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[WIP] HTV parts


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I am modelling Japan's HTV to be eventually added as a small parts pack. I am constructing it as four parts: Propulsion, avionics, logics, and an adapter. The adapter piece will allow a stock docking port to added, although I may look into a second adapter to fit the docking port from the ISS parts pack. I have completed a basic model of the propulsion and avionics module and will probablly have the logistics and the adaptor modules done by today. Before I go any further, I wanted some feedback on the size of the parts. I started using Bobcat's standard of 64% size but this resulted in a roughly 2.8 meter part, so I switched to a 56% scale the results in a 2.5 meter part. What I wanted to know is wheter you guys would rather have a scale the is more consistent with other real spacecraft packs or one that would fit nicely with the stock 2.5 meter parts.

On an additional note, I have no artistic talent and may need someone to create a better texture than the one I will eventually first release.

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. Edited by Redjoker
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I have decided to go with the 64% scale and I am splitting the propulsion module into a fuel module and an engine module. I have update the imgur album to include the new fuel module, but I haven't started on the new engine module. Anybody who would like to do textures for this or create the unity and basic cfg files are welcome to help with this project.

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Completed 64% scale engine and fuel modules, begining work on 64% scale avionics modules. Replaced pictures of propulsion module with fuel and engine module pictures. Added pictures of fuel and engine modules toghether.

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can you add a 2.8m to 2.5 meter adaptor? so we can use the HTV parts with other 2.5m fuel tanks or stuff.

Do you mean so that it can be launched on a 2.5 meter rocket? If so, you could still launch it if a rocket with a 2.5 meter coupler, but i'm not completely sure. I may make that type of an adapter since it would only require an structural adapter and a 2.8 meter decoupler. If I misunderstood your request, please specifiy.

There is a parts pack for the H-IIB rocket that you could maybe use to launch it, but I am not sure if it uses a 64% scale. If it doesn't, I may work on that after this is completed or I have completed the modeling and have gotten people to texture and import the parts.

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Completed the avionics module and added pictures of it and assemblies of the avionics, fuel, and engines modules. I am thinking about adding more detail to the avionics module, but I'm not sure the extra detail is worth it since the top and bottom will only be seen in the VAB or if the HTV breaks apart.

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Looks nice. can't wait for logistics modules. Remember, it's covered with solar panels, so don't forget to set them up.

For the solar panels to be functional. they have to be a seperate parts. So the user will have to put them on, but I may make a darker solar panel that will look similiar to the ones used and I may make some mono-directional rcs ports.

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Added the logistics module and the 1.25m docking adapter. The models are done except for the adapter for the CBM docking port for the ISS mod, which will be finished when I get the diameter of the CBM.

Any one who wants to try to texture the models or import them into Unity just PM me. I will try later at a basic texture and with a large amount of luck I may finally get a part successfully through unity into KSP.

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