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FatNose "space jar" - SSTO 5 crew, land on mün, mimnus and back (mechJeb)


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SSTO Crew transport: 5 crew, land on mün, mimnus and back


KSC launch ->

Kerbin lko circularize ->

Mün transfer ->

Mün circularize ->

Mün land ->

Mün launch ->

Mün circularize ->

Kerbin transfer ->

Kerbin circularize ( 840 m/s Dv cost with no airbrake) ->

SpaceStation dock ->

deorbit ->

ksc Land.

Or you can

KSC launch ->

Kerbin lko circularize ->

Mün transfer ->

Mün circularize ->

Mün land ->

Mün launch ->

Mün circularize ->

Mimnus transfer ->

Mimnus circularize ->

Mimnus Land ->

Mimnus Lauch ->

Mimnus Circularize ->

kerbin transfer ->

Kerbin airbrake ->

deorbit ->

ksc Land.

Without refuel.

This is the standard moon missions this vehicle is designed for.

Tested stable landing structs with extralarge footprint (Mün is not an easy place),ladders for vertical and horizontal operations, Nose docking port, balanced RCS, sharp autolanding.

Wherever you need to move crew around Kerbin this is the vehicle.

Download link (MechJeb) -> SpaceJar.craft.zip

Download link-> SpaceJar_stock.craft.zip


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Edited by pinolallo
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Sure, Zuni: the ship goes up in LKO with 4000/ms dv. So she can do that mission type too. Indeed with 4k m/s dv you can also go to Duna and back, but I did not make such a travel (more tha one year of trip) without a decent life supported ship....

Edited by pinolallo
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