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<_< >_> uhh Yo ^_^


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Guest ThatCrazyPilot

WOOT, you were right, with a little help from the Silisko and the C7 mods I MADE ORBIT......with no fuel left -_-;

Now land on the moon. Use Down Under pack. Helped me alot :)
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Sofar the only way ive been able to even break atmosphere, is with about 18 SRB\'s 4 BigBertha engines, and enough fuel tanks to make the Marshmallow factory explosion look like it was an M80 firecracker >_<

I would highly recommend you atleast orbit with stock parts before geting used to mods.

This way you can learn how to play and use fundemental designs correctly. Not to mention how huge tanks and engines can ruin most of the challenge for an new player.

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i tried >_<, i could never get a design to burn long enough and be stable in flight long enough to REACH upper atmosphere..even with SAS and RCS systems balancing AND my own intervention, i cant get it to stay there XD

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Guest Flixxbeatz

Just keep trying, orbits are hard at first.

And so is orbiting the mun

And so is landing on it

And so is orbiting the sun

And so is 'landing' on it.


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Guest Flixxbeatz

Again, why do you think this is hard? Any Mun rocket can do it.

But do you think everyone knows how?

That\'s a kick-start for new people out there :)

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Have you checked out the wiki? It\'s actually an excellent resource for the exact problem that you\'re having.

Here\'s a sample craft that isn\'t too hard to fly, and should get you into orbit with vanilla parts. I\'ll also give you instructions!

This is the order that you should build the ship (from the top down)





Stack Decoupler


RCS Tank (and RCS ports, with 4X symmetry)


Liquid Fuel Tank (stack 5 of these, and put one set of Radial Decouplers,

with 4X symmetry. Attach SRBs to those decouplers, with 4X symmetry)


Liquid fuel engine

On the right side, drag the LFE icon into the stage with the Solid boosters. You want all the engines to fire at the same time.


Launch. Jettison those solids when they\'re empty. Go straight up until 20 km in altitude. Then pitch over to 90 degrees. This is when I switch to map view. (you can pull up the control panel in map view with that tab near the bottom center.) Keep boosting until your Apoapsis (it\'ll tell you, don\'t worry.) is at 100,000 m. Then throttle down. If you\'ve done everything right up until this point, you should have 2 and a half tanks of fuel left. When the ship is nearing 100,000m, boost to 2,245.7 m/s. Depending on how things go, this entire process should take 8 or 9 minutes, and you should have an entire fuel tank left. I\'m supposing that you know how to deorbit.

@Tim. Yes, the wiki is alive.

Sorry guys, I ended up hitting alt-s instead of shift-s.

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Have you checked out the wiki? It\'s actually an excellent resource for the exact problem that you\'re having.

Here\'s a sample craft that isn\'t too hard to fly, and should get you into orbit. I\'ll also give you instructions!

This is the order that you should build the ship (from the top down)





Stack Decoupler


Is the Wiki alive?

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Have you checked out the wiki? It\'s actually an excellent resource for the exact problem that you\'re having.

Here\'s a sample craft that isn\'t too hard to fly, and should get you into orbit. I\'ll also give you instructions!

This is the order that you should build the ship (from the top down)





Stack Decoupler


im actually working well with the system i have now:





Stack decoupler




RCS fuel/RCS\'s x4


small fuel tank


small engine


stack Decoupler



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trust me right now i have a craft that looks kinda nasty, uses Down under and silisko parts.


parachute<SAS<Command<Decoupler<Mei Long Fuel/Lander< Decoupler<2m PT-4E Tank<LV-X850(Secondary long term low use engine mostly insertions)<4x Long Decouplers< FL-T800 fuel tanks<4x 2m PT-4E Tanks<4x LV-X850\'s

So far ..ive reached orbit, munar insertion, and almost a landing..but ran out of fuel just short of full insertion..too fast >_<

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Might be a stupid question but...Is there a way to get cockpit view? its incredibly hard to align with ANYTHING without a solid STATIC view >_<

There is no cockpit view, and apart from the windows on the command pod there is no real way to tell the orientation of your spacecraft visually. There is the navball in the center bottom of the screen, which takes about 5 minutes to get used to and makes it easy to orient yourself in relation to KSC, the celestial body you\'re orbiting and your velocity vector. Orientation in deep space can be tricky, yes, however AFAIK there\'s nothing to really aid you with that except developing that gut instinct.

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Well...That sucks...maybe we should get a Dev on that solution ASAP :D

having a Cockpit or even attached camera view would work WONDERS for correcting orbital insertions and alignments with docking in the future.

That would be cool, but the navaid (or navigation ball) is much easier and percise to use

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