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Leg-Animation does not work reverse with leg-module

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I have a landing-leg that hates me :-(

here a video showing the problem

If i use ModuleAnimateGeneric instead of ModuleLandingLeg for the same animation, it works.

If i try to retract the landinglang in the deploy-phase via ModuleLandingLeg it works.

If i try to retract a full deployed landing leg via ModuleLandingLeg, the animation snaps to the end.

I made the animation in unity , can´t find a error in the animation itself...cause it works via ModuleAnimateGeneric.

here my really simple code from the cfg


name = ModuleLandingLeg

animationName = la2-bein
//wheelColliderName = TBD
//suspensionTransformName = schuber1
//orientFootToGround = true
//landingFootName = fuss
//alignFootUp = true
//suspensionUpperLimit = 0.50
impactTolerance = 300
//suspensionSpring = 1
//suspensionDamper = 1
name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = la2-bein
startEventGUIName = "streckdich"
endEventGUIName = "schick dich"
actionGUIName = hoppel

Anyone who knows what did i wrong?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am also modeling a landing leg and having exactly the same issue. Had any luck since you posted this?

Edit: My working hypothesis: The cfg looks pretty much the same as the stock legs, so maybe that's not where the problem is. Maybe ModuleLandingLeg and ModuleAnimateGeneric have different ways of interacting with Unity animations? So maybe the animation in Unity has to be configured differently.

Things I tried that didn't fix it: Changing Wrap Mode, Add Loop Frame, or Anim. Compression.

Edited by Kanddak
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not sure at all but here some alternate things to try.

Layers used while 3dmodelling may have sometime an importance (i often use lot of layer and sometime changing layers of some animated object may rarely impact)

My main assumption is Hierarchy linked with layer, reordering things another/alternate way seem to sometime impact messing worst or solving an animation issue.

But this is only assumptions from what i experienced with my first attempt at solar panel and landing leg.

EDIT: (3dmodeling location over timeline saving before importing may impact, as for me it impact on the VAB preview, so may be could interact with something else)

Playing with this 3 things i solved once my solar panel matter, remessed it and was unable to reproduce :/

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  • 1 year later...


Unlock in Unity "Play Automatically" unless you want it to play automatically.. (also return to animation postion frame 0 ..)

- hope i helped you :)

cheers Raendy



Edited by RaendyLeBeau
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