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My ideas for Kerbal!

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Hi! I think these 5 should be implemented! Remember, This is my 2nd thread!

1~Able to move around in IVA

Maybe you made a space station, Well right now there are no fun you can do with it... So what you could do is look around and see if you like or love it!

2~Taking off helmet or DEATH!

You can take off your helmet finally and breathe the oxygen around you... Take it off on Eeloo and maybe your Kerbonaut will start turning blue and die because of no oxygen!

3~Space Plane suits!

You have the space suit but what if you had a suit that has a helmet in such but looks nicer, Idk I was bored?

4~Maybe? Steam Workshop mods?

If you're like me and you got KSP off of Steam, It is hard to get mods so maybe KSP should have a workshop!

5~Inflatable stuff!

Inflatable modules in KSP would help alot! Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57662-WIP-Inflatable-Hab-Module

That's it! Now here are some planet names!

Beliun, (BELL-E-UN) : http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/262/e/b/_psd_planet_stock_gas_giant_by_a_j_s-d5f86gt.png

Soulio, (SOOL-E-O) : http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/02/02/article-1353006-0D01104E000005DC-659_634x373.jpg

Pock, (POCK) : http://moviewriternyu.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/pluto.jpg

Seb, (SEB) : http://img498.imageshack.us/img498/9687/ringed24jz.jpg

Ginga, (GIN-GA) : http://www.thelivingmoon.com/43ancients/04images/Planets/EL61b.jpg

Frea, (FR-AY) : http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3BlAIH57AvI/T39brPBD7OI/AAAAAAAAAC0/8Z57iwCOWDo/s1600/Planet+X1.jpg

Qio, (QU-I-O) : http://nimg.sulekha.com/business/original700/earth-like-planets-2010-1-7-15-45-52.jpg

Erin, (ERIN) : http://eburacum45.5u.com/images/deucalion.jpg


Swint (SWINT) : http://i.imgur.com/lRJdH.jpg

Will use this in thread: (NOT YET POSTED YET! WAIT TILL TOMORROW!)

(P.S. I couldn't find the image button, so I just went and put links to the planets!) Be cool! :cool:

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It's not hard to get mods. You just go to spaceport and put them in the correct folder in KSP.

Go to program files (x86)>Steam>SteamApps>Common>Kerbal Space Program> and whala! All of the game's files.

Edit: Here's a thread on installing mods, same procedure. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/19687-How-do-you-install-mods

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Inflatable modules would actually be awesome. But for the rest of the ideas? Either already on the "do not suggest" list, or like helmet removal, pretty retarded even for Kerbals.

Yup, the only time I'd use it would be for a moment of satisfaction after a safe landing on Kerbin.

EVA... aaaaaaaand, helmet off. There, Bob, was that really so bad?!

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If you don't know how steam works, it could be a bit of an annoyance trying to find the games folders, etc.

During the first 5 minutes maybe. If you still can't find a folder after it has been explained to you, I don't think steam has anything to do with it

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