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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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  BaseDrifter said:
Hey everyone,

I love using ATM. It helps make the game playable with the large number of mods I use. What I don't love is how it made a lot of the Toolbar icons look fuzzy, or in some cases, a gray box with no discernible shape. This would happen in both the stock toolbar and blizzy's. I had read a number of pages back that small textures were supposed to be excluded from ATM compression, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

A little more searching led me to info saying that exceptions needed to be configured to prevent compression of certain textures. After a few hours of trial and error (I'm the furthest thing from a coder) I successfully modified the config files. I started out with fixing the DeadlyReentry icon, then fixed MechJeb's, and eventually figured out how to fix the blurred out parachute category icon in the VAB.

I also added an exception to the Squad folder for the strategies folder, no more blurry strategies!

A SCANsat config file is included with ATM, but I was still getting blurry icons. I rewrote the config file in the same format as the other ones and got it working.

Here's a list of the mods and exceptions I wrote:

DeadlyReentry - Exception for the Assets folder = fixed icons

EditorExtensions - Exception for the entire EditorExtensions folder = fixed icon

FerramAerospaceResearch - Exception for the textures folder = fixed icon

MagicSmokeIndustries - Exception for the textures folder = fixed icons

MechJeb2 - Exception for icons folder = fixed icons

SCANsat - Reformatted, exception for icons folder = fixed icons

SmartStage - Exception for the entire SmartStage folder = fixed icons

Squad - Exception for the strategies and partlist folders = fixed parachute category icon in VAB and strategies icons

StageRecovery - Exception for the entire StageRecovery folder = fixed icons

ThunderAerospace - Exception for the TACLS textures folder, I also removed compression from the TACLS containers as I use those most frequently and the compression made them look pretty bad.

I've compiled all of the configs into a zip file you can download below. I hope this helps some of the other noobs like me out there! If you're using a mod with icons that you want fixed let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix it for you, I've got the hang of it now. That said, if a more experienced modded could look over my configs to check for any errors that would be great, but they all appear to work well enough.


In principle, this is great. However, the zip file seems to be corrupted for me. Is anyone else having a problem with this file?

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Through the process of fussing endlessly with badly supported and undocumented mods whose behaviours are hidden inside dll files I am burning out hard on this game and can say if nobody has an answer, which I find hard to believe, regarding planetfactory folder png compression then ATM Planetfactory and the rest of this lot are going to have a permanent home in the recycle bin. What is the status of this mod working on Planetfactory? Why was support apparently removed? Why will my config file replacement do absolutely nothing at all despite being exactly the same except for the folder reference, as any of the other configs?

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  Ker Man said:
Through the process of fussing endlessly with badly supported and undocumented mods whose behaviours are hidden inside dll files I am burning out hard on this game and can say if nobody has an answer, which I find hard to believe, regarding planetfactory folder png compression then ATM Planetfactory and the rest of this lot are going to have a permanent home in the recycle bin. What is the status of this mod working on Planetfactory? Why was support apparently removed? Why will my config file replacement do absolutely nothing at all despite being exactly the same except for the folder reference, as any of the other configs?

We'll need the contents of your PlanetFactory config, and ideally, a screenshot of your Gamedata folder. Textures should be cached regardless of weather or not there is a config file available.

Also a screenshot of the cache directory would be beneficial.

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I actually meant the planet factory config for ATM, not the PF mod config :)

Are there any textures in the Planet Factory folder in Gamedata? IIRC the the textures/configs are actually installed in StarSystems, but I could be wrong.

ATM should cache ALL textures that have png, truecolor, tga, mbm and jpg extensions regardless if there is a config for them.

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Inside GameData PlanetFactory there's a dll and all the planet assets are arranged in sub sub-folders, it's just the way it's built. All are .png files. Is there a condition where ATM won't cache, even if there are compressible files in a place?

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  Ker Man said:
Inside GameData PlanetFactory there's a dll and all the planet assets are arranged in sub sub-folders, it's just the way it's built. All are .png files. Is there a condition where ATM won't cache, even if there are compressible files in a place?

Ah, well, it is possible (though unlikely with PF) that files are being re-used from elsewhere... What can happen is that the texture hash matches another texture perfectly, and it will re-use the texture in memory instead of loading it separately.

You can uncomment the DBG=TRUE line in the main active texture management config file, and then re-upload the log. That should be able to give us a better picture of what is going on.

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Thank you for making this mod, it's amazing and really should be integrated into KSP. It simply saves so much power, I love it. Thank you for giving the community such an amazing tool! :D

- - - Updated - - -

I'm so stupid, I installed x64 because it's less than 86, and I thought: "Oh, then...which is for 32-bit KSP? I'm guessing lower number."

WRONG. x86 is 32 bit. Darn it. :mad:

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  Solarspaceprobe said:

I'm so stupid, I installed x64 because it's less than 86, and I thought: "Oh, then...which is for 32-bit KSP? I'm guessing lower number."

WRONG. x86 is 32 bit. Darn it. :mad:

x86 is from the Intel 8086 CPU IBM used in their first Personal Computer, the Model 5150. It was a 16 bit CPU with an 8 bit bus, and it cost less than the fully 16 bit 8088. For some reason Intel did not continue the x88 for the fully 16 bit 80286. It should have been the 80288! There never was an 80286 with an 8 bit bus connection. The 80386 and 80486 32 bit CPUs came in 16 and 32 bit bus versions, but instead of having x86 and x88 to denote the difference, Intel appended SX to the cheaper variants, then DX to the full 32 bit versions.

IIRC, use of x86 began when the first 32 bit Intel CPUs were introduced, with it being used for 16 bit software while 32 bit was x32 or just "32 bit". There wasn't much importance to it since until 1995, there was very little 32 bit software to run on computers with 32 bit Intel (or compatible) CPUs. With the advent of 64 bit Intel CPUs, and especially once Microsoft released the first 64 bit version of Windows, x86 came to be used to mean "All less than 64 bit software for the Intel compatible platform.". But in the past 20 years' very steep drop in 16 bit software, x86 = 32 bit when initially 86 meant a 16 bit CPU hobbled with an 8 bit bus.

So that's how x86 came to denote a program meant for 32 bit Intel (or clone/compatible) hardware platform compatible software, because of IBM being too cheap to use the 8088 version of Intel's CPU 34 years ago.

Edited by Galane
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Hi all.

I just installer atm and FAR icon had gone blank.

I then looked in the icons setting and found nothing then in the atm configs and found no FAR cfg so I added one and now it work ^^

I join the file in this post for those interrested.


put it in your "GameData\ActiveTextureManagement\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs" folder

found work. it just specify the mod to rescal the pngs at 1 time the size (^_^)

I didn't test when setting enable = false.

enjoy !

seems to me that any icon issue could be resolved by that. or simply detected the "icon" key word in the texture file.

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How do I write a config that completely prevents ATM from touching a specific folder? Trying the enabled = false setting did not have any effect - the folder would still show up in the texturecache folder. I must be missing something obvious, but i have not managed to find out what...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  Tellion said:
How do I write a config that completely prevents ATM from touching a specific folder? Trying the enabled = false setting did not have any effect - the folder would still show up in the texturecache folder. I must be missing something obvious, but i have not managed to find out what...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

All textures will always be "handled", that is, cached, but not resized unless there is a config for it.

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  SpaceLaunchSystem said:
How would I go about uninstalling this mod? I've decided I'm going to cut back on the sheer amount of mods I have, and I want to maybe have only one or two essentials installed. Is there any process besides just removing the folder?

Nope. That is it.

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  SpaceLaunchSystem said:
It will de-compress and re-size all textures to their original sizes?

It never alters the original textures to begin with. The plugin disables KSP's texture loader in favor of ATM, and then ATM reads the textures and creates a cached version of those in it's own directory. Deleting the mod reverts to the original behavior.

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  LostOblivion said:
Does this mod put more textures into video RAM? I have a card with 1024 MB video memory. Is it enough for KSP?

If you wan't stuff to be load in VRAM you will need to use -force-opengl -popupwindow launch parameters (or -force-d3d11 (buggy)).

(in opengl mode you need to force anti-aliasing through video drivers also)

The amount of VRAM needed depend of how many textures you have to load.

ie. I have 52 mods installed RAM usage is as follow :

Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157

[C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\MODS]

1_FLAG MadKerbal




















































(*texture pack includes Texture replacer + EVE 7.4 + some Better atmosphere stuff)

Using, opengl/DDS Loader/ATM :

- System RAM : around 2.4GB

- Video RAM : around 2.6GB

Game can be stable for hours, but sometimes a memory leak triggers (still have to find what mod cause this) and game crashes as soon as ksp.exe reach around 3.5GB system RAM usage.

Edited by Athlonic
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