give it extra fidelity.) The other change is to the TGT/SRF SPEED in the upper-right, that displays the TGT speed now if the navball, and the SRF speed when it's in any other mode. (This required a bit of black magic using offset tags)


This is a second page on the resources key (6), the resource names have to be hand filled in the .txt file, but it produces much cleaner formatting!

The colorcoding is such that it'll gray out any field that has no capacity for that resource, and (depending on the resource) red it out if there is capacity, but it's empty. Kethane, L. Waste, and Waste Heat don't turn red though, since it's not so bad if they're empty necessarily. "L. Support" is a part of TAC, and only keeps track of Oxygen (same for "L. Waste"). Oxygen/Food/Water almost always have the same values, and having multiple entries clutters the fields, so this is my compromise. Again, this uses the little glyph I made in the '1/4' spot at half width, which gives each gauge a pretty nice fidelity of 38 units.


Just adding some relevant data on the descent graph, nothing fancy. The time is the ETA until impact.

I also added an ETA and distance indicating for meeting with a target in the orbital graphical page thing, but that's not really worth the screenshot, aha...

Here's all the stuff I edited, if it's useful to anyone. The mod author can take and have them if they want, and anyone else if it's okay with the author!


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The HUD view is nice and all but it's not a very usable display for flying imo, something more like a Primary Flight Display


Would be a lot nicer for atmospheric flight, is there some way to mimic that with RPM?

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The HUD view is nice and all but it's not a very usable display for flying imo, something more like a Primary Flight Display

Would be a lot nicer for atmospheric flight, is there some way to mimic that with RPM?

Which specific features of that display do you need, or need to be done differently? The current HUD displays a pitch ladder/horizon, VSI strip, and altimeter strip. It uses a heading strip instead of the wheel on the bottom of that view. We don't have a turn coordinator/slip indicator, although we use a prograde marker in the heading strip as a substitute for slip.

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The general idea is a artificial horizon in the middle with speed on the left and altitude on the right

Moving the altitude from the left side to the right side entails editing the HUD cfg file and its associated text file. Showing speed instead of vertical speed also requires editing those two files to change the tracked variable, but it also requires creating a texture to use for the speed strip. Hyomoto's MFD replacement may have already done that (I haven't looked at it). If you'd like to do the edits locally, I'd be happy to provide more specific details, if it's not obvious once you look at the files.

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Apologies if this has been covered already, but I'm on my tablet because my PC doesn't have internet right now. I've been away for a couple months and just came back, but have a slight problem.

I'm still using RPM v0.13 and Hyomoto's KSI MFD v1.1, and noticed that I have no docking camera, it's just the no signal screen with the colored bars. Happens even in docking mode with my craft controlled from my own port, with the other port targeted. The external cameras work fine. Does the docking camera require another plugin such as Lazor's docking camera mod or something? Or do I just need to update them?

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I doubt it's a 0.14 feature, it was definitely an option with both 0.13 and Hyomotos 1.1 basic since these were the latest versions available last time I played. I just never tried to use the docking camera before. I'll try to update by downloading the latest onto my tablet and transferring the files manually. Sucks being stuck with WiFi only when my desktop itself doesn't have WiFi.

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I doubt it's a 0.14 feature, it was definitely an option with both 0.13 and Hyomotos 1.1 basic since these were the latest versions available last time I played. I just never tried to use the docking camera before. I'll try to update by downloading the latest onto my tablet and transferring the files manually. Sucks being stuck with WiFi only when my desktop itself doesn't have WiFi.

There was a change to the cameras where you could use "CurrentReferenceDockingPortCamera" instead of a named camera. For it to work correctly, you need to use the Target menu to select your current reference point. If it's a docking port, then your docking camera will work. The alternative is to edit the docking page of the MFD to use the older method of a named camera.

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There was a change to the cameras where you could use "CurrentReferenceDockingPortCamera" instead of a named camera. For it to work correctly, you need to use the Target menu to select your current reference point. If it's a docking port, then your docking camera will work. The alternative is to edit the docking page of the MFD to use the older method of a named camera.

Thanks, that worked. Didn't realize you had to set a reference point for the docking camera. Would be nice if it could automatically do that when you only have 1 port, or even better have a list on the left for when you have multiple docking ports. Eventually, perhaps.

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You take that back K3! I haven't touched that part of the MFD since, well, it was created! You have to make sure to set your target from the targeting menu, which will clear if you switch from internal to external views. I haven't played KSP since Braverly Default, Ground Zeroes, Dark Souls 2, etc... kind of wrapped up my game time recently :) However, it still works fine in my KSP install but I haven't updated any mods in the last month so beyond what I said above, I'm not sure what would cause it.

Edit: Whoops, talk about late reply. Sorry folks!

Edited by Hyomoto
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on the custom buttons for AG1 to AG0. Is it possible to get the label text to automatically center justify either by default, or with some ctrl code we type in the vehicle description box along with the label text for the button e.g. (AG1= &c SOME TEXT)? And is it possible to change the button types from the current "latch on" to a "momentary on"? Such that the light around the button will light as I push it, then go out after I let go rather than latching in the "on" state. Again by using a ctrl code on the text line e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &T) will center justify the text and latch it on as a toggle, while (AG1= &R SOME TEXT &M) will right justify the text and make the button a momentary contact switch. And as a further bonus maybe change the text field based on the state of a button e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &/ &L SOME OTHER TEXT &T) will center justify the text in the default state then after you toggle it the label would change to a left justified alternate text label. and as a multi state button you could possibly set the label to rotate through a list and have the light color cycle through several colors to follow the state. e.g. (AG1= &c TEXT1 &/ &c TEXT2 &/ &c TEXT3 &/ &c TEXT4 &/ &c TEXT5) would cycle the text labels each time I push the button from text 1 to text 5 and then wrap back to text 1. and each of these states may have a configurable color for the light to go with it.

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on the custom buttons for AG1 to AG0. Is it possible to get the label text to automatically center justify either by default, or with some ctrl code we type in the vehicle description box along with the label text for the button e.g. (AG1= &c SOME TEXT)?

The mechanism used for displaying text via JSIVariableLabel does not support justification, so, unfortunately, no.

And is it possible to change the button types from the current "latch on" to a "momentary on"?

This is a function of the prop, not the plug-in. It *might* be possible to work it out in RPM, if we can see what state the animation is in, but I doubt it would perform well (the switch may pause briefly in the "on" position, for instance). You're better off finding a prop maker who is willing to design a momentary switch, or use a different part (the stock square button, for instance, can be used as a momentary switch or a latching switch, since it doesn't use an animation - you can use color to display state).

And as a further bonus maybe change the text field based on the state of a button

AG already does this, using this syntax in the vessel description:

AG1=On Text|Off Text

as a multi state button you could possibly set the label to rotate through a list and have the light color cycle through several colors to follow the state. e.g. (AG1= &c TEXT1 &/ &c TEXT2 &/ &c TEXT3 &/ &c TEXT4 &/ &c TEXT5) would cycle the text labels each time I push the button from text 1 to text 5 and then wrap back to text 1. and each of these states may have a configurable color for the light to go with it.

This sounds like the functionality in the JSISwitchableVariableLabel.

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If anyone takes the time to study the interaction of RPM with 0.23.5 in detail while I'm out it'll help to ensure a smooth upgrade. :) Things I am particularly concerned about:

  1. Targeting. A new target class has been added and I'm not sure that all the code correctly handles such a case. Targets are now persistent as well, which can have unexpected consequences. Anything related to targeting is a prime candidate for needing an update.
  2. Various things that happen to the vessel when it grabs something else. I've got no clue how exactly it works yet and I've only had ten minutes to investigate before having to leave.
  3. Oh, and someone please confirm that EVAing by doubleclicking on the hatch from IVA still works and doesn't break everything. :)

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here are 2 errors for the mechjeb and scansat rpm.dll

[ERR 03:03:00.082] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'MechJebRPM': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MechJebRPM.MechJebRPM' from assembly 'MechJebRPM, Version=0.15.5191.28848, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

[ERR 03:03:00.198] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SCANsatRPM': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SCANsatRPM.JSISCANsatRPM' from assembly 'SCANsatRPM, Version=0.15.5191.28848, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MapMarkupLine' from assembly 'SCANsatRPM, Version=0.15.5191.28848, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

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here are 2 errors for the mechjeb and scansat rpm.dll

That is how these components fail to load if MechJeb and SCANsat respectively do not load. This is expected and functionality should gracefully degrade. Nothing I can do about it until the plugins referenced are updated for 0.23.5. If they didn't load because they don't work in 0.23.5, that is. If they don't load because you don't have them installed, well... :)

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far as i know scansat works i just hadnt did any scan yet. the mechjeb is problay due to mechjeb not working right for th eversion that rpm was made for.

the newest dev version of mj works fine so it shuld be updated in day or 2

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