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The Versatility Marathon Challenge

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I made a low part count version for those of you that can't handle the 150 part version.

New version is 68 parts and it's a subassembly, 28.99 tons

I may make some minor adjustments to this one. The only thing I am thinking I am going to change is get rid of those I beam landing legs in favor of actual landing legs like the original design. I am also going to remap the actions settings, as 1-6 on the XI-2 are already taken. Lucky its not my SVO-25B, that thing uses 1-8 on the action groups.

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Completed Mission 2

I know what I need - Complete a full mission without detaching any parts other than the mission critical ones = +25 points

Jet engines are for planes - Don't use jet engines to lift anything into space unless that jet engine is on an aircraft = +5 points

Bring the Gang along for the ride - For each additional Kerbal brought on a mission and returned to Kerban Orbit after the mission is complete (All Kerbals must be in a pod, external command seats not allowed) = +10 points x 5 Kerbals = 50pts

Mission Complete Option 1: 250 points




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I may make some minor adjustments to this one. The only thing I am thinking I am going to change is get rid of those I beam landing legs in favor of actual landing legs like the original design. I am also going to remap the actions settings, as 1-6 on the XI-2 are already taken. Lucky its not my SVO-25B, that thing uses 1-8 on the action groups.

Ok, when I had the original landing legs on there, it tipped over so I put I beams on there. Keep in mind that this has to land on Moho intact and not topple over.

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May I attach a docking port to the top for docking purposes?

Yes you may. Attachments can go on the top and bottom for docking, you also have to build your powered descent assembly on either the top or bottom so you can land it.

But that assembly must detach once the Actuator is on the ground.

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Yeah, anyone can start at any time. The first mission can be accessed by clicking on the "Here" link next to Mission 01.

As for bonus points... no, but I can put a badge next to your name that says career mode. I didn't have bonus points set up for career mode or for mods that add difficulty because those are personal choices and not part of how the challenge was designed. Especially since you'll need some advanced parts in order to complete the missions. I wouldn't suggest doing the missions in Career Mode unless you already have the entire tech tree unlocked.

Thanks for that Nitro and I wont be doing this in Career mode (frustrating enough justr trying to unlock those last few tiers)

Should have the core craft up in the next few days and pics of the lunar shakedown afterwards.

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@ 700NitroXpress

Got a couple of question regarding Mission 03: Seismic Testing

Option 1: Use a ground science team to collect the data and return to the orbiting ship. (Ground team is 2 Kerbals minimum, each additional kerbal is +10 points)

(The 3rd crew +10points, or 3rd crew +30points, Most importantly, what is the limit? Can I bring 100 extra crew?)

Option 1 mission completion: 300 points

(Minimum completion = 1 actuator landing on target location, and a science gear team with min 2 crew... Is this correct?)

Option 2: Use unmanned gear to complete the mission.

(Minimum completion = 1 actuator landing on target location +200 points?)

Land a science team at both science gear locations: 100 points

(Means no science team, is still ok. Just not earning that 100points?)

Set up multiple actuators, one at each location: 100 points

(Is this add up to below rules? 4 actuators = 100x4= 400 points?<---without science gear; with science gear means add the below 200points?)

Set up actuators and science gear at both poles, the target LZ, and the opposite side of the planet relative to the target LZ, 4 actuators total: 200 points

(Is it means total of 4 Seismic Actuators? 4 Science Gear, 8 official crew (2 crew each Science Gear)).

You may return to LKO to get 2 more actuators and 2 more science machines after the first set is deployed.

(What is the bonus point for bring all together in a single trip)

Science machine minimum weight is 5 tons.

(What is the penalty if not 5 tons, the Eve Rover for Hodo Penalty is only -10)

My current understanding...

1) Minimums mission requirement : Land an actuator on target location: 200points

2) Land an actuator on target location and a science gear with min. 2 crew : 300points

3) Land 2 actuator on target location : o points

4) Land 2 actuator on target location AND 2 science gear on both location with min. 2 crew each science gear: +100points.

5) Land 4 actuator on target location :+400points.

6) Land 4 actuator on target location AND 4 science gear on each location with min. 2 crew each science gear: +200points.

7) Penalty on science machine weight and extra crew bonus not clear.

8) Does the actuator has to be 'fully fuel/weight' while landing on Moho surface?

9) Can I attach "fuel line"/"strut" from/to the bottom tank of the actuator?

Edited by Sirine
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Sirine good questions, but you are starting to sound like you're trying to "game" the game.

I picked up this challenge because it looks like fun, it has been... and frustrating at the same time not Nitros fault, but my fault in my design. I know for me I am just taking the ONE actuator to Moho, and I think I will be able to land a crew there, but I am still testing somethings out. ((When I can pull myself away from other things))

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@Hodo Great to hear that you are having fun with the game. I'm too.

Well, I play this "challenge" because I want to "score" and having "score" makes me feel happy. I don't know your definition of 'playing the game the fun way', sorry.

We just play the game like what we want it to be. So, you play it "yours-way", I play it "mine-way". I don't see any conflict in here.

@ 700NitroXpress

seems that you been ignoring the question above.

How about this...you just apply above reply with "score that apply to Sirine only". The other contestant will have difference score base on your judgement. That will free yourself for 'lock the game fun'. And I will have my fun, the other will have their too.

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Mission Accomplish!

Please refer to below thread for detail. (Lot of images, persistent save, and Eve ascent video.)


Mission Complete Option 3: 400 points

Send down a 4 Kerbal Science team and retrieve them: 100 points

Perform Extreme EVA : 10 points

Sub Total : 510 points

8. Eat your vegetables - Launch a craft or attachment into orbit without asparagus staging = +5 points

10. Shuttle Missions - Use a space shuttle to carry attachments to your craft in orbit, the shuttle must land at the KSC runway = +50 points per shuttle mission successfully completed (payload mass must be 15 tons or greater)

11. I know what I need - Complete a full mission without detaching any parts other than the mission critical ones = +25 points

12. Jet engines are for planes - Don't use jet engines to lift anything into space unless that jet engine is on an aircraft = +5 points

13. Bring the Gang along for the ride - For each additional Kerbal brought on a mission and returned to Kerban Orbit after the mission is complete (All Kerbals must be in a pod, external command seats not allowed) = +10 points

15. Home Sweet Home - Each Kerbal that's in Bring the Gang along for the ride, arrives safely back at the KSC within the light colored grass area (2 Kerbals must remain on board the core craft) = +5 points per Kerbal

5x8=40 points

16. NASA knows best - Use NASA style launch vehicles to get all of your mission payloads into orbit = +20 points per launch (As before update)

Science Modulesx2 = 20 points

Hitchhiker MOdulesx2 = 20 points

Eve Lifter = 20 points

Interplanetry traveller core = 20 points

Sub Total : 5+50+25+5+100+40+80 = 305 points

Grand Total = 510 + 305 = 815 points

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Sirine, I just saw your post that was posted on Tuesday, just now tonight. I have a lot that I have to do with my job and class right now since finals are coming up, so I'm sorry for not having prompt responses right now. I also see the mission accomplished report. I'm probably not going to get around to going through these reports until Saturday 12/7/13 at the earliest. I'm not ignoring anything, I just haven't had time lately.

I promise I'll get those questions answered and go through the report before Sunday Morning. If you have any additional questions that come up between now and then, just add them to that post and I'll answer all of them.

Also, for everyone, Mission 03 will be left up until 12/13/13 and then there will be a new mission that will run from 12/13/13 - 1/10/14 due to the holiday break, I will also be completely unavailable during that holiday break time period.

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Ok I have messed with that assembly for the mission, and no matter how I look at it, it is just horrid. Not your fault, I have a craft that can get it to where it needs to be, but I am tempted to take it apart, redesign it so it does the same mission, weighs the same, and is the same size, but is less parts and more functional. Currently without adding at least 4 radial engines to it for its landing, or just flat out dropping it on the planet. (the thought crossed my mind just to shoot it at the planet). I don't understand what it is to do, I have tested it, and all it does is fire that center part straightish down at the 18 ton fuel tank under it. Which for the most part destroys it. If I attempt to land it on Moho in its current state, without literally strapping a Kerbal to it and a command pod, it won't work in RemoteTech2. Right now as it stands this thing is 70 parts, I removed the I-beams and replaced them with 6 LT-2 landing legs. I may even be able to cut that down to 4 other landing legs but wanted to see what affect it had.

The problems I am seeing for it in Remotetech2, is the 4 comms dishes you have on it I don't think have the range to reach Kerbin from Moho, on top of this there isn't enough battery power for it to be able to power all four of those comms devices for any length of time and still have power for the SAS and Probe core. As for adding a docking port to it and then just docking it to the main ship, that won't work either, same problem, it doesn't have the power to operate all the electrical systems AND communications with KSC. So later this weekend I am going to take it apart and redesign it so it works in RT2.

Currently as it stands it is 5 scaffolding high, with a 18 ton jumbo 2.5m fuel tank at the base and an assortment of SAS and other structural parts at the top.

It isn't like I can't find a SSTO in my fleet that can haul it to orbit. If it wasn't so long one of my 300 line SSTOs could haul it to orbit with ease. As it stands now I have to use the new SP-406 to get it into orbit. And the SP-406 has a 108ton cargo weight limit.

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Ok here is the Seismic Actuator V2 that I came up with, it is in its base model only 50 or so parts. I added an additional 20 ish parts just to get it functional so it can be loaded and unloaded from the ship and dropped on Moho. It still weighs about the same and is the exact same height, well taller now that I added some landing legs under it. Here are a couple of pictures from the VAB.



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@Hodo May I suggest putting some illumination (light) on this things. Moho self turning pretty...slow.

Kerbin take 6 hrs (game times to turn a full circle).

Moho took 14 days.

Most likely you will be landing in 'dark'.

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@Hodo May I suggest putting some illumination (light) on this things. Moho self turning pretty...slow.

Kerbin take 6 hrs (game times to turn a full circle).

Moho took 14 days.

Most likely you will be landing in 'dark'.

Thanks, I think I did add lights to it. They are hard to see in that picture but I think I added a set of the lights from B9, which are a bit smaller but still pretty good, but don't light up whole planets when on. And I forgot to add the I beam to the probe core... easy fix though.

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Ok first stage of the mission is underway, transported mission equipment up to orbit and awaiting rendezvous with the ship for transfer of cargo.



And finally in the sun light, you get to see how massive that cargo bay is.


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wow. You are using SSTO to bring up that S.Actuator. Thats +10 points.

Not just any SSTO, but it is a VTOL SSTO also.


The Seismic Actuator isn't the heaviest thing I have taken into orbit with that SSTO. The SP-406V has a max cargo load of 108 tons, or three orange Jumbo-64 tanks.

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Sirine, here are the answers to your questions:

Q: (The 3rd crew +10points, or 3rd crew +30points, Most importantly, what is the limit? Can I bring 100 extra crew?)

A: The 3rd crew member is worth +10 points, there is currently no limit, you could bring 100 extra crew, but they must be in hitchhikers or their own pods, no lawn chairs.

Q: (Minimum completion = 1 actuator landing on target location, and a science gear team with min 2 crew... Is this correct?)

A: No, you need 1 actuator landing on the target location, one science machine on the opposite end of the planet, and another science machine deployed close to the actuator. The one that is deployed close to the actuator must be the manned landing with 2 Kerbals.

Q: Option 2: Use unmanned gear to complete the mission. (Minimum completion = 1 actuator landing on target location +200 points?)

A: No, you need one actuator and two science machines deployed, just unmanned versions. One is deployed on the opposite side of the planet and one is deployed close to the actuator.

Q: Land a science team at both science gear locations: 100 points. (Means no science team, is still ok. Just not earning that 100points?)

A: Yes, these are bonus points. If you choose not to land a science team, that's ok, but you must still land the 3 pieces of equipment on the planet at the locations specified.

Q: Set up multiple actuators, one at each location: 100 points (Is this add up to below rules? 4 actuators = 100x4= 400 points?<---without science gear; with science gear means add the below 200points?)

A: No this does not add to it. What this is referring to is that, you set up one actuator at the target LZ and one at the opposite end of the planet, relative to the target LZ. So the maximum point value is 100 points.

Q: Set up actuators and science gear at both poles, the target LZ, and the opposite side of the planet relative to the target LZ, 4 actuators total: 200 points (Is it means total of 4 Seismic Actuators? 4 Science Gear, 8 official crew (2 crew each Science Gear)).

A: No, you need 4 actuators and 4 science gear only. The crew are irrelevant. However, if you land 4 kerbals, so 2 at the original actuator and 2 at the one on the opposite side of the planet, then that gets the 100 point bonus. Each additional kerbal landed is +10. You do not need to land any kerbals in order to get the 200 points from this bonus challenge.

Q: You may return to LKO to get 2 more actuators and 2 more science machines after the first set is deployed. (What is the bonus point for bring all together in a single trip)

A: I didn't make one because Moho is far and takes a lot of fuel to get to, especially when carrying payload.

Q: Science machine minimum weight is 5 tons. (What is the penalty if not 5 tons, the Eve Rover for Hodo Penalty is only -10)

A: It will be the same as the Eve mission -10 points

"My current understanding...

1) Minimums mission requirement : Land an actuator on target location: 200points

2) Land an actuator on target location and a science gear with min. 2 crew : 300points

3) Land 2 actuator on target location : o points

4) Land 2 actuator on target location AND 2 science gear on both location with min. 2 crew each science gear: +100points.

5) Land 4 actuator on target location :+400points.

6) Land 4 actuator on target location AND 4 science gear on each location with min. 2 crew each science gear: +200points.

7) Penalty on science machine weight and extra crew bonus not clear.

8) Does the actuator has to be 'fully fuel/weight' while landing on Moho surface?

9) Can I attach "fuel line"/"strut" from/to the bottom tank of the actuator?"

1: No, you need to land the actuator and both science gear in order to get the 200 points. Not landing 1 piece of science gear is -50 points.

2: Yes, but only if you have that second science gear deployed on the opposite end of the planet. Don't forget about the second science machine.

3: Correct

4: No, you would need to land 2 actuators, one at the target location and one on the opposite side of the planet, 2 science teams with the science gear at both actuator locations. This is +400 points because you're getting Option 1 completion and the 100 point bonus from "Land a science team at both science gear locations: 100 points"

5: No, you need to do this "Set up actuators and science gear at both poles, the target LZ, and the opposite side of the planet relative to the target LZ, 4 actuators total: 200 points" if they are unmanned the total is 400 points.

6: No, you would get 600 points just for 4 kerbals 2 at the target LZ, 2 at the location opposite of the target LZ, for the additional 4 kerbals you would get 40 points so the total would be 640 points

7: Science machine weight penalty is -10 points, each additional kerbal landed is worth +10 points

8: Yes, if it isn't than it's -10 points

9: Fuel lines = No, Struts = Yes

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Hodo, is that actuator the same weight as the one I made?

Does it still explode when you fire it?

It needs to go Kaboom.

Yes, it is the same weight, I made sure to put everything you had on it or something about the same weight. The only changes I made was lowered the part count using a few mods that gave me access to a larger number of parts that are bigger. If anything I think it maybe a ton heavier after I was done.

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