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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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I've looked everywhere in my KSP directory and even home directory; there is no output_log.txt file anywhere. There's nothing anywhere in ./Kerbal\ Space\ Program/ that looks like a log file besides KSP.log. Here's what I have in my KSP directory (limited to 3 levels):

I believe on Linux/OSX it's called player.log but I've no idea where it gets created. Maybe a search for player.log will help.

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That didn't previously work for me on Linux and only produced scrambled images.

I've looked everywhere in my KSP directory and even home directory; there is no output_log.txt file anywhere. There's nothing anywhere in ./Kerbal\ Space\ Program/ that looks like a log file besides KSP.log. Here's what I have in my KSP directory (limited to 3 levels):

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ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ readme.txt
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ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ persistent.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Ships
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Federation\ Galatic
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Financials
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ persistent.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Settings.cfg
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Ships
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ scenarios
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ARM_Asteroid1.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ARM_Asteroid2.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ banners
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ EVA\ in\ Kerbin\ Orbit.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Impending\ Impact.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Mun\ Orbit.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Space\ Station\ 1.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ training
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ A_VesselConstruction.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ banners
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B_flightBasics.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ C_Science.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ D_Orbit101.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ E_MunFlight1.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ F_MunFlight2.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ G_Asteroid1.sfs
ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ H_Asteroid2.sfs
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Screenshots
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ settings.cfg
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Ships
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SPH
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Aeris\ 3A.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Aeris\ 4A.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Albatross\ 3.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ BRV-4\ Heinlein.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ D-175\ Strugatsky.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ HCDV\ Stapledon.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ I8-L\ Bradbury.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ SCDV\ Vonnegut.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ SK_8\ Stephenson.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ TR7\ van\ Vogt.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ UAS-1\ Barnard's\ Star.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ UAS-2\ Polaris.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ UAS-3\ Centauri.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ UL-1\ Kornbluth.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ VX-1\ Vance.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9\ YF-28\ Haldeman.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Ravenspear\ Mk1.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Ravenspear\ Mk3.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Ravenspear\ Mk4.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Rocket-power\ VTOL.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Stearwing\ D45.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ VAB
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Ion-Powered\ Space\ Probe.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Kerbal\ 2.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Kerbal\ X.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Learstar\ A1.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Orbiter\ 1A.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Rover\ +\ Skycrane.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Space\ Station\ Core.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Super-Heavy\ Lander.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Two-Stage\ Lander.craft
ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Z-MAP\ Satellite\ Launch\ Kit.craft
ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ sounds
Kerbal\ Space\ Program/

If you're asking about the STDOUT/STDERR output from running KSP in a terminal, there's nothing useful there. The output is solely from early startup and only consists of the Mono runtime path and joystick mapping.

Is there anything else that I can provide?

Player logs in linux is in a hidden folder goto home and hit CTRL H that will unhide the folders find .config open it and find unity3d folder open it you have found what your looking for :) and for me if, I'm not in full screen, I can take screen shots.

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You have to copy your settings to the other chutes. There's a button for that. Copying to symmetry doesn't happen automagically.

I do not see where this can be copied. I am not talking about the config menu in the Action Groups editor. I am talking about the new option in the parts GUI when you right click on a chute. it only changes one chute and there is not option to copy the settings to symmetry partners. Also you can not do it manually. Each chute will scale to a different size.

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I'm having a problem that isn't a problem (if your a kerbal) but as a game player it kinda is a problem.

I am deploying stock MK2-R radial chutes at present (because I haven't unlocked the research in hard mode with KCT , Kerbal construction time just yet) and I am tweek scaling them down to 50% and lower.

The Stage recovery says they are ok for survivability etc and have no issue there.

But aesthetically a bit confusing as when the chutes deploy they are two different sizes.

They were built on the pod in symmetry mode.

I thought I saw something about this a while ago.. I have searched the thread but couldn't return any results.

Interestingly stages 1 and two with the same chutes deploy in same sized pairs.

Picture below shows the pod with different sized chutes and the 2nd stage with same sized chutes.

Also I have noticed that if I have 3 stages each with chutes that the first stage recovers but the second will not. Even if it gets more than 2km away.. only if I deploy my command pod chute as early as possible and have the 2nd stage deploy as late and as low as possible, does it recover through stage recovery mod.

Otherwise it lands as normal and I switch to it and recover the second stage. Then navigate back to the pod via the KSP screen to recover the pod.

But this doesn't seem to recover the parts or cost either.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance... and yes this mod is terrific... and I'm loving using it with stage recovery Kerbal construction time and DRE. I'm running about 15 plugins .. is that too many?

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o75/Martin_Ellis/Martins%20KSP%20screen%20shots/screenshot2-1.png' alt='screenshot2-1.png'>

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Hey guys, currently writing this from a crappy Wifi live from Philipsburg, St. Marteen :)

Just wanted to wish you all a happy new year! Hopefully lots of good to all of you in 2015

Apart from that, to the guy about 64bit: the answer is staying no. Im not quite sure where you got the majority of bugs were fixed, but im positive than no, its much worse actually.

As to the previous post: check that you are using the latest version, and logs. Logs logs logs logs logs. Pictures are good, but no one can do anything without logs.

Lastly to the guy with symmetry not scaling correctly: this is not.a bug, its intended.

With that, ill go get some more sun and try not to get any more roasted than I already am.


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Sorry Chris .. I'm a bit new to this log file stuff.

any the how the log file and the system data are below

output log is here (dropbox)

system stats are here (dropbox)

I replicated the error in sandbox mode with the same mods and the same rocket.

Symmetry applied stock radial chutes scaled down (although it happens on base scale chutes too).

It looks kinda cool having a baby chute inside a bigger chute. The falling rate in m/s doesn't seem to change.

Have a great holiday and remember be sun safe... here in New Zealand the sun is very strong and burns in less than 10 mins ... so here is my help for you. some sun safe messages .

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Oh I think I should be quite safe as we have no crocodiles and the only dangerous sharks are the great white sharks and they are in the southern ocean where it is very cool. But I feel for the sharks.. there an endangered species after all the large commercial fishers have finned most of them .. to make stupid soup ingredients.

However I have solved my own chute problem and it was a really really dumb mistake....

I did not have the radio button selected under options which says "Part GUI size updates canopy size"

I'm so sorry i didn't check all the settings ... but I did check and noticed it wasn't checked and didn't understand what it meant.. so risked checking it and went to see what it did... and hey presto the pair now deploy the same size now.

I hope this helps anyone else..

Happy holidays everyone.

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I've been noticing that realchute radial chutes(not the stock ones) have been acting like stock ksp parachutes as far as instant deployment/slowing of craft. The mk16 and stock radial chutes have been working normally. After some checking, I noticed that the realchutes radial chutes have their predeployment set to 6 and deployment to 2, whereas the other chutes are reversed. Predeployment 2, deployment 6. Is this intentional or did something get flipped around? Thank you!

Edit: Switching the predeployment and deployment values around made the chutes act as expected.

Edited by DSM20T
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I have been using DRE, FAR and RealChute a lot in the past, coming back to the game I am having some difficulties...

with DRE the chutes burn like matchsticks extremly easily even the drag chute, ss all the parachutes can open at around 350m/s what's the usefullness of drag chutes with DRE?

Maybe I am forgetting smoething but I kinda remember using them much more easily.. instead of losing ships in reentry in kerbin :(

Edited by oktav
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If your chutes are burning up because of DRE, which is a common issue, most of us just suggest opening them at a much lower altitude. This can be a bit difficult to judge as different vessels will slow down at different rates, but its the best option. Generally speaking, you'd want to stop heating up due to atmospheric friction before opening chutes in real life anyway so this just adds even more realism to your game.

Also, have you tried changing the material for the drogue chute? I believe the three materials are available for drogues as well as main chutes. If they are not, ask Chris to add in a tougher material for drogue chutes that doesn't burn up as easily.

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If your chutes are burning up because of DRE, which is a common issue, most of us just suggest opening them at a much lower altitude. This can be a bit difficult to judge as different vessels will slow down at different rates, but its the best option. Generally speaking, you'd want to stop heating up due to atmospheric friction before opening chutes in real life anyway so this just adds even more realism to your game.

Also, have you tried changing the material for the drogue chute? I believe the three materials are available for drogues as well as main chutes. If they are not, ask Chris to add in a tougher material for drogue chutes that doesn't burn up as easily.

Sure, I understand the issue.. but drag or main just will have to open at the same height usually.

If it slows down enough in the atmosphere then the drag chute can work, but it's useless as a main chute would do the trick anyway.

If it's heavy and doesn't slow down enough drag chute are unusable anyway as they won't open high enough and anyway they can only be opened at the same time I can open the main ones, rendering them uselss to slow down to a point where I can use main chute safely

I tried putting the drag chute in kevlar but nothing changes :) I can only open them below 350m/s anyway and at that point I am below 7km in my current heavy payload.

Edited by oktav
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Guys, don't bug Chris about DRE issues please :)

Regarding chute opening velocities, IRL you're not going to open a chute at supersonic speeds, at least not over Earth and certainly not with something as massive as a space capsule.

Not a drogue chute or the mains. They'd be ripped apart. And if you opened them at the altitudes and speeds that you're used to (that you're allowed to) in a non-DRE environment they could burn up, exposed to temperatures measuring in thousands of degrees.

as for the utility of drogue chutes, the importance of them in KSP (regardless of any mods currently existing ) simply doesn't match real life. They've never been particularly important. Maybe some day that will change, but right now neither RealChute nor Deadly Reentry treats drogues and mains differently nor are their RealChute materials treated differently with regards to durability.

So, TL;DR, Deadly Reentry restricts chutes to subsonic deployment, just as they would be IRL. (low pressure / density atmospheres generally allow deployment at faster speeds, so you could so a hypersonic chute like with Curiosity)

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Guys, don't bug Chris about DRE issues please :)

Regarding chute opening velocities, IRL you're not going to open a chute at supersonic speeds, at least not over Earth and certainly not with something as massive as a space capsule.

Not a drogue chute or the mains. They'd be ripped apart. And if you opened them at the altitudes and speeds that you're used to (that you're allowed to) in a non-DRE environment they could burn up, exposed to temperatures measuring in thousands of degrees.

as for the utility of drogue chutes, the importance of them in KSP (regardless of any mods currently existing ) simply doesn't match real life. They've never been particularly important. Maybe some day that will change, but right now neither RealChute nor Deadly Reentry treats drogues and mains differently nor are their RealChute materials treated differently with regards to durability.

So, TL;DR, Deadly Reentry restricts chutes to subsonic deployment, just as they would be IRL. (low pressure / density atmospheres generally allow deployment at faster speeds, so you could do a hypersonic chute like with Curiosity)

this was not exactly a success, but the parachute opened a mach 2.4 :)


anyway, ok, I'll skip on the drogue chute for now

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this was not exactly a success, but the parachute opened a mach 2.4 :)


anyway, ok, I'll skip on the drogue chute for now

Right, air density is a factor, otherwise we couldn't deploy stuff like this on Mars. (which is where I presume they're planning on using that given the high altitude testing)

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I usually deploy several Drogues at 68000\62500 for a target speed of 880 at a height of 27000 on Kerbin, and avoid the need for heatshields.

However, I also aerobrake a LOT on approach, starting from a 70x200km orbit, and taking at least 2 full passes at 59km periapsis before final atmospheric entry.

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Real main parachutes open between 3 - 7 km altitude, with drogues at 7 - 10 km. Scaled down to the Kerbin atmosphere, that means drogues at 6000 and mains at 4500.

If you do that, your parachutes will essentially never fail. Unless you hit a mountain before they deploy.

I've actually put together a modmanager config to set all the default parachutes to open at more reasonable barometric pressures. Just make sure not to try to use them on Duna like this.

I use the "arm when staging" option, so you might want to tweak these a bit higher if you use the default deployment mode. Any drogue or drag chutes from mods will need an exception added to the list:

@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[RealChuteModule]]:FINAL {
@MODULE[RealChuteModule] {
%minIsPressure = true
%minPressure = 0.4
%minDeployment = 7000 // 4500 on Kerbin
%deploymentAlt = 850
%preDeploymentSpeed = 2
%deploymentSpeed = 6

@PART[parachuteDrogue]:FINAL {
@MODULE[RealChuteModule] {
%minIsPressure = true
%minPressure = 0.3
%minDeployment = 9000 // 6000 on Kerbin
%deploymentAlt = 4500
%preDeploymentSpeed = 1
%deploymentSpeed = 3

%minIsPressure = false
%minPressure = 0.6
%minDeployment = 2500
%deploymentAlt = 850
%preDeploymentSpeed = 2
%deploymentSpeed = 6

%minIsPressure = true
%minPressure = 0.3
%minDeployment = 9000 // 6000 on Kerbin
%deploymentAlt = 4000
%cutAlt = 2500
%preDeploymentSpeed = 1
%deploymentSpeed = 3

%minIsPressure = false
%minPressure = 0.6
%minDeployment = 2500
%deploymentAlt = 850
%preDeploymentSpeed = 2
%deploymentSpeed = 6

%minIsPressure = true
%minPressure = 0.3
%minDeployment = 9000 // 6000 on Kerbin
%deploymentAlt = 4000
%cutAlt = 2500
%preDeploymentSpeed = 1
%deploymentSpeed = 3

%minIsPressure = false
%minPressure = 0.6
%minDeployment = 2500
%deploymentAlt = 850
%preDeploymentSpeed = 2
%deploymentSpeed = 6

%minIsPressure = true
%minPressure = 0.3
%minDeployment = 9000 // 6000 on Kerbin
%deploymentAlt = 4000
%cutAlt = 2500
%preDeploymentSpeed = 1
%deploymentSpeed = 3

As an aside, the parachutes really need a "panic deploy" action if you're coming down in the mountains. You'll have to right-click, go to info, and pull the pressure slider down to force them out.

Edited by NonWonderDog
Added SHDI double chutes
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Real main parachutes open between 3 - 7 km altitude, with drogues at 7 - 10 km. Scaled down to the Kerbin atmosphere, that means drogues at 6000 and mains at 4500.

If you do that, your parachutes will essentially never fail. Unless you hit a mountain before they deploy.

Don't forget though that entry angle is still a factor. If you come in steep, you have less time for aerobraking and may well still be supersonic when you reach deployment altitude.

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Don't forget though that entry angle is still a factor. If you come in steep, you have less time for aerobraking and may well still be supersonic when you reach deployment altitude.

Yep, but if you're going hypersonic, steeply downwards, at 4000 m altitude, and relying on parachutes to get you down safely, it really doesn't matter if they fail or not. ;)

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