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[0.23]asmi's ECLSS Mod (current version - 1.0.15) - Life Support Mod


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Wow, that's amazing. I mean, if this build is supposed to run slower than intended it will be unoticeable. Right now, with romfarer installed, I get a slight tiny lag every 5 or 6 seconds. I mean, it's playable even like this. Can't wait for the next release. Amazing!

FYI, I have Romfarer LAZOR & Camera installed. I don't have robotic arms part of it, but I do have IR installed. So I guess it's specifically the robotic arm part of the mod that causes the extra slowdown? Because last night with p1, I didnt' see any difference with or without Romfarer's plugin.

And now, give me that release build! :D Pretty please. ^_^

1.06p2 output log: LINK


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hmm. with new update O2 etc doesnt reduce in time and CO2 doesnt rise (on vessel in action). all resourses - infinite. the only things i changed - rescale factor for small tanks and moved it to Pods. maybe should i rebuild a vessel as new one?

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I have the same problem. The performance improved (before, I always had a crash, when I tired to open the space center or reload any savegame) The interface says, there is zero crew in my ship, so the resources are infinite. When using bobcats ships, the ECLSS panel is useless and the warning lights blink in all colors.

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Come on guys!

I can't know what's going on on your computers unless you provide me with LOGZZZZ!!! How many times do I need to say that??

As a professional developer I can tell you that you'll have to keep asking this, and that in 50% of the cases you'll never get them.

I did install ECLSS, Deadly re-entry 3 and RemoteTech 2 yesterday on a clean install. No problems so far.

Except for 1 thing, when I recovered a IVA Kerbal on Kerbin from the space center the Kerbal did not disappear and I could recover him again and again. Not sure if ECLSS or RT2 causes this, or even a KSP bug. Did give me a nice science boost.

Edited by Daid
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As a professional developer I can tell you that you'll have to keep asking this, and that in 50% of the cases you'll never get them.

I did install ECLSS, Deadly re-entry 3 and RemoteTech 2 yesterday on a clean install. No problems so far.

Except for 1 thing, when I recovered a IVA Kerbal on Kerbin from the space center the Kerbal did not disappear and I could recover him again and again. Not sure if ECLSS or RT2 causes this, or even a KSP bug. Did give me a nice science boost.

How did you recover him? Using in-flight recover, or the Satellite Map from Mission Control?

I tried to repro this, and wasn't able to. Someone on my techtree thread mentioned this as well. I have so many mods I had assumed it would do it for me as well.

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How did you recover him? Using in-flight recover, or the Satellite Map from Mission Control?

I tried to repro this, and wasn't able to. Someone on my techtree thread mentioned this as well. I have so many mods I had assumed it would do it for me as well.

Ive had this happen before, and it was when I had ECLSS installed.. Never thought about it being caused by ECLSS.. haha.

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Come on guys!

I can't know what's going on on your computers unless you provide me with LOGZZZZ!!! How many times do I need to say that??

Which files exactly do you need for help on debugging issues? I will provide any once I know which one(s) you want / need. If this was spelled out earlier, i missed it... sorry....

The newest version is working very quick as compared to the earlier version, but alas, it does not 'see' my kerbals and therefore is not using any of the resources...

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Hi ASMI, first off fantastic life support mod though i did scale down the consumption a little.

Second, i was one of the people experiencing the "stutter" every 5-10 seconds, it was most noticeable with chatterer enabled but yes in general it was a little tiny grievance that over time just started to drive me nuts. I just tested out 1.06 AND removed romfarer, of which i ONLY had the dll, in order to run bobcat's buran, and lo and behold, no stutter, perfection. If you need, i can see if i can provide logs, but it seems to have worked absolutely perfectly!

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Still lagging like crazy. I'm not sure why, but I may try again, with out the new version of Chatter. You'll see a lot of Chatter errors in the log, but not much about ECLSS.


2.2 GHz Intel Core i7

I've troubleshoot'd with Chatterer before and found it wasn't Chatterer.

Which files exactly do you need for help on debugging issues? I will provide any once I know which one(s) you want / need. If this was spelled out earlier, i missed it... sorry....

The newest version is working very quick as compared to the earlier version, but alas, it does not 'see' my kerbals and therefore is not using any of the resources...

That is the problem I am having now with the release, I have PM'd Asmi about it with a log. If you could do the same, that would be awesome. All you have to do is upload the Log.txt file from your KSP directory to a file sharing site like mediafire and link Asmi to it!

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I also noticed that all probes are counted as ECLSS vessel too, which may cause additional lag with calculations for debris + probes + manned spacecraft + perhaps flags too?

This mod is fantastic and I hope this issue will get fixed sometime in the future 'cause now it's sadly unplayable :(

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Version 1.0.7 is out! Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.7.zip

Removed profiling, did some more optimizations. Please report performance as well as any issues you encounter.

BIG thanks to everybody who sent/published logs - they've helped a lot!

Edited by asmi
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I'm still not getting my crew recognized once flight scene is loaded.. I'll send you a new log!

Have you got multiple parts with the same name? That's the only possible explanation...

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