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Returned from Eve - now what?


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........Anyway my point is, landing lower on Eve's surface is increasinly harder. How low can you go?....

Sea level! I made it.

I don't exactly see why it would be harder to land lower. Parachutes offer more drag the lower you go so it should be easier, or are you including ascent from sea level in your difficulty rating?

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Try it again with FAR and Deadly Reentry. Say goodbye to pancake rockets. And it adds a lot of design challenges for athmospheric landers. On the positive side, FAR's realistic aerodynamics greatly reduce drag, so you only need about 3500 m/s Delta v to get to LKO.

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Single stage interplanetary return? That would be just nasty, because... lag. Projects like that could be a lot of fun to try but flying crafts made of more than 3 hundred-ish parts just isn't very enjoyable with all that 2fps action :(

Been reading up about mods a bit, and remotetech seems rather interesting...

Why does a fully reusable craft need to be a single stage? Drop the boosters with parachutes so you can recover them. Build the transfer stages as independent probes that return to be refuelled and reused?

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As the title says, I've managed a successful manned, 'capsuled' ascent from Eve. But - but, now what? I'm not really interested in say building huge stations or such just for sake of doing it, so I'm looking at new challenges.

You make your own challenges in a sandbox game, so building stations can be as challenging as you want it to be.

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If you really want a tough challenge, here's one for you: run a fully Kerballed mission to one of the outer planets, setting up a permanent outpost... and having FAR, TAC Life Support, Deadly Re-Entry, and RemoteTech all installed. Just figuring out the logistics of how to pull all of that off should keep you busy for a few days.

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I'm going to fall on my default suggestion for this sort of situation: Construct a replica of an Easter Island moai statue entirely out of structural plates, then launch it into space and land it in some out-of-the-way location to baffle future generations of space explorers.

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