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KSP Is starting to become a dangerous obsession.


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So last night I was playing KSP pretty late, but it was Saturday and I didn't work the next day and I could sleep in, so I wasn't worried about it. I ended up hitting the hay just before midnight, expecting to sleep in till about 8am.

But what happens? At 5-freaking-AM this morning, I woke up with the fully developed plans for a heavy duty Kethane mining rig to land on Minmus in my head. I mean, this thing had everything on it, An orange tank for fuel storage, big monopropellant tank, the large kethane storage tank, four drills, two converters, solar panels, RTGs, landing gear, VARIABLE rocket design so it takes off from Kerbin vertical, but lands horizontally on Minmus. Balanced RCS, KAS equipped with pipe & radial connector ports. Winches, spare pipe/port ends, spare pylons. lights providing perfect coverage, and even taking into consideration that the ladder from the Cupola Command Pod would have to be sideways to reach the ground.


The lifter vehicle, with asparagus staging, and initial SRB placement and timing for making the first gravity turn.

This all formed IN MY HEAD as I slept! I had to build it! It worked perfectly. Even the bloody RCS balanced perfectly according to the RCSBuildAid mod (I use very few mods in game, most of mine are build related :D )

It lifted off, made orbit like a dream, transferred to Minmus smoothly, landed in a Kethane patch and all my action groups worked exactly like they were supposed to. ... ON THE FIRST TRY!

That never happens for me! I always have to go back and modify something. :)

I used to get like this with Lego when I was younger. I'd wake everyone up in the house rummaging through my big travel truck of Lego saying things like "I'm sorry, I know it's 1AM, but I GOTTA build this!"

KSP has become my Build Obsession! :D

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Rune, I need you to understand. KSP is real. All else is a dream. The Kerbin University's Department of Psychology has done an extensive study of this phenomenon where Kerbals dream of an alternate reality while in hibernation. In this bizarre reality we are not green, but are multi-colored and are evolved from some kind of creature of unknown physiology whose offspring hangs out in something called a "mall". More disturbing is the fact that the entire society isn't properly attuned to achieving spaceflight. Rest assured that our top scientists are working non-stop on finding a cure. We believe it may lie on Eve or possible on an unknown planet beyond Jool. Meanwhile may I suggest that you continue to build spacecraft as much as possible and forego any lengthy periods of hibernation. Remember KSP is real. All else is an illusion.

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Rune, I need you to understand. KSP is real. All else is a dream. The Kerbin University's Department of Psychology has done an extensive study of this phenomenon where Kerbals dream of an alternate reality while in hibernation. In this bizarre reality we are not green, but are multi-colored and are evolved from some kind of creature of unknown physiology whose offspring hangs out in something called a "mall". More disturbing is the fact that the entire society isn't properly attuned to achieving spaceflight. Rest assured that our top scientists are working non-stop on finding a cure. We believe it may lie on Eve or possible on an unknown planet beyond Jool. Meanwhile may I suggest that you continue to build spacecraft as much as possible and forego any lengthy periods of hibernation. Remember KSP is real. All else is an illusion.

As chief physiologist of the kerbin-mun federation I can confirm the cure is at...


dun, dun, dunnnnnn

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Yeah, I was going to go to bed early last night, but whoops, just added the Kethane mod and wanted to try scanning the Mün.... yeah, didn't realise scanning takes so long (next probe will have multiple scanners so I can scan at 100x warp)

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Your dream is nothing new. Our conscious rational minds are just filters really, it is the subconscious that does allot of the heavy mental lifting. Those little moments of inspiration, epiphanies, or moments of clarity are the subconscious's way of pushing out a final thought of something it has been working on in the back of your mind. More so for lucid dreams, when your sleep is disturbed just enough that your conscious of what you're dreaming.

Welcome to the zone, enjoy it while it lasts because it only lasts for a moment then is gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, just noticed that people wanted pictures :)


You can see the large engine on the back, which was used to get it to Minmus, also using up most of the fuel at the same time, which helped balance it on the way down. After switching the control from the front cupola to the top docking port, the four engines were enough to bring it down in the low gravity of Minmus.


Here is the rest of the base setup, with pipes running out to a landing area with enough light to easily see it from space. BTW, those light pods put out enough light that the solar panels get enough energy to not only run the lights, but to power all the drills and converters in the mining base!


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I feel your pain. But, in a diffrent way. I'm suffering from withdrawls. No KSP for the last 5 days. ;.; And yes this is a back-up pc. Always need a back up way to access and send e-mails.

Some many painful feels being shared! My computer's giving up on me too, it's running too slow now to play KSP. 3 weeks! And I had a Grand Tour in progress too!

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