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Fighter jet with four missiles, VTOL capabilities, and an ejection seat!

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I finally got myself together and spent some time making my first true unmodded VTOL plane! It's fast, maneuvreable, and deadly!

Download (for those who want to cut right to the chase)

Version TWO B is available HERE!

Version THREE can be found HERE!

New features include:

*Better designed missiles

**They twirl as they fly for stability

**Less clunky release mechanism

*Long swept tail vanes, so taking off normally is much less difficult

*Vinyl seats

Also comes with:

2 normal engines

2 VTOL engines

4 missiles

Ejection seat (mash space)

Autonomous flight (after you've mashed space)

3-year warranty*

Here's an album of photos of the (outdated) Mk II

Action groups:

1 - toggle main engines

2 - toggle vertical engines

3 - fire outer pair of missiles

4 - fire inner pair of missiles

5 - toggle ladders

6-9 - fires missiles separately

0 - toggle toaster oven

(and in case you've forgotten, if you press U, the landing lights come on!)

Feedback welcome! How could I make it better? How did YOU make it better? Do you like it or not?

Edited by TheClassiestMedic
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To get rid of the radial attachment points, use the cubic octagonal struts instead, and clip the engines so they attach at the same point as where the struts attach to the wing. Fuel lines might be necessary even though the struts are cross-feed capable.


Edited by Ojimak
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Aha! Thanks, I'm going to go update it right now!

I toyed with the idea, but the backspace key is all the way across the keyboard, and I deemed it more convenient to just mash space. Also, it doesn't immediately deploy the parachute, which should be delayed until the sepratrons stop firing or the pod has gotten an acceptable distance away from the craft

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