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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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Starting with the next SCANsat release (and the first by me instead of danny), I will be assigning the version numbers by hand. I assume your decision to omit version numbers from your assemblies is a conscious one. I also assume that it has the effect of assigning the version string "" to the assembly. I also assume that these two are equivalent. When and if I get a buildbot going for the dev versions, I will be leaving the build information in some other field (description? name?) so that they will be loaded correctly.

I assume you want to be the one releasing the -RPM version of the dll. If this is not the case, please let me know. If I host it and release it, you can have commit access to it.

In either case, I have the following questions:

1.) Is there a reason to/not to match the SCANsatRPM version to the hard-coded SCANsat version, or do you want to leave SCANsatRPM's version string undefined.

2.) Can I give you the release first by a day or two so you can build and be ready for a (more or less) simultaneously release?



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Yep, it's the Interstellar mod. I have no clue whether a fix has been found already. Will be looking aruond in there to see if anything useful is posted.

Asked around at interstellar mod's page and found this.

I installed it and voila, RPM functions now. However, if you installed the ALCOR Pod, it still has problems. And I have no idea whether this does anything negative to the insterstellar. I am on the 4th tier or so, and haven't unlocked anything interstellar yet.

EDIT: Better yet, I just deleted the ASET.cfg and JSI.cfg files from the BoulderCo\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs and kept everything else from Green Skull's configs and everything is working as it should. All the pods are fine. Just back the cfg files up for good measure.

Edited by Trebiane
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There is something that i still dont know, what does the auto pilot function means? is it SmartASS? because i have it and it still tells me that there is no autopilot installed

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There is something that i still dont know, what does the auto pilot function means? is it SmartASS? because i have it and it still tells me that there is no autopilot installed

As has been stated many, many, many times...because of the way it works, Squad weirdness, and the recent changes to mechjeb's buildbot, RPM's mechjeb integration doesn't work with Mechjeb's Dev builds unless RPM is specifically compiled with the version you're trying to use (and then ONLY that version).

Someone over in the mechjeb thread was doing compiles of RPM for the dev versions as they came out, but last I checked he wasn't doing SCANsatRPM with it, which means it breaks the SCANsat integration...

I've just been compiling RPM myself for awhile now.

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Has anyone run into this weird glitch? I can't figure out where the conflict is with all my mods, but something is causing RPM not to load correctly. I have a whole laundry list of mods installed (which I can furnish if requested) as well as the KSI MFD and Module Manager 2.1 installed. This is what it looks like in the cockpit:


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Running Active Texture Management as well? That can affect RPM.. I don't have a config to hand right now, but it's possible to tell ATM to not compress RPM.

I have about 5 installs of Boulders memory reduction mod and about 80-90 mods per install of ksp and havn't seen this. Some of the installs aggresive ATM and some normal ATM, but I just checked just now to see if ATM has a config for rasterprop and it doesn't. It doesn't say it compresses it on there site either. Just a heads up might be another problem?

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I have about 5 installs of Boulders memory reduction mod and about 80-90 mods per install of ksp and havn't seen this. Some of the installs aggresive ATM and some normal ATM, but I just checked just now to see if ATM has a config for rasterprop and it doesn't. It doesn't say it compresses it on there site either. Just a heads up might be another problem?

I took KSI out, On my screens they where rainbow looking my best guess if not ATM then KSI or Interstellar if you have it installed.

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Has anyone run into this weird glitch? I can't figure out where the conflict is with all my mods, but something is causing RPM not to load correctly. I have a whole laundry list of mods installed (which I can furnish if requested) as well as the KSI MFD and Module Manager 2.1 installed.

Removing ATM fixed this for me. I found I didn't really need it once it was gone so I never bothered to learn why, sorry.

I'm also seeing the rainbow-ish effects on the MFDs, but I kind of like it

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Removing ATM fixed this for me. I found I didn't really need it once it was gone so I never bothered to learn why, sorry.

I'm also seeing the rainbow-ish effects on the MFDs, but I kind of like it

Actually, installing Greenskull's texture configuration fixed the issue. For some reason the default ATM configuration was causing the issue.

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P.S. And if your MechJeb2.dll really is in GameData/MechJeb2/Plugins/MechJeb2.dll and it still doesn't work, then the linux build on KSP does not even load everything alphabetically anymore, and all attempts at plugin integration are from here on screwed.

I can confirm that this is the case.

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Dev version of MJ? Nope. Dev version of RPM? Don't see one, so also nope.

You have to compile the dev version of RPM yourself. Which I do, because compiling RPM yourself is also the only way to get it to work with dev MJ.

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You have to compile the dev version of RPM yourself. Which I do, because compiling RPM yourself is also the only way to get it to work with dev MJ.

Actually, a user named OrbitalDebris has been doing that for the dev versions of MJ since around v.237 or so. He recompiled RPM and MechJeb2RPM and posts links in the MJ thread every day or so.

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And that will not be required anymore. We just changed the build system for MJ and starting from dev #255 the dev builds should all works with the current RPM again.

Thanks to OrbitalDebris for doing his best to keep up with our endless dev commit :D

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Does anybody know of a mod that has the screens as a stand-alone part?

So something like a screen that you can attach onto drone-controlled mining rig? Or is that something that is not possible with this mod?

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Does anybody know of a mod that has the screens as a stand-alone part?

So something like a screen that you can attach onto drone-controlled mining rig? Or is that something that is not possible with this mod?

This might be of interest to you.

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This might be of interest to you.

Thanks for that but that wasn't exactly what I was after. What I was trying to explain is a part that is essentially just a plate with a screen on it. So you can stick it on the side of anything and use it while EVA. E.G sticking a screen on the side of a vessel, or putting it infront of the command seat on a buggy so it could be used in conjunction with the first-person mods.

So I guess im asking if this mod only functions in IVA, or if there is an EVA version of these screens?

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Good news, everyone! Someone reported the new version number system on MJ breaking hard dependencies as a bug, and as of dev build #254, they've changed it so it pulls the build ID from a different parameter, instead of the .dll's version. This means that the dev build is back to having the same version number as the last release, and thus as of #255 (I didn't test #254), dev Mechjeb is once again compatible with the pre-built RPM build. Mostly. (There was a change in the name of the 'target orbit' function that RPM needs to be updated for, unfortunately it's different between the release and the dev builds so I don't think anything can really be done there.)

SCANSat V6 (aka 'the toolbar version) has also explicitly changed to using static version numbers to prevent future updates from breaking RPM compatibility. He's said that he's only going to change it in the event of a compatibility breaking update.

So as soon as Mihara updates RPM's base build to use SCANSat v6, it shouldn't be necessary to rebuild it again for a version number change in SCANSat for quite some time, one presumes.

Edited by Tiron
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