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Chuck Norris Jokes.


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jesus can walk on water but chuck norris can swim on land

If Jesus can walk on water, than Chuck Norris can swim through land.

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On-Topic: Uhhh... 3. Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn\'t nearly foolish enough to attack him.

*le shameless copy/paste*

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Please read previous posts to avoid repeating what others have said.

On-Topic: Uhhh... 3. Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn\'t nearly foolish enough to attack him.

*le shameless copy/paste*

sorry about that i hot that joke from a youtube commet

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Chuck Norris doesn\'t actually consider it sex if the women survives.

Chuck Norris can blow a bubble with Beef Jerky

Chuck Norris was an only child......eventually

Every year on his birthday, Chuck Norris chooses one lucky child to be thrown into the sun

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