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[0.22] Bootstraps - 176 New Missions for Mission Controller Extended (v0.3.3)


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a much bigger issue with this pack is the docking goals don't work... I had to edit almost all of the missions in this pack that involved docking as the goal didn't register as completed. Adding vesselindependant fixes this.

Great set of missions though once you get them working!

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Awesome missions. It has greatly helped polish my efficiency in rocket design, and solidified my dependency on Flight Engineer. I have an observation/question. I am barely able to break even for the more complex Mun/Minmus/Duna Missions (I've never been able to get to eve), but it still dries my budget up every time I attempt one, forcing me to do a series of repeatable missions to afford a future one. I try my best to stick with stock values in terms of ISP and twr.

So I'm just wondering if the rewards are balanced to be profitable? Specially on the more difficult missions. I would love to see a screenshot of someone's Duna craft to draw some inspiration from them.

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An Awesome set of missions. I started using the info in them to begin writing a set of missions for Real Tech2, Kethane and SCANsat.

Started out with 3 missions to place satillites in KEO sync orbit, followed by the SCANsat mapping satillites. Only managed to write the ones for Kerbin and Mun so far. Plan on making missions for all the Planets and Moons eventually. Still trying to even out decent rewards for the cost. First KEO Sat I sent up took me 4 tries at 119K per Rocket, and original reward of 120K. LOL needless to say I make it about 200K. Probably would have been easier without FAR installed as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very cool mission pack! Im just starting to play around with it but something has me completely confused. All of the "base" and "orbital" missions end with an undock goal. I don't get it. undock what? shouldn't these missions end with a dock goal not an undock goal?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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