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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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I tried re-installing after I read through the posts a bit about the VAB having the staging icon not showing up and I still have the problem.

When I fresh start the game, my cost for a new vessel is 0, but when I go through the tabs and reach the tab with the RealChute parts, it suddenly jumps to -2000 cost... (I kind of what to exploit this) but more importantly, in the debug log I got an NRE after loading into the VAB, which I believe caused the negative vessel cost... Has this already been covered and I just haven't seen it?

EDIT: I removed RealChute and it is now the Stayputnik probe core that is causing the -2000 stuff to happen... but it still happens to all the pods, just differently for each one... I'm going to pinpoint the mod that causes it... I however, did re-install Realchutes twice and have not had any success on getting the VAB icons back.. if it helps at all I am running the 64X version of KSP on windows 8.1.

Edited by wased89
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I tried re-installing after I read through the posts a bit about the VAB having the staging icon not showing up and I still have the problem. When I fresh start the game, my cost for a new vessel is 0, but when I go through the tabs and reach the tab with the RealChute parts, it suddenly jumps to -2000 cost... (I kind of what to exploit this) but more importantly, in the debug log I got an NRE after loading into the VAB, which I believe caused the negative vessel cost... Has this already been covered and I just haven't seen it?

Well since I can't see those NREs I can't help you.

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Ok sorry about not seeing the request to move to this forum... I wish I reloaded the page before I sent that post.

So I'm using the Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module System and the docking port that comes with it includes a built in parachute, which uses the RealChute mod. But when I use it, its just a regular docking port.

So I did a fight to gather .log info as requested

[LOG 23:01:32.107] [00:00:00]: Liftoff!!

[LOG 23:01:42.017] Hummingbird Debris Unloaded

[LOG 23:01:42.275] Untitled Space Craft Debris Unloaded

[LOG 23:01:42.275] [KAS] OnSave(Winch) Winch head deployed, saving info...

[LOG 23:01:43.014] K-44 Unloaded

[LOG 23:01:43.154] SCREENSHOT!!

[LOG 23:01:44.343] Fighter Debris Unloaded

[LOG 23:02:00.207] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Untitled Space Craft

[LOG 23:02:00.257] Clouds: Volume Enabled=False

[LOG 23:02:00.259] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Untitled Space Craft

[LOG 23:02:02.219] Camera Mode: AUTO

[LOG 23:02:02.785] Clouds: Volume Enabled=True

[LOG 23:02:03.995] activating stage 0 - current stage: 1

[LOG 23:02:03.995] [Mark1-2Pod]: Activated

[LOG 23:02:04.094] [00:00:52]: Separation of stage 1 confirmed

[LOG 23:02:04.094] [decoupler1-2]: Activated

[LOG 23:02:04.094] [sDHI.ParaDock.1.ClampOTron]: Activated

[LOG 23:02:07.676] SCREENSHOT!!

[LOG 23:02:18.534] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Untitled Space Craft

[LOG 23:02:18.578] Clouds: Volume Enabled=False

[LOG 23:02:19.769] Camera Mode: AUTO

[LOG 23:02:19.981] Clouds: Volume Enabled=True

[LOG 23:02:54.328] [VesselSpawner]: Ast. HXG-112 has been untracked for too long and is now lost.

[LOG 23:03:00.393] [K-44]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics...

[ERR 23:03:01.026] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 23:03:01.026] FSwheel: reversemotorset: True

[ERR 23:03:01.050] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 23:03:01.050] FSwheel: reversemotorset: True

[ERR 23:03:01.166] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 23:03:01.166] FSwheel: reversemotorset: True

[ERR 23:03:01.188] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 23:03:01.188] FSwheel: reversemotorset: True

[ERR 23:03:01.489] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 23:03:01.489] FSwheel: reversemotorset: True

[WRN 23:03:01.907] [strutConnector]: Both sides of the strut share the same parent rigidbody. No actual joint was created.

[WRN 23:03:01.908] [strutConnector]: Both sides of the strut share the same parent rigidbody. No actual joint was created.

[WRN 23:03:01.909] [strutConnector]: Both sides of the strut share the same parent rigidbody. No actual joint was created.

[WRN 23:03:01.909] [strutConnector]: Both sides of the strut share the same parent rigidbody. No actual joint was created.

[LOG 23:03:01.979] [KAS] OnLoad(Winch) Loading winch head info from save...

[LOG 23:03:01.981] [untitled Space Craft Debris]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics...

[WRN 23:03:01.983] [KAS] OnStart(Winch) No connected part found !

[LOG 23:03:01.983] [KAS] Set head position to : (1.1, 2.9, 1.2) | Rotation : (0.3, -0.6, 0.7, 0.1)

[WRN 23:03:01.984] [KAS] OnStart(Winch) HeadState : Deployed

[LOG 23:03:02.040] [Hummingbird Debris]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics...

[LOG 23:03:18.827] SCREENSHOT!!

[LOG 23:03:19.330] liquidEngine1-2 collided into Zn123222332 - relative velocity: 107.2685 - no impact momentum (no RB)

[LOG 23:03:19.330] liquidEngine1-2 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

[LOG 23:03:19.331] [liquidEngine1-2]: Deactivated

[LOG 23:03:19.331] [00:03:57]: Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine crashed into terrain.

[LOG 23:03:19.352] 1 explosions created.

[LOG 23:03:19.389] decoupler1-2 collided into Zn123222332 - relative velocity: 96.34192 - no impact momentum (no RB)

[LOG 23:03:19.389] decoupler1-2 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

[LOG 23:03:19.395] [decoupler1-2]: Deactivated

[LOG 23:03:19.396] [00:03:57]: Rockomax Brand Decoupler crashed into terrain.

[LOG 23:03:19.396] fuelTank1-2 collided into Zn123222332 - relative velocity: 60.14769 - no impact momentum (no RB)

[LOG 23:03:19.396] [Explosion] Combined.

[LOG 23:03:19.396] fuelTank1-2 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

[LOG 23:03:19.397] [fuelTank1-2]: Deactivated

[LOG 23:03:19.398] [00:03:57]: Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank crashed into terrain.

[LOG 23:03:19.410] 1 explosions created.

[LOG 23:03:19.969] [00:03:58]: Mk1-2 Command Pod collided into the surface.

[LOG 23:03:19.969] Mark1-2Pod Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

[LOG 23:03:19.977] [Mark1-2Pod]: Deactivated

[LOG 23:03:19.991] [00:03:58]: Steve Kerman was killed.

[LOG 23:03:19.991] [00:03:58]: Thomdun Kerman was killed.

[LOG 23:03:19.991] [00:03:58]: Frodard Kerman was killed.

[LOG 23:03:20.001] SCREENSHOT!!

[LOG 23:03:20.011] 1 explosions created.

[LOG 23:03:20.124] [00:03:58]: Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port - Parachute version collided into the surface.

[LOG 23:03:20.124] SDHI.ParaDock.1.ClampOTron Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

[LOG 23:03:20.125] [sDHI.ParaDock.1.ClampOTron]: Deactivated

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Ok sorry about not seeing the request to move to this forum... I wish I reloaded the page before I sent that post.

So I'm using the Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module System and the docking port that comes with it includes a built in parachute, which uses the RealChute mod. But when I use it, its just a regular docking port.


So I did a fight to gather .log info as requested

Ok, two things here. First you need to upload your image to a web hosting site like imgur.com We can't see the screenshot otherwise.

Two, I don't think that's the right log. Stupid_chris needs the output_log.txt which is in the KSP_data folder.

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Ok sorry about not seeing the request to move to this forum... I wish I reloaded the page before I sent that post.

So I'm using the Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module System and the docking port that comes with it includes a built in parachute, which uses the RealChute mod. But when I use it, its just a regular docking port.


So I did a fight to gather .log info as requested

Are you using PC, Linux or mac?

Do you have Modulemanager installed?

Your realchutes instalation shoud look like this Gamedata->Realchute.

And your SDHI Installation should look like this Gamedata->SDHI->Service module system.

Modulemanager2.2.0.dll should be in the gamedata folder.

The Output_log.TXT that they are asking about is in Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data OR Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data if you are using the 64bit.

To upload them i suggest using googledrive or http://www.speedyshare.com/ To upload pictures i suggest http://imgur.com/

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Does anyone have good tips for setting up chutes that would also work with a launch escape system (quick deploy, fast deceleration…)? Is this even possible when the vessel is still low? I'm trying out wolf's LES with higher and longer thrust.

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Does anyone have good tips for setting up chutes that would also work with a launch escape system (quick deploy, fast deceleration…)? Is this even possible when the vessel is still low? I'm trying out wolf's LES with higher and longer thrust.

Your best bet is to disable the "must go down" setting and have them deploy in your abort action group so that when you hit abort they deploy and your LES goes off all at the same time.

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I'm having the "Rocket Flies away at 6km" bug as well. If I build a simple rocket with the stock mk16 parachute, at 6km the camera stays put while the rocket flies off. If I zoom the camera out and look at the top of the pod, the chute has disappeared. If I launch the same rocket without the chute, I don't get the bug.

I'm running Realism overhaul on the 64 bit version of KSP. I put a copy of my log file and a screenshot of my gamedata folder up on dropbox. (I cleaned out as many mods as I could without breaking RO).

I also uploaded a video of it to youtube. Skip to 2:05 for the actual bug, before that is just setup. I'm not sure what caused the staging to get screwed up between the VAB and launch; it wasn't doing that before.

Thanks! Chris - If you need more information or testing, feel free to PM me.

Edit: Oops, looks like I posted the wrong logfile. Here's an output_log file.

Edited by Traches
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Uhg, now I'm getting a very weird & potentially game killer bug here...

It was doing it a couple days ago, seemed to go away on its own, and now it's back. What's happening is that as soon as I deploy the chute it starts PULLING the vessel down at incredible speeds. Quickloaded back to before reentry several times and it's always the same. Quickloaded, then exited & restarted KSP, pulled up the vessel thru the tracking station, and I got this:


No, it's not supposed to look like that, about half of it is missing. And on one try so was Kerbin. I can load another orbiting vessel just fine.

Can I pull the logs while the game is still running (ie, without exiting thru the menus)? Otherwise I have to wait until AFTER my Kerbals have been slammed into the ground at mach whatever (actually, they die of G forces thanks to DRE long before they get anywhere near the ground).

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Apologies if I'm being a bit dense, but I can't fathom what precisely is needed to install this mod properly. When unzipped, I get a Gamedata folder, which I open and I see a 'Realchute' folder, which I then copy into KSP's GameData folder. So far, so good, so normal. Then I look at the 'Module Manager files' folder, which has a GameData folder within it, inside of which is another 'Realchute' folder and a dll file. Sorry, but the instructions to 'merge' don't mean much to me. I've noticed this kind of instruction creeping into things (not just in KSP) but never having seen any explanation of what that actually means, am reluctant to follow instructions to do so (particularly after one attempt to allow my OS (Linux Mint) to do so which completely mucked up the situation). Possibly an age thing - I'm used to copying files to the correct place, and am quite definitely starting to fall behind the technological curve generally. If you could explain what to do with the Module manager folder files in terms of copying and pasting, I'd be most grateful.

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"Merge" means combine the contents of two folders, keeping the newer files. You might be able to do that with rsync from the shell.

If you already have ModuleManager.2.2.0.dll in KSP/GameData, you can just put the "ModuleManager files/GameData/RealChute/ModuleManager" folder anywhere in KSP/GameData. It doesn't matter where, though for many other mods, merging does matter (especially KSP Renaissance Compilation).

How to get the same result you would if you merged the folders:

If you don't already have ModuleManager.2.2.0.dll, go into RealChute's ModuleManager/GameData and copy it from there. Then, copy the "ModuleManager files/GameData/RealChute/ModuleManager" folder to KSP/GameData/RealChute.

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Apologies if I'm being a bit dense, but I can't fathom what precisely is needed to install this mod properly. When unzipped, I get a Gamedata folder, which I open and I see a 'Realchute' folder, which I then copy into KSP's GameData folder. So far, so good, so normal. Then I look at the 'Module Manager files' folder, which has a GameData folder within it, inside of which is another 'Realchute' folder and a dll file. Sorry, but the instructions to 'merge' don't mean much to me. I've noticed this kind of instruction creeping into things (not just in KSP) but never having seen any explanation of what that actually means, am reluctant to follow instructions to do so (particularly after one attempt to allow my OS (Linux Mint) to do so which completely mucked up the situation). Possibly an age thing - I'm used to copying files to the correct place, and am quite definitely starting to fall behind the technological curve generally. If you could explain what to do with the Module manager folder files in terms of copying and pasting, I'd be most grateful.

the dll file is (Or at least should be) ModuleManager_2.2.0.dll which is needed to apply the module manager files.

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Ok I'm at the point of giving up but before I do- Are there any mods that cause RealChutes to not work? Because i have about 20 mods and that might be what's causing the problem.

As I already advised you in the SDHI Service Module thread, in order to determine add-on incompatibilities, you need to set up a separate installation of KSP with only SQUAD, NASAmission and RealChutes. Check that this combination is working, and then add your other add-ons back in one-by-one and see which one breaks RealChutes.

You can't determine the root cause of a problem without patiently and systematically eliminating each variable.

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"Merge" means combine the contents of two folders, keeping the newer files. You might be able to do that with rsync from the shell.

If you already have ModuleManager.2.2.0.dll in KSP/GameData, you can just put the "ModuleManager files/GameData/RealChute/ModuleManager" folder anywhere in KSP/GameData. It doesn't matter where, though for many other mods, merging does matter (especially KSP Renaissance Compilation).

How to get the same result you would if you merged the folders:

If you don't already have ModuleManager.2.2.0.dll, go into RealChute's ModuleManager/GameData and copy it from there. Then, copy the "ModuleManager files/GameData/RealChute/ModuleManager" folder to KSP/GameData/RealChute.

Many thanks! Although I shan't be using rsync - not that I can't or don't use the command line - it's just that I'm more comfy with GUI's and only use the command line as a last resort :-)

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Many thanks! Although I shan't be using rsync - not that I can't or don't use the command line - it's just that I'm more comfy with GUI's and only use the command line as a last resort :-)

Glad I could help. I'd only made a quick search then, but it turns out there's Meld, which has a GUI and is available for Linux Mint.

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...and then add your other add-ons back in one-by-one and see which one breaks RealChutes.

A more efficient way is to add in half of your mods. If the problem persists it's in that half, if not then switch to the other half. Once you see the problem, take out half the mods and test again. Repeat until you narrow it down. If you do it one at a time, you could get lucky and find the bad mod(s) right away.... or it could be the last one

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...and then add your other add-ons back in one-by-one and see which one breaks RealChutes.
A more efficient way is to add in half of your mods. If the problem persists it's in that half, if not then switch to the other half. Once you see the problem, take out half the mods and test again. Repeat until you narrow it down. If you do it one at a time, you could get lucky and find the bad mod(s) right away.... or it could be the last one

What you're describing is called a binary search, and indeed, it is exceptionally efficient. I personally use that method - the reason I recommended otherwise (for this particular case) is because the one-by-one method is easier for newbies to understand.

Witt461, lots of people have given you plenty of good advice - you need to sit down, be patient and follow the instructions to the letter instead of just calling it quits.

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THAT'S the April fools joke??? THAT'S it?? !@#$@*#$(#!^!#%$!!$!@($!@$(!@#%$!^!!! I thought it was [redacted] plastic bags in the [expletive] chute materials!!!

Either way, seems like there IS actually a bug related to the automatically arm when deploying option. When checked, I still get that weird not-quite-there thing in the screenie I posted, even with a brand new rocket on the pad. Uncheck it, and it seems normal.

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THAT'S the April fools joke??? THAT'S it?? !@#$@*#$(#!^!#%$!!$!@($!@$(!@#%$!^!!! I thought it was [redacted] plastic bags in the [expletive] chute materials!!!

Either way, seems like there IS actually a bug related to the automatically arm when deploying option. When checked, I still get that weird not-quite-there thing in the screenie I posted, even with a brand new rocket on the pad. Uncheck it, and it seems normal.

That why you shouldn't blindly click on buttons you find here and there.

Anyway, I can't fix bugs without logs, and I've yet to get a logs file I could look at accurately over here for everyone complaining about the 6km bug being back.

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That why you shouldn't blindly click on buttons you find here and there.

Anyway, I can't fix bugs without logs, and I've yet to get a logs file I could look at accurately over here for everyone complaining about the 6km bug being back.

Scroll up a little, I posted one yesterday, (unless I did something wrong?). Link is here. I tried to fix it and now I'm fighting some really strange and vicious bugs with realism overhaul at the moment, even starting from a fresh and steam verified install of KSP, so the problem may be on my end.

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THAT'S the April fools joke??? THAT'S it?? !@#$@*#$(#!^!#%$!!$!@($!@$(!@#%$!^!!! I thought it was [redacted] plastic bags in the [expletive] chute materials!!!

Either way, seems like there IS actually a bug related to the automatically arm when deploying option. When checked, I still get that weird not-quite-there thing in the screenie I posted, even with a brand new rocket on the pad. Uncheck it, and it seems normal.

I dont see it, repost with the thing circled?

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